
  1. Tom 1

    The misinformation pandemic

    Nb. I don't think the below is exclusive to scientific/unscientific thinking. More generally anyone can have this tendency to think that expertise in one area means that their opinions on some other, unrelated, area are valid, despite any lack of knowledge of that other field, topic etc. That...
  2. chadMiddleMan

    A Young Earth Friendly Old Earth Creationism

    Hi all! A decade ago I was a hard core Young Earth Creationist (YEC). I taught it with zeal at youth group services, evangelism classes, and apologetics seminars. I thought that the main two views of Genesis 1 were the Biblical view (literal), and the non-Biblical view (non-literal)...
  3. Hazelelponi

    Curiosity Stream - anyone subscribe?

    I can't afford it right this moment, but I am curious if anyone subscribes to Curiosity Stream and what they think of it... It actually looks like a cool channel, and I may consider throwing the 20 bucks at it if it's worth it, so I'd like to hear from those who have this channel.. All their...
  4. L

    It's 2019, not 1519.

    Before I begin, I'd like to state that I'm an Atheist. As far as I can remember, although my parents were Theists, I have never been one. The thought of a god seems so improbably to me. It just makes no logical sense. As far as I am able to recall, I've always felt that a god was illogical...
  5. L Wakefield

    the dream child hypothesis

    (on amazon) that the self begins at first breath should it be tested or not?
  6. SummerMadness

    Nasa unveils new spacesuit for next Moon landing

    Nasa unveils new spacesuit for next Moon landing
  7. public hermit

    Replication Crisis in Psychology

    Is there a replication crisis in psychology? I have been tracking this for a few years, and I would say there is. One of the things that worries me is that in some Christians circles there is already a tendency of incredulity towards science. (That might be the friendly way to put it.) I try to...
  8. SummerMadness

    The Crisis for Birds Is a Crisis for Us All

    The Crisis for Birds Is a Crisis for Us All This is what makes the spiteful actions to remove animals from the endangered species list all the more important. When all you care about is money, it's good for that individual, but everyone pays later.
  9. Arbown

    Scientists have found the great fountains of the deep

    The global flood vs local flood debate just got interesting: Scientists discover an ocean 400 miles beneath our feet that could fill our oceans three times over I guess we know where all that excess water went now....
  10. M

    Scientific Argument for God's existence

    As a physiscist, I think that the strongest rational argument for God's existence is the mathematical representability of the natural laws. Science has proved that natural phenomena can be predicted through some specific mathematical equations, the laws of physics. The fact that through a...
  11. G

    There is no way for science to establish the soul - working parts still take a leap of faith

    Hi there, So to some of you, this will seem as obvious as Daylight, to others it may start to look brighter but only inasmuch as is an offence to you: In other words, science will see evidence of the soul but not know why; then science will attempt to discover the machinery around the soul...
  12. SummerMadness

    The Internet Is a Cesspool of Racist Pseudoscience

    The Internet Is a Cesspool of Racist Pseudoscience No surprise, there is always someone trying to use statistics to make some qualification of a particular group of people to make a racist argument or justify racist treatment of a group. They really are like flat-earthers and anti-vaxxers...
  13. G

    I am a bit mind-blown: if entropy is true, even "Entropy" decays?

    Hi there, So I don't understand this: "Entropy" must be subject to entropy? I suppose part of my confusion is "how much", that is: Entropy is subject to entropy, as a word, which is the least possible entropy? In other words, even though "Entropy" decays, it decays the least of anything in...
  14. joinfree

    Disproof of Gödel Theorem

    The Theorem of Kurt Gödel leads to conclusion, that no theory can be Absolutely Proved. Because must contain unproven assumptions. Does it mean, that Darwin's Theory is not a fact? But disproval of Gödel is simple: if nothing can be finally proven, then the Gödel's Theorem is not proven as...
  15. joinfree

    Disproof of Millennium Prize problem proof

    In year 2019 Wikipedia writes on G. Perelman's proof of Poincare Conjecture: "... he wanted to cut the manifold at the singularities and paste in caps (NB! PROBLEM A), and then run the Ricci (NB! PROBLEM D) flow again... This deforms the manifold into round pieces with strands (NB! PROBLEM B)...
  16. gaara4158

    The superfluousness of souls

    Some religions accepting a form of dualism say that man is two parts: body and soul. But is that really true? Virtually everything (and I say virtually because I just don’t know how complete the research currently is) we do and experience has been shown to be made possible by specific functions...
  17. joinfree

    Is Science defined as Truth-seeking?

    ``the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept Him, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him. But you know Him, for He lives with you and will be in you." John 14:17. God is Absolute Truth and Truth is God. God is as well Love and Love is God. Just Love like Jesus Christ does. Jesus loves me...
  18. joinfree

    Does authority rating coincides with impact factor?

    Please tell me the best place to publish a breakthrough papers on Gravitation. The best choice is surely journal Nature. Slightly less good place is Nature Physics. Less good place is Physical Review Letters, then Physical Review D, Annals of Physics, European Journal of Physics C. Please...
  19. joinfree

    Einstein mistake is found

    Hello, friends, in the file is shown, that body, while falling into Black Hole vanishes without ever reaching central singularity. Or what ever singularity: singular state inside body is reached without outside singularity! It can't be. Mistake of Einstein? Who wonna be my science supervisor?
  20. joinfree

    Time Machine prototype 2019?

    But they have just decreased the entropy (a chaos) in some local place. But that is not forbidden in non-equilibrium thermodynamics. Where is then their time travel?! Scientists ‘reverse time’ with quantum computer in breakthrough study