10 Ways to Pray for Singles in Your Life


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Feb 5, 2002
United States
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Prayer is communication with God. It is showing God admiration for who He is. It is confessing your sins against God to Him. It is an act of thanksgiving. It is petitioning to God for your needs and on behalf of others. Prayer is a valuable tool all Christians/believers use to talk to God. When it comes to singles, many people pray for them. However, the prayers that are often prayed are centered around singles finding a mate. While this is okay, there are other prayers people can submit to God on behalf of singles. If you desire to pray for unmarried individuals but don't quite know where to start, take a look at the list below.

1. Pray for Single's Peace of Mind​

The absence of anxiety and stress. A sense of freedom and calmness. The ability to focus, function, and complete daily tasks without worry. Many singles desire marriage and struggle with the thought of the possibility of living life without a partner. Many of these thoughts are often triggered by comments or questions about their relationship status, social media posts, familial pressure, and friends. Praying for singles to have peace of mind and accept their current relationship status will prove more helpful to them rather than praying for them to have a relationship. Not only this but pray for their overall peace of mind to live life as God wants them to.

2. Pray for Their Joy​

Continued below.