
  1. G

    In Heaven we have a choice: the old Gospel (those before us) or the new Gospel (those after us)?

    Hi there, So I realised that in Heaven, we enjoy the Gospel, more than we enjoy Heaven and I knew that when we get to the end of our life, we get a choice (we had a choice before we were born, we have a choice in life - to believe in Jesus - and we get a choice in death, where our soul will...
  2. G

    We don't need new theology, we need to show the love we've already been shown

    Hi there, So I struggled a lot with this: what should my stance be, what should my religion be, am I bringing glory to Jesus or not? What I learned was, that God takes what He has already created and does something amazing with it. How? He takes what has already known love (as part of a family...
  3. Lybrah

    Frustrated at the Dating Pool I’m in

    I’m really not attracted to any of the men who want to date me. It’s pretty much over since I’m 44 and the only guys who will date me are the old guys, the divorced, or the never-married such as myself. At the same time, I’m losing my looks as well. Right now I’m forcing myself to talk to a...
  4. Y

    Bible reading teens. Did you know Jesus cussed ? (clarify)

    Not all translations show the vulgar language of the New Testament and of the Old Testament - so it may be quite a surprise to find out. Jesus was not all 'nicey-nice' as some of us thought when we were young (or even older?). Oh - NEVER sinfully, never unrighteously, never like people do...
  5. Lybrah

    Does God want me to be single by not sending any men with whom I can connect?

    Looking back, I realize that I discounted some good men. But at the time, I did not have feelings for them. I wanted to have feelings for them, but the feelings weren't there. I even cried one time because this one guy was great but I just couldn't like him. I am not gay--I have had crushes...
  6. ashleyn90

    Genesis 1

    Hi everyone, I am embarrassed to ask this but I am having problems understanding Genesis 1. Would someone please clarify it for me? On the first day, God created light. However, on the fourth day, God created the sun, the moon, and the stars. Would light not be the sun? I am really...
  7. G

    If a lesser Evolution is enough, does the greater Evolution ever appear?

    Hi there, So this thread will relate a little to the mastery of Evolution and a little to the forgetting of Evolution: depending on how you handled it. The premise is this: if a lesser Evolution is enough, does the greater Evolution ever appear? It is little bit like asking if two donkeys are...
  8. Jonaitis

    Haldane's Commentary on Galatians and Hebrews

    Commentary on Galatians and Hebrews (links) James Haldane (1768-1851) was a convert later in life and entered the ministry as a Scottish Presbyterian. Upon further study, he and his brother became Baptists. Through their evangelistic efforts they planted many churches in the area. Historian...
  9. Drought of the Heart

    Malachi to Matthew

    From Malachi to Matthew. I buy Bibles at sales or thrift shops and keep to hand out when the opportunity arises. I have one I got somewhere that is absolutely beautiful. It is a special edition from 1955. In each chapter it gives an introduction ,unlike any other Bibles I have had . Today as I...
  10. 001cotm Heroes Of The Old Testament

    001cotm Heroes Of The Old Testament

    Hi to everyone at ChristianForums.com. My name is Lucas White. In my first day here, I have enjoyed discussing Christianity, history, and philosophy with you. Please allow me to state first that I am thoroughly convinced that God is real and that Jesus Christ is the only way to fellowship...
  11. Christsfreeservant

    The Old Church

    Yesterday, I received notice that the building where my husband and I had first met, and where our relationship first began 47 years ago, had gone up in flames overnight. It had begun as a church building in 1885, but that church fellowship apparently sold it to the University of Akron in 1952...
  12. Christsfreeservant

    Old Cross, New Cross

    Old Cross, New Cross An Original Work / March 3, 2018 The old cross is the cross On which our Savior died. He took our sins upon himself, And he was crucified. He died upon that cross To put our sins to death, That we might die with him to sin And live to righteousness. The new cross, not...
  13. T

    if your church is largely made up of an older congregation

    1. Involve students from your local college/ university. 2. Reach people, in poorer parts of your area, with hospitality. 3. Pray to God. In everything speak to God for guidance. 4.Consider opening up the front of your church with glass door to make the church seem more welcoming. 5.In...
  14. BroIgnatius

    Older Than Dirt Quiz

    Older Than Dirt Quiz: Count all the ones that you actually remember not the ones you were told about. Ratings at the bottom. 1 Blackjack chewing gum 2. Wax Coke-shaped bottles with colored sugar water 3. Candy cigarettes 4. Soda pop machines that dispensed glass bottles 5. Coffee shops or...
  15. Guide To The Bible

    Is The Earth Young or Old

    When I became a Christian I believed in a very old Earth, billions of years etc. But eventually I had to decide whether the Bible was right or wrong. Whether Jesus was wrong when He said Adam and Eve were made in the beginning. Jesus believed in the Old Testament in its entirety and once I had...
  16. saulfactuspaul

    Australian Missionaries in India

    Compass: Into India - ABC TV It’s about a dedicated group of Australian Jesuits who’ve been working in India for close to 60 years. Arriving as young men and imagining that their passionate faith would bring belief to the local community, these remarkable men have instead been humbled by their...
  17. I

    What's your favorite christian song right now?

    i know favorite songs can change from day to day but for right now, what's your #1? It can be new or old. Mine is WANNA BE HAPPY by Kirk Franklin.