
  1. I

    Homeless Sex Drive -- What Do I Do???

    As a single man in my early 20s, what am I supposed to do with my high sex drive? -- Fornication is forbidden -- Porn is forbidden -- Masturbation is forbidden (I can't do it without lust) I have attempted to give my desires to God in the form of prayer, but He doesn't seem very interested...
  2. K

    Devotional Prayer Journal (for the waiting woman!)

    Devotional Prayer Journal (for the waiting woman!) purchase here Waiting Woman of God, this is for you! Searching for a way to be content and fruitful in a season of waiting? Letting what you don't have consume your thoughts and wondering what to do with your life as you wait? Joy and...
  3. bèlla

    The Warped World of Incel Extremists

    Inside the Warped World of Incel Extremists Jake Davison shot two women, two men and the three-year-old girl in a deadly six-minute spree. In trying to understand what prompted a man in Plymouth, England to commit the worst mass shooting in the UK for over a decade, attention has turned to his...
  4. JustSomeBloke

    Causes of Singleness

    Just a few thoughts I've had recently about causes of singleness. Maybe it will provoke some debate and be helpful, maybe not. They are not listed in any particular order. 1. Work/social/church doesn't result in contact with many potential matches. 2. Conversation style and strategy with...
  5. Unofficial Reverand Alex

    Thoughts whilst shooting pool

    Sometimes, I just really want to shoot pool. No worries about score, or rules, or even aiming...just throw some balls on the table, grab a cue, and start hitting them around. Sometimes, they make it in a pocket. I just find the sound of pool balls hitting each other very satisfying, and...
  6. E

    When to start looking for a spouse?

    Dear brothers and sisters, Thank you for your community and shared brotherhood in Christ! Social media tends to be so sin-saturated; it's refreshing and comforting to find Christian community during COVID online. Lately I've been having trouble with temptation to lust. Fortunately, there are...
  7. Lybrah

    Does God want me to be single by not sending any men with whom I can connect?

    Looking back, I realize that I discounted some good men. But at the time, I did not have feelings for them. I wanted to have feelings for them, but the feelings weren't there. I even cried one time because this one guy was great but I just couldn't like him. I am not gay--I have had crushes...
  8. bèlla

    Submission & Headship

    What does submission and headship mean to you? How do you serve your partner and where do you struggle? Singles may address the question as service unto the Lord instead. This is an honest discussion on biblical submission and headship. It is an opportunity for participants to share their...
  9. B

    Lady In Waiting

    Hello everyone! I just needed some sound christian advice. I am 28 years old and have been single my whole life. I have had men that I have had situations with but never made it to us being in a relationship. As of late, I have really been desiring a relationship that will eventually lead to...
  10. bèlla

    Recommended Reads

    I'd like to create a reading resource for this area. If you've read helpful books in the following topics please share them below. Thanks! Singleness Pre-Marital Marriage Masculinity Femininity Parenting Homemaking
  11. F

    Feeling hopeless about finding a husband and resisting temptation

    Hello everyone, I'm 22 and a little less than a year ago I ended a relationship with my exboyfriend because he was not a believer and I decided to follow Jesus. At that time, I was also sure that my future husband was somewhere out there. Well, about a year later I feel like everyone around...
  12. Revivalist1992

    Are more Millennial christians choosing to stay single for longer?

    I want to start by looking at what the bible says in: 1 Corinthians 7:32-35 "I want you to be free from anxieties. The unmarried man is anxious about the things of the Lord, how to please the Lord. But the married man is anxious about worldly things, how to please his wife, and his interests...
  13. F

    Masturbation and perpetual singleness

    Hey all! I'm a new member, who's looking for answers and advice without typical textbook replies. This isn't something I can really discuss with some one in person. I'm a 27 yo male. Grew up ultra fundie, but have left the legalism. I am a complete in I've never even had a passing...
  14. GracefulGalPal

    Being single is hard...

    I've been single for years... its not fun. I wish I could find a suitable boyfriend or husband. I want to continue my mothers bloodline and give her grandkids! Going to church with a partner sounds so nice... Maybe I should start looking myself instead of of waiting for someone to come to me?
  15. T

    How do you deal with being "clingy"?

    I realize recently that I can be clingy. And even though for the most part It does not happen, it definitely shows itself when I am actually connecting with someone Socially interacting beyond my norm Sharing things I don't share (because I actually feel comfortable to share & they actually...
  16. N

    Books For Singles

    Here's some good books to read during the singleness season: 1. They Were Single Too. - David M. Hoffeditz 2. I'm Happy for You. - Kay Wills Wyma 3. Pure Desire. - Ted Roberts 4. Crash the Chatterbox. - Steven Furtick 5. When God Doesn't Fix It. - Laura Story 6. Single, Married...
  17. S

    Does God dislike spinsters / bachelors ?

    I met with an idea that the status "a spinster" or "a bachelor" does not exist, i mean like in Gods eyes. That one can be only married or the consecrated person. People who standed for this opinion were spiritual autorities in my parish, they studied theology and nobody would doubt their...
  18. S

    I feel lost..

    I feel so lost right now. I used to be so on fire for Christ and it feels like I have lost Him. I need some advice, it is much appreciated. About 5 years ago I used to be engaged to be married. I ended up calling off the wedding and it was very difficult. We continue to try to date off and...
  19. H

    The Church's Problem with Singleness

    This is just something that's been really bothering me lately regarding a so-called "gift of singleness." I understand that there a plenty of people who are happy being single, but a great many more are not. They would like to be married (including myself) yet most churches are doing little to...
  20. Sakhile

    Dating and marriage, is it worth it?

    Hi all. I am a Christian single woman. At first I was not dating because I had daddy issues and trust issues with men because of the lack of male role models in my life. However, now I am single because I have been focused on developing myself, career, mental, physical and spiritual. However, I...