‘for God So Loved The World That He Gave His Only Begotten Son That Whosoever Believ

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Jan 13, 2015
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YOU ONES ARE EACH AN ONLY BEGOTTEN SON OF GOD. Jesus is not the 2nd person of Trinity.

The Eternal Son is the FIRST BEGOTTEN SON OF GOD, and is a spirit force that forever draws to Paradise.

His Father is also YOUR Father, thus you are a Son of God. Your Father is WITHIN YOU.

For God so loved the world that HE has come HIMSELF to bring HIS children home


I have come to reorient your belief through rightful thinking so that you may see that this teaching of old has been interfered with to serve the purpose of separation; to trash the truth that each individuation of Source is a son and daughter, as well as the Source in manifestation.

The clueless will believe the vanity of such a statement for they desire to bow to and laud a being that can save them, with the promise of eternal life in exchange for the belief in HIS Son. It reeks of a pact that God is making with HIS children to ensure and earn their belief in HIS ONLY son. It sings a song of sacrifice that God has made for HIS children in love and out of love. HE so loved HIS children that HE would send one of them to die for the others to secure their salvation. How can anyone with reasoning mind and with God presence believe such foolhardiness?

How many believe that to accept God or the Son as their Lord and Saviour will save them from death eternal and earn them life eternal? How many out of fear believe in God for the very reason to secure life instead of the impoverishment of eternal damnation or death? Is it love that drives or motivates the belief or is it fear for one’s salvation? Is it a need to know God in truth and be aligned with HIS nature or is it fear of HELL? Perhaps it is a love of a belief rather than God Himself? How can you love a God you do not know? Do you love the supposed sacrifice that God made in sending HIS beloved Son to die for your self-created sins, and thus your love for God is moved by HIS selflessness? Do you love the Son because He purged you of your sins through the shedding of His blood? Do you love Him because he bore the pain of humiliation, degradation, abuse and alleged death ALL FOR YOU? Do you know Him in truth or do you seek to believe in Him because you were taught it is correct to do so? How about being honest during this time with yourself?

‘Settlers’ of perceived truth and ‘Pilgrims’ of truth will have different answers to the above questions given for contemplation. Pilgrims will always uncover and discover, if their intent is truth; settlers will always accept what is given to them without question or exploration.

I will firstly correct the misconception and false belief that God has One begotten son. All that commeth from God are children of God. Each person is a begotten son and daughter of God. Yet not all know that they are God in manifest and so they keep seeking a God, Saviour and Redeemer outside of themselves. Their beliefs are fashioned by the thoughts and beliefs of others. They resent the independence of self thinking and feel unworthy within themselves to accept the reality of truth, which is that they hold the infinite intelligence of the ONE GOD within them. The consciousness of the ONE cannot be divided. It is in all things and everywhere. It is however, easier to follow than it is to think for one’s self, and form one’s own belief through inner exploration with the intent of truth seeking.

When you begin to know yourself as God and can recite with unequivocality that I AND MY FATHER ARE ONE, then you earn the right to call yourself a begotten son/daughter of God. In the interim you must marshal your thoughts and disregard the musings of those who project ‘a belief’ as truth out of obedience or custom, and begin from the premise, that if I am a creation of God then God’s is within me. As you travel through your mind you will reach a pinnacle which extends beyond the human mind. It is this mind which holds the answers or truth you seek. Truth cannot be obtained without quest. Acceptance of what others say or acceptance of long held beliefs is no longer a viable alternative for those who desire to know the Source of their being.

You do not stumble upon the God within yourself. You must have a route map which guides you to the only RESOURCE that holds everything you ever desired. When you begin to recognise this resource within yourself, you divest yourself of notions, beliefs and false adages which keep you stuck in the mindset of separation.

The ‘begotten son’ was not sent, but chose to incarnate upon your earth plane to fulfil a mission that would earn Him the right to fully govern His Universe. He did not come to save mankind but to lead and teach by example, Gods love for all HIS children through the Oneness of ALL. He came to encourage man to see himself as immortal even in his current seat of consciousness and to know that death was not a reality. He came to resurrect the consciousness of God amongst and within the people, which would set a standard of living to a consciousness unpolluted by fear, divisiveness and hatred.

He did not come to sacrifice His life to save any human being. He did not come to guarantee eternal life for those who believed in Him. He came to establish a kingdom of love in the hearts of men and women that they would choose and desire their right to eternal life.

Belief in the Son or God alone cannot earn anyone eternal life. Eternal life is the gift given to the soul that masters the lower realms of time and space and births himself/herself out of the illusion of separation into the knowing that only ONE exists; and that that, has always been the status quo. Mastery as spoken of requires the positive action of assuming responsibility for one’s personal and spiritual unfolding. You cannot expect to solely master the physical things in your world through acquisition, and say you believe in the Son and thus you will ascend to heaven when you die.

If you cannot see yourself as worthy through your inherited status as a son of God, then how can you feel worthy of eternal life, which cannot become your reality unless you choose it. When you believe in God and the Son you are in truth believing in yourself for there is no separation. If you do not comprehend this then you will always live in fear and doubt as to whether you will experience eternal life. When you know God and the Son as yourself then you are free. Even in your human state you will feel, be and live free of the notion and worry of death and will strive to focus on your God potential which you will channel to create the world you desire You will see yourself and others as eternal even in the here and now and not bow to the will of untruth.

The one thing that is unchangeable is the enormity of God’s love for HIS children. For aeons HE has sent messengers to do HIS will in educating and freeing the masses from the penury of spirit. HE sought to inject through these ones, harmony in a world pestered by rage and anarchy, and to rescue HIS ailing children from the cauldron of lies that threatened to singe the soul of truth from the shell of their material form.

HE has come again through the steady minds of HIS chosen ones to dismantle the bridge of separation and HE has come again through the BEGOTTEN SON who labours in the invisible to anchor HIS presence on your plane through established grids of imperishable light. HIS essence is descending in gradual showers as HE begins the gathering process. As the momentum builds HE leans in and the promise of LIFE is extended to those who choose the LIGHT. The monotone of darkness is slowly being effaced into an echoless void and the ONE reignites the fire of EXISTENCE in the hearts of those whose lives are emboldened by truth. The barriers are being lifted and the history of lies slowly erased as the blueprint of HIS WILL is being laid along the four corners of your plane.

Fleetstar :wave:


Jan 13, 2015
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Dec 27, 2009
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I don't think I really understand what you're trying to say here

I did not read the whole of the post, I have difficulty with long posts like that on a screen,

but what I read was not so difficult to understand,
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Aug 3, 2012
Marital Status
Your post is so obsecured. Too full of... well...stuff. Going from here to there.
God's Word is good enough for me. He is the only absolute.

It is appointed unto man once to die, after this the judgment. Heb 9:27

No man is good enough to be God. Romans 3:12

Only God can save, and He did just that in the form of Jesus Christ John 1, Heb 1, Col 1

Acts 4:12
"Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name
under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved."

Isaiah 43:11
"I, even I, am the LORD; and beside me there is no savior."

All you must do is believe in Jesus, not yourself.
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Jan 13, 2015
Marital Status
Your post is so obsecured. Too full of... well...stuff. Going from here to there.
God's Word is good enough for me. He is the only absolute.

It is appointed unto man once to die, after this the judgment. Heb 9:27

No man is good enough to be God. Romans 3:12

Only God can save, and He did just that in the form of Jesus Christ John 1, Heb 1, Col 1

Acts 4:12
"Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name
under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved."

Isaiah 43:11
"I, even I, am the LORD; and beside me there is no savior."

All you must do is believe in Jesus, not yourself.

Letters from Christ

Carry a seed within your mind

Excerpt from “ Christ Letters 3 " Pg. 8 - 10

If a person were to have ‘faith’ the size of a mustard seed – what does that mean? How can you measure faith in such a way?

Faith is faith.

It is a ‘power of total conviction’ in the mind, possessing the mind and cannot be restricted in ‘size’.

Faith, arising out of your need to believe in something, because such a belief will serve your purposes in some way, can be powerful and strong, but never could it be estimated in ‘size’!

Belief is even stronger. Belief is the offspring of hearsay and logic. Because you have heard something and been convinced that what you have heard or read is true, you develop a deep belief in what you have heard. You believe it to be true. You believe in a total, complete way which defies contradiction.

I was constantly telling the people: ‘Believe you will receive – and you will receive’.

However, I knew at the time, that it would be well nigh impossible for the people to ever have the faith which would cause miracles to happen, since no matter how much I might explain Truth to them, they would still never have the intense knowing given me in the desert.

In the LIGHT OF CHRIST's SPRITUAL TRUTH, doctrines become meaningless & are swiftly jettisoned from the illuminated mind.

But now, as I relate, in small measure, the story of my sojourn on earth in Palestine, it is with the intention that you, my reader, will begin to perceive and understand the knowledge I was given during my enlightenment.

My intention is to give you knowledge. Hearsay is when you are told something but you cannot really prove it is true. Knowledge is when you are told something – or read something – and because what you have now heard or read complies logically and realistically with all related items of knowledge already in your mind, and you can understand and believe it in a realistic, logical way, the new information becomes knowledge. You KNOW that what you now ‘know’ is TRUE. You have a sense of ‘conviction’.

Up to this time, some of you have had faith in ‘Jesus Christ’ but you have been like precocious children. Your faith has been partially blind and accepting, yet interwoven with much doubt.

Therefore, whatever you needed to be done for you, you depended on ‘Jesus’ for the work to be accomplished. Whereas, in fact, much of what you believe you have derived directly from ‘Jesus’ has been your own ‘faith in Jesus’ made visible in the form of things asked for.

Whilst this child-like ‘faith’ is very important to your well-being, those of you who are capable of moving onward on the spiritual path to perfection, must now reach a deeper level of true knowledge of the relation between mind and ‘matter’. Without this foundation, people will continue to flounder in religious myths and will be locked into the misery of the human condition.

When I was on earth, I spoke Truth to the people, but it was continually misinterpreted. What I really said regarding faith, was this:

‘You see this great big tree. It has grown out of the tiniest seed imaginable. See the vast trunk and branches and foliage. All that enormous growth has come out of a small seed.

‘How did such a thing come about? From whence came all the wood in the tree and the foliage which adorns it! Is not this as much a miracle as are the miracles I perform for you, day after day? Is not the growth of this tree as much the work of the ‘Father’ as the healing which takes place in sick people?

‘I ask you – what is a seed? Can you tell me? No – you cannot. But I will tell you.

‘It is a tiny entity of ‘consciousness knowledge’. It is the ‘consciousness knowledge’ of what it will become. It is a fragment of ‘consciousness’ drawn from ‘Divine Creative Consciousness’.

‘It is a fragment of mind power drawn from ‘Father Mind Power’ ... which, when planted in the earth and watered by rain, will begin to clothe itself with the visible ‘matter’ of which it possesses knowledge, deep within itself. This knowledge is true, it is firm, it is strong and undeviating. This self-knowledge embodied in the seed, is a conviction in ‘consciousness’.

‘All of life forms arise out of this one-pointed self-knowledge – a ‘conviction in consciousness’.

This ‘conviction in consciousness’ is what separates the inanimate soil and rocks from all that lives and grows upon the face of the earth. Where there is no ‘conviction of consciousness’ or ‘knowledge of identity’ there is no growth. The consciousness within soil and rocks remains ‘consciousness’ in a dormant form.

‘Therefore, if you could believe in what you ask for, as powerfully as does a mustard seed know its own identity,

In the LIGHT OF CHRIST's SPRITUAL TRUTH, doctrines become meaningless & are swiftly jettisoned from the illuminated mind.

you would be able to do anything you wanted to do.

‘If you could carry within your mind, a seed – the perfected plan of your most heartfelt goals, and know beyond all doubt, that it can grow and come into perfect fruition, you would see this wonderful seed take on a life of its own which would presently manifest in your life.

‘And you could surely move the mountains in your lives – those mountains which stand across your path and prevent you from achieving all that you would like ... mountains which, in times of recklessness and evil thinking have been created by yourselves.

‘If you only understood creation and existence, you would be able to live lives of total freedom, limitless achievement and transcendent joy.

‘Seek to understand and you will find that little by little, understanding will come to you.

‘Knock on the door of the universe giving access to ‘God’ – the ‘Universal Father Consciousness’ and eventually, you will find the door swinging open, and you will have entrance to the secrets of the world.

‘Only believe and you will receive.’

I also reminded them at all times:

‘Only those with pure minds and hearts will accomplish these mighty things.

‘The wicked may flourish for a while, as have kings and marauding armies and others hoarding iniquity in their minds; they have been permitted to do their work for a while, since certain good would also arise out of the evil, but eventually they fail and their names are reviled by the rest of the world.

‘Therefore, as many of you as would succeed, examine your motivations. Desires born solely of selfish longing for wealth or comfort eventually end in disappointment, sickness and death.’

And I say to you who read these words – let no one dare to deny the Truth I speak until they too, have walked the Path of Self Renunciation which I walked on earth and reached the same union with the ‘Father’ and the heights of incontrovertible knowledge and understanding as I possessed. When you have achieved all this, you will no longer have any desire to deny the truth I speak to you but will be unable to restrain yourselves from joining ‘me’ in teaching your fellowmen. Until that time, hold your peace and let no man know your ignorance.

Fleetstar :wave:
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