Pre-Trib Only A Chronology of the End Times


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2017
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to: Jason0047 ~ to Douggg ~ to mark kennedy ~

Y'all have worthy contributions regarding the end times - I also have done in depth studies of the end times. It is very Complex - Because it is inclusive of all things created; Heaven, Earth, World, Angels, Mankind, Beasts; and their relationship WITH or WITHOUT God. And being VERY Complex issue; is a most difficult thing to attempt in a forum of this sort.

God Bless,
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Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2017
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If you are using the term 'the tribulation" purposely, it shows that you don't know what you are talking about. "The tribulation" is not a biblical term, so to say that God brings it - is also misleading and confusing.

to: to Douggg ~ to mark kennedy ~ Jason0047

Y'all have worthy contributions regarding the end times - I also have done in depth studies of the end times. It is very Complex - Because it is inclusive of all things created; Heaven, Earth, World, Angels, Mankind, Beasts; and their relationship WITH or WITHOUT God. And being VERY Complex issue; is a most difficult thing to attempt in a forum of this sort.

God Bless,
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Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2017
United States
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Actually I do know what I'm talking about:

to mark kennedy ~ to Douggg ~ to Jason0047

Y'all have worthy contributions regarding the end times - I also have done in depth studies of the end times. It is very Complex - Because it is inclusive of all things created; Heaven, Earth, World, Angels, Mankind, Beasts; and their relationship WITH or WITHOUT God. And being VERY Complex issue; is a most difficult thing to attempt in a forum of this sort.

God Bless,
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Feb 17, 2019
United States
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Jason, I appreciated the effort you are making to sort all the prophecies out and put them into a end times scenario.

You need to state things in terms of the "the 70th week" and not "tribulation". Tribulation is not a bible term used synonymous with the 70th week.

2. 1st Half of 7 Year 70th week
3. 2nd Half of 7 Year 70th week: Armageddon, and Christ's 2nd Coming.

Much of the first half of "the 70th week" will appear as though the world had entered the messianic age - as the Jews and others will be saying "peace and safety". So it is wrong to called it, first half of the "tribulation". So, I would suggest that everywhere you typed "the tribulation" replace it with "the 70th week".

There is the time of the "great tribulation" during the 70th week. That term is necessary and appropriate to use.

I glanced through your scenario and you have some refining to do regarding the placement of events on the 70th week timeline.

The abomination of desolation, for example, is setup 1335 days before Jesus returns. That would place it near the end of the first half of the 70th week, as the two witnesses have their battle with the beast for 75 days until he kills them on day 1260.

They rise 3 1/2 days later - leaving 1256.5 days in the 70th week. Since 1256.5 days is not 1260 days, but a little less, the bible uses the expression 42 months. In Revelation 13, the beast will rule over the earth for 42 months, after the two witnesses are gone.

The 42 months is the second half of the 70th week, but the 42 months are not the exact equivalent of 1260 days.

Hey Doug,
Robert here again. Thanks for the response to my earlier questions. I am still studying over the material that you sent. I really appreciate the effort you have put into it.
I was reading through this thread and found your commentary which raises some more questions for me, if you will be so kind to indulge me.
The two witnesses are killed by the beast between the 6th and 7th trumpet as detailed in Revelation 11. Soon after the 2 witnesses' death, resurrection and ascension occurs, the 7th trumpet is sounded and voices in heaven are saying, "The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of His Christ; and He shall reign for ever and ever." Verse 17 says the Lord God has taken His great power and begun to reign.
It appears that the Kingdom of Christ starts or has already started at the seventh trumpet. If that occurs near the middle of the 70th week, that would have the Kingdom of Christ starting at the same time as the 42 month rule of the antichrist. The two kingdoms, the kingdom of antichrist and the kingdom of Christ would be existing at the same time. That does not seem to be eschatologically sound.
Would not the reign of Christ starting very shortly after departure of the two witnesses necessarily dictate that the trumpets and the 1260 day ministry of the witnesses be primarily in the second half of the 70th week?
I similarly believe the abomination of desolation, as well as the cessation of the temple sacrifice and grain offering, occurs late in the first half of the week as stated in Daniel 12. I am not yet convinced in my own mind if it is 1290 days or 1335 days before the end of the 70th week.
I hope I have done a reasonably good job of explaining the timeline dilemma. (or at least my understanding of what has been said in your posting.)
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anytime rapture, non-dispensationalist, futurist
May 28, 2009
United States
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Hey Doug,
Robert here again. Thanks for the response to my earlier questions. I am still studying over the material that you sent. I really appreciate the effort you have put into it.
I was reading through this thread and found your commentary which raises some more questions for me, if you will be so kind to indulge me.
The two witnesses are killed by the beast between the 6th and 7th trumpet as detailed in Revelation 11. Soon after the 2 witnesses' death, resurrection and ascension occurs, the 7th trumpet is sounded and voices in heaven are saying, "The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of His Christ; and He shall reign for ever and ever." Verse 17 says the Lord God has taken His great power and begun to reign.
It appears that the Kingdom of Christ starts or has already started at the seventh trumpet. If that occurs near the middle of the 70th week, that would have the Kingdom of Christ starting at the same time as the 42 month rule of the antichrist. The two kingdoms, the kingdom of antichrist and the kingdom of Christ would be existing at the same time. That does not seem to be eschatologically sound.
Would not the reign of Christ starting very shortly after departure of the two witnesses necessarily dictate that the trumpets and the 1260 day ministry of the witnesses be primarily in the second half of the 70th week?
I similarly believe the abomination of desolation, as well as the cessation of the temple sacrifice and grain offering, occurs late in the first half of the week as stated in Daniel 12. I am not yet convinced in my own mind if it is 1290 days or 1335 days before the end of the 70th week.
I hope I have done a reasonably good job of explaining the timeline dilemma. (or at least my understanding of what has been said in your posting.)
(Robert, in my next post, I will get to responding to your thoughts on the timing of the two witnesses, and what is involved when the 7th trumpet sounds and why it is not at the end of the 7 years, as many people think.)


Robert, in this thread, I had made several posts explaining why the 1260 days, the 42 months, and the time, times, half time are not "exact" equivalents to each other, although close. Because they are not exact equivalents, we are able to position the 1260 days, the 42 months, and the time, times, half times either to be in the first half or in the second half of the seven years.

What I did since then (2016-17) because words alone are a lot of time not adequate in conveying some concepts - was to make a chart. Here is the chart, beginning when the AoD is setup.

All of the timeframes and what day (in dark red) on the timeline each occur are on the chart. The 1335 days and the 1290 days are also on the chart.

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