
  1. Christsfreeservant

    For Our Nation

    War, politics, lies, betrayal, the murdering of innocents, our young men and women in uniform dying on a battlefield via men of power; takeovers of nations, riots and lawlessness, sin abounding, the church asleep or complacent for the most part; the gospel diluted, and do we even notice...
  2. Soldier of the One

    Christian Schools Biggest Problem

    Christian Schools Biggest Problem I've been going to one for some time and this is what I've found. SoldierofHIM I haven’t been here long, but I have been here long enough to find out with little intellect I have to see this school's number one complication. And I can tell you it in one word...
  3. BioHazardFan03

    I hate politics

    I hate politics and everything related to it. I'm apolitical. I'm not even patriotic. I have my own views and ideas that don't fit with either side or ideology 100%. Politics just gives me headcache, a bad gut feeling, anxiety and angst. I hate the right, i hate the left, i hate centrists, i...
  4. pantingdeer

    UK politics: Should a Christian get involved?

    Should Christians become involved in politics (I mean more than just voting) such as becoming a member of a political party? On one hand, I think some parties have good stances on important issues to Christians and so it might seem right to get involved somewhat. However, politics is divisive...
  5. BrotherJJ

    Genesis 5:2 - Genders

    7th grade biology lesson on X & Y chromosomes: The sex chromosome pair is composed of a combination of X and Y chromosomes. The main difference between X and Y chromosome is that X chromosome is the female sex determining chromosome whereas the Y chromosome is the male sex determining...
  6. BrotherJJ

    20 episodes exposing fraud, illegalities & irregularities in 2020 election

    Foreign Intrusions, Alleged Bribery, Illegal ballot harvesting, Ballot harvesting probe Georgia, Bad voter signatures Arizona, Illegal ballot drop boxes, Foreign voters found on rolls, Unconstitutional mail-in voting, Noncitizen voters, Ballot chain of custody issues, Fulton County...
  7. justme6272


    People don't really 'vote their pocketbook.' That's a myth. (unless the money in the pocketbook came from their neighbors via govt, or a govt printing press, then anything is possible.)
  8. Unofficial Reverand Alex

    Prayers for Political Talk

    Greetings, all! I try to be informed in politics, partly because I find it all so fascinating, and also because I am old enough to vote & take that responsibility seriously. That being said, I have a wide variety of interests, making it hard to really invest in one topic. Lately, the topics...
  9. food4thought

    THIS is actually how democracy dies (sorry Padme')

    Heard it before, but considering where we've gone in the last couple years, I thought it was worth revisiting and sharing. "In 1787, while our first 13 states adopted their new constitution, Alexander Tyler who was a Scottish History Professor at the University of Edinburgh, said this about the...
  10. TribulationSigns

    Should Christian Balance Christianity and Politics?

    We, as a nation, are experiencing political upheaval. The question is should we, as Christian, balance Christianity and politics? My honest opinion is that there is no balancing or weighing one against the other. In this instance, the scales should always be one-sided. Christianity is our...
  11. justme6272

    Why does the police brutality of a counterfeiting drug addict mean more workplace discrimination?

    I'm talking about George Floyd, and the fact that the 'black community' gets more hiring and promotion preferences than ever before, as they demand an extortionist style 'payback' for the life of one man who was far from a model citizen. Was he a career oriented individual, trying to get ahead...
  12. V

    Black Lives Matter and the Trial Result

    As per the following article regarding Black Lives Matter violence if Officer Chauvin is found innocent, how do you think our government leaders should handle such an event? What should President Biden do and what should mayors of cities do? ‘All hell will break loose’ if Chauvin not convicted...
  13. V

    Stop the Steal

    Here's an editorial from the Washington Times on the new election law the Democrats want passed. Getting rid of two party oversight is key to their scheme: Democrats’ elections scheme would gut Federal Election Commission bipartisanship
  14. B

    Not ours to Judge Politics.

    PastorBG, Trump says "Get the Vaccine". Got mine (Johnson 1 shot) yesterday at VA Clinic. No ill effects. (BSBA MTU Magna Cum Laude) jesustruelight.org saved 2001 when Wife died from cancer. Prison pastor 5 years. Construction Site Evangelist 20 years. Have given out 15 to 20,000 Gospel tracts...
  15. V

    Border Crisis

    Should those with criminal records be allowed to cross into the United States and be released despite illness or gang/cartel affiliations? The article below discusses border problems: Biden’s open border endangering Texas
  16. helmut


    Joe Biden promised to heal the country, to be president of all Americans. But when I hear what he did after he became president, it seems he only served the interests of his voters. But since I am a foreigner who looks from the outside (Germany), I may have missed something. So my question is...
  17. Michael

    Putin just blew up the irony meter.

    Russia Blasts Biden Regime For ‘Persecution’ Of Trump Supporters, Political Dissidents It's almost comical that Putin would attempt to complain about how we're handling a riot at the US Capitol, while he poisons and imprisons all his political rivals and while he locks up thousands of peaceful...
  18. T

    The Pearl Of Great Price

    A daily blog based on the research I am doing to make a daily podcast about Christian History. The Blog is an introduction to the podcast which I will then post a link to. I am curious about how the Holy Spirit has been working in different ways, in different denominations, so like to focus on...
  19. LightLoveHope

    Vaccine - Take, wait, never + political position + right - middle - left

    On a forum which has a lot of conspiracy followers, who also express anti government sentiments, the rights of individuals to behave as they like etc. 60% would never take the vaccine, 20% would wait, 20% would take it The central position of the group was cynicism and seeing outsiders as evil...
  20. helmut

    An interesting list

    Look at this characterization of a personality: inappropritate self-esteem the wish to climb the social ladder at any cost disdain of people with lower status over-assessment of one*s wealth desire for success and respect ready to take revenge on persons or a system deprives him the opportunity...