
  1. mindlight

    Lessons of the Ukraine war

    What are the key takeaways? What can the West do to improve its military effectiveness? 1) Mass matters - you need the bulk to endure a war of attrition. Both the key Western rivals of Russia and China have this bulk in basic weaponry, manpower and munitions. The West needs to think about how...
  2. Trogdor the Burninator

    Donald Trump says he would encourage Russia to attack Nato allies who pay too little

    Seeking a second presidency as the Republicans’ presumptive 2024 White House nominee, Donald Trump has said he would “encourage” Russia to attack any of the US’s Nato allies whom he considers to have not met their financial obligations. Trump told European leaders that US ‘will never come to...
  3. Not David

    Percentage of Orthodox is down in Russia, but percentage of practicing Orthodox is up Those who have been “affiliated with Orthodoxy” have tended to move in one of two directions: to become active practitioners, or to stop associating themselves…
  4. linux.poet

    What Russia Doesn't Want You To Know About the War in Ukraine

    Description: This video is about the devastation that Russia has wrought in Ukraine, captured in Satellite imagery. These photos tell a very unnerving story about how modern warfare can disrupt the lives of ordinary civilian people in dangerous and profound ways. Key points: -Invasion of Kyiv...
  5. Trogdor the Burninator

    Polish army put on alert after two killed in explosion near Ukraine border

    Two people died Tuesday afternoon after a projectile struck an area where grain was drying in Przewodów, a Polish village near the border with Ukraine, domestic media reported. The Polish government raised its army's level of readiness after Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki called an emergency...
  6. mindlight

    Ukraine: The End Game

    The war in Ukraine continues as Winter approaches. Putin seeks to weaken Ukrainian resolve by destroying their ability to keep themselves warm in the cold of Winter. Ukrainian troops continue to advance toward Kherson but the Russians are digging in. The Russians continue to throw themselves...
  7. mindlight

    Ukraine: The Kherson Retreat

    Ukraine war: Russia to evacuate civilians from Kherson Putin has raised the idea of withdrawing civilians from Kherson on the West bank of the Dnieper. The situation is that Ukraine is advancing and with the cutting of bridges and ferry links logistical supply of the city and its area is a...
  8. Keeping Work In Its Proper Place: Spiritual Counsel For Today's Orthodox Christians

    Keeping Work In Its Proper Place: Spiritual Counsel For Today's Orthodox Christians

    Fr. Daniel Sysoev, the New Martyr, with his wife, Matushka Julia Today I happened to find a website dedicated to making available the life and written works (in eBook formats) of Orthodox Christian missionary priest Fr. Daniel Sysoev, who was executed in his Church by a masked gunman in 2009...
  9. Daniel Hoseini

    My dramatical story and the quest for God

    Hello. This testimony is about faith, difficult struggle with sin and dramatical quest for God and the truth. I don't have stories of supernatural wonders that I can offer you. I want to tell you about my path to God. Of course, it is still far from being completed, but, nevertheless, it would...
  10. mindlight

    Should Ukraine invade Russia?

    Intelligence reports from the British indicate that Putin has lost close to a third of the men he deployed for this operation - that is approximately 50000 men killed or wounded. The Ukrainians have beaten the Russians off at Kyiv and Kharkiv. Unbelievably the Russians have still not taken...
  11. Occams Barber

    Germany Reducing Dependence on Russian Gas

    UK PM and German Chancellor to hold talks on reducing dependence on Russian gas The Guardian 8/4/2022 (For US readers: The 'gas' mentioned in the report is gaseous gas - not gasoline - OB) Boris Johnson is set to meet the German Chancellor as they look to discuss how to help European countries...
  12. Occams Barber

    United Nations suspends Russia from human rights body

    United Nations suspends Russia from human rights body ABC (Australia) News 8/4/2022 The United Nations General Assembly has suspended Russia from the UN Human Rights Council over reports of "gross and systematic violations and abuses of human rights" by invading Russian troops in Ukraine...
  13. endofdayz

    Here's an 8 year old prophecy about Ukraine

    Here's a video about an 8 year prophecy from Ukraine from Dr. Bob Thiel. Here's some of what was said: Many Ukranians and Russians are descendents of the Medes. Ukraine may be a little horn that joins the E.U. and ends up leading the E.U. (I would say if this happens it will be because of...
  14. V

    Trump sues Hillary/Russian collusion hoaxers

    "Former President Donald Trump is suing Hillary Clinton and a myriad of other Democrat operatives for peddling false information that he was colluding with Russia to steal the 2016 election. In a 108-page complaint, Trump details the depth of the plot to take down his presidential campaign, and...
  15. V

    Psaki claims White House has no confirmation that Hunter Biden got Russian millions

    "Tried just asking him, Jen? Psaki claims the White House has 'no confirmation' of Senate report that Hunter Biden got $3.5M from Russia - and once again fails to say if he's divested from Chinese firm" Psaki claims WH has 'no confirmation' Hunter Biden got $3.5M from Russia | Daily Mail Online...
  16. The Liturgist

    I can’t support the Ukrainian Government any longer, even though Putin was wrong to invade

    Ukraine's Zelenskyy addresses Congress, invokes 9/11, Pearl Harbor, MLK as he pleads for pivotal aid Note that Fox News has been consistently pro Ukraine, and I am citing their story because it is easy to read. Zelenskyy addressed the US congress in protest at our correct decision not to...
  17. cow451

    Russia Loses at International Court of Justice

    The United Nations' highest court on Wednesday ordered Russia to stop hostilities in Ukraine, granting measures requested by Kyiv although many are skeptical that Russia will comply. Two weeks ago, Ukraine asked the International Court of Justice - also known as the World Court - to...
  18. JustSomeBloke

    Joe Biden - Admitting Baltic states to NATO will cause 'vigorous and hostile reaction' from Russia

    Here's Joe Biden in 1997, predicting that admitting Baltic states to NATO would cause 'the greatest consternation', and would cause a 'vigorous and hostile reaction' from Russia. Twenty five years later, we can see that Joe Biden eventually provoked great consternation and got the vigorous and...
  19. V

    Biden refuses to ban Russian oil imports

    White House knocks down talk of banning Russian oil imports
  20. Vanellus

    Russian tennis players (also golfers etc.)

    There's been quite a lot about whether Russian tennis players should be identifiable with their country when playing in a competition. The Ukrainian Elina Svitolina is refusing to play against any Russian players who carry any such country identification. But I think it's quite straightforward...