A letter

John G

Jan 31, 2019
Marital Status
Just posting this here.
Found it.. or wrote it.. I honestly don't remember which, days after my marriage separation.
Maybe someone here reading it can take something from it..

The letter I wished I could send myself on my wedding day..

Hey You!

Its Your wedding day, and guess what. Here is some advice.
From me! err you! In 2018
That sounds so far away, but read this advice, and things will be better.
Don’t follow what is written within, and things are going to hurt. Bad.

When you see Her walking down the aisle today, keep 2 things in mind my friend:
1 She said yes to you! Faults and all! Be very, very happy. This young lady is a gift from God.
2 Neither of you are perfect, and there is good and bad to come.
You both can deal with it.

Some things you need to know.

She will change. She won’t stop loving you, but she will change.
The thing YOU need to do is learn to pray. Not just a sentence prayer, but really pray. Take your wife, and your family to God in prayer. Neglecting this will cost you in more ways than one.

You will get distracted with kids, work, life, family. Don’t ever forget to pray.

Through that prayer you will love her the way Christ loves you. Do not ever underestimate that fact.
Imagine seeing Her the way God looks down lovingly on her. Honor her in that vision.

Ignore this first piece of advice... and you will not enjoy the benefits it will bring. Your choice.

Secondly. You will change.

Work on patience.
You will need it when the kids keep coming into your family.

If I can implore anything onto you... Learn patience!

Frustration will do damage to your marriage.
Find an audio bible and listen to it. Learn Gods word. You will need it to remain honest, trustworthy and praiseworthy.

Another tip: Look into healthy food. You need to keep in shape to be able to do all the things that are coming your way. Don’t allow bad eating habits to run your lives... it will cost you time, money and health

Hard times are coming!

The first few years will glide by.,. And feel very good, but if you fail to follow God's plans for you both... things could fall apart in a very painful way.
Being out of step with God… prayer, his word and Godly influences... will cause pain you don’t have to go through.

Get your focus centered on God. Now. Pray every day. Write your prayers down in a journal. Pray with your wife, placing every plan in front of the Lord instead of making decisions yourselves.

You have the ability to make some HUGE mistakes…

Don’t exclude yourself from financial and emotional decisions. Get involved with Her on the family topics and worries. Do not let her do it all herself.

Do not be afraid to talk to someone.

When grief, loss, heartache, depression or anxiety show up... find a counselor. Talk about the mistakes you make, and how to avoid them again. Learn from your mistakes... don’t repeat them.

Take them to God also, he is always waiting at his throne of grace, as you bring him everything!

And finally… Listen to advice!

Seek out wise, Godly men and soak up the wisdom they have, the experience they have, and learn from their mistakes too.

“Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up! Again, if two lie together, they keep warm, but how can one keep warm alone? And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him—a threefold cord is not quickly broken.” (Ecclesiastes 4.9-12)

The third cord is the Lord.

Keep him at the centre, and the marriage will be strong and beautiful.

He will hold it together during the good and bad times, as long as he is involved.

With God as the lead, you can withstand any storms the world throws at you.

Married life will be tough, but God will lead you both on a path, you just have to stick to it!

Remember, love that girl as Jesus loves you.

She is on her way to say ‘I do’ to you... make that decision one she won’t ever regret…

See you in the mirror

Your Future Self