#6 in Christian Persecution, Nigeria


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Jul 27, 2009
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More believers are killed for their faith in Nigeria each year than anywhere else in the world combined. The attacks are often brutal in nature and can involve destruction of properties, abductions for ransom, sexual violence and death. Believers are stripped of their livelihoods and driven from their homes.
Violence by Islamic extremist groups such as Fulani militants, Boko Haram and ISWAP (Islamic State in West African Province) increased during the presidency of Muhammadu Buhari, putting Nigeria at the epicentre of targeted violence against the Church. The government’s failure to protect Christians and punish perpetrators has only strengthened the militants’ influence.
Christians living in the Shariah (Islamic law) states of northern Nigeria can also face discrimination and oppression as second-class citizens.

Meet Pastor Zachariah​

“I’m pleading with our dear brothers and sisters in Christ to help me pray [that] God will help me to provide for our four remaining children that are with me after my wife died, and for God to encourage them to hold on to Him and never turn back.”
Pastor Zachariah, who lost his wife and son in an attack on his village in May 2023.

What does Open Doors do to help?​

Open Doors works through local church partners in Nigeria to strengthen Christians with discipleship and persecution survival training, trauma care, relief aid and economic empowerment projects.

Please pray​

  • Pray that victims of violence and their families will find healing and hope in Jesus.
  • Pray for peace, stability and safety in the areas where militants seem to attack with impunity.
  • Pray for Open Doors partners helping displaced Christians with practical aid and spiritual care.