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Aug 11, 2023
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Hello folks. Lately, our world has seen an uptick in persecuted Christians. @LoricaLady and @totallylovedbygod have discussed how Christians in Asia and Africa have been harmed or hurt by others, or have been impacted negatively by society as a whole. Today, we will be analyzing 2 Timothy 3:12, a verse about persecuted Christians.

April 25, 2024​
2 Timothy 3:12 (NIV): "In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted"​
2 Timothy 3:12 is a passage from the New Testament book of 2 Timothy, written by the apostle Paul to his young protege, Timothy. The verse states, "In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted." This means that those who choose to follow Christ and live according to His teachings will likely face opposition, hardships, or even physical harm from others due to their faith.
A well-known example of a persecuted figure in the Bible is Stephen, who is described in the book of Acts as "a man full of faith and of the Holy Spirit" (part of Acts 6:5). Stephen's godly life and bold witness for Christ brought him into conflict with the religious leaders of his time. The leaders falsely accused Stephen of blasphemy, and he was stoned to death (Acts 7).
Societal Relevance
In modern life, the verse continues to be relevant as many Christians around the world face persecution for their faith. According to Open Doors USA, a nonprofit organization that supports persecuted Christians, an estimated ~360 million Christians live in countries where they experience high levels of persecution, such as in China and Iran as of 2024. This persecution can take many forms, including physical violence, discrimination, social ostracism, and even legal prosecution.
The verse also speaks to the experience of many Christians in the Western world, who may not face physical persecution but still encounter hostility or discrimination due to their faith. For example, some Christians may face social pressure to keep their faith private or may be bullied or ostracized for expressing their beliefs in public. Others may face legal challenges, such as being denied the right to practice their faith in certain settings or having their religious freedoms infringed upon by government policies.

Overall, 2 Timothy 3:12 reminds us that following Christ may not be easy or popular, but it is a worthy calling. It also calls us to pray for and support our brothers and sisters in Christ who face persecution around the world.