global warming

  1. AlexB23

    Countries consider pact to reduce plastic production by 40% in 15 years

    Finally, we can start reducing plastic usage as a society. A 40% reduction is not enough in my opinion. Plastic usage should be reduced by 50-70% in the next 15 years. Here is the article link: Countries consider pact to reduce plastic production by 40% in 15 years Short summary of the...
  2. AlexB23

    Stewardship of the Earth & Climate Change (Genesis 2:15, Isaiah 24:4-6, Jeremiah 2:7)

    With Earth Day just around the corner, on April 22nd, it is imperative for us Christians to be good stewards of the Earth. These are three verses straight out of the Bible that urge us to take care of Creation. Rules: No debates allowed. Date April 21, 2024 Verse Genesis 2:15: "The LORD...
  3. eclipsenow

    Climate Change acronym memory aid challenge - how to sum up risks to people and planet?

    Hi all, I was trying to cover the various extreme weather phenomenon and sea level rise etc. But then I thought of actual effects on people and ecosystems - and grouping the different climate phenomenon that way. I had FIRES - Famines, Instability - threat multiplier (war), Refugees...
  4. T

    Europe is baking: Watch wildfires ignite in Spain, France and Portuga

    People flee their homes as wildfires sweep Europe in unprecedented heatwave Temperatures in the UK hit 40C for the first time in recorded history this week, while France, Portugal, Spain, Greece and Croatia have been battling wildfires for weeks. In Portugal, temperatures reached 46C. The World...
  5. T

    Climate change in Asia

    Heat waves are melting Himalayan glaciers on which hundreds of million people rely, flooding villages and leaving residents without drinking water. Climate change heats up Asia's highlands faster than other regions. Melting glaciers in Asia: 'One day we will leave here' | DW | 19.07.2022
  6. mindlight

    Does the Environment matter?

    G7 to agree tough measures on burning coal to tackle climate change The recent G7 summit has set a new tone on Environmental policy as the USA reengage with international efforts on this. If you are an Arab selling oil or a Russian selling gas there is much to be worried about in the recent...
  7. mindlight

    Nature's sharp corrections: Global Warming

    Most studies of climate history show a planetary history of cyclical rises and falls of temperature. There have been some very rapid falls in temperature after sharp rises. Given that industrialisation has clearly made a contribution to the present global warming and rise in CO2 levels can we...
  8. MorkandMindy

    Global Warming - a lesson based on an astroid

    Greetings Earthlings! It appears you have an impasse on your planet as to whether Global Warming is man-made or natural. And if it is natural than nothing can be done about it and nothing should, so say some. There's a very big asteroid heading toward the Earth and if it does turn out to be on...
  9. MorkandMindy

    What's wrong and how to fix it

    1. Global Warming We're finally doing something about it, staying at home and being a lot more fuel efficient
  10. MorkandMindy

    Global Warming - how much does it matter? What should be done?

    Is Global Warming happening? It is right to doubt a proposal of this nature before reshaping the entire economy - though now it's beginning to look like it needs to be reshaped anyway. 'What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence'. And there were real questions...
  11. Michael

    Solar influences on global warming/cooling.

    2020: The Lowest Solar Activity In Over 200 Years I should preface this conversation to stating that I certainly believe that human beings are having an impact on the planet in terms of C02 emissions which are causing global warming. Having said that, it's also clear from various ice ages and...
  12. KnowThyself

    If Global Warming Is Real......?

    If the myth of "global warming" is supposedly real then why...…….? So many things can be put in here. Please add some of the questions, or concerns you may have, or theory's or hypothesis, for or against global whining. I mean Warming. Because personally, I think that it is a way to deceive...
  13. Dale

    James Hansen on Climate Change

    Dr. James Hansen has been quoted on Christian Forums in connection with global warming/climate change. What we have heard could be highly misleading. James Hansen was NASA employee from 1972 to 2013, forty-one years. What did James Hansen really say about climate change? “The greenhouse effect...
  14. BobRyan

    Climatologist getting hammered by Democrats for not following "the plan"

    "Judith Curry, one of climate science's most vocal critics, is leaving academe because of what she calls the poisonous nature of the scientific discussion around human-caused global warming. Curry, 63, is retiring from her tenured position as a professor at the School of Earth and Atmospheric...
  15. Occams Barber

    New Study Shows Sea Level Rise Accelerating

    New Study Shows Sea Level Rise Accelerating Global warming drives sea level rise in two ways: by melting land-based ice sheets, and by heating up ocean water causing it to expand. Note that melting sea ice has no effect on sea level since it’s already incorporated in the total water volume. 25...
  16. Occams Barber

    Global Warming? Then why is it so cold?!?!

    I was sitting around the other day in damp, sweaty undies, perspiring buckets, in 100f/37c heat and 80% humidity, when it occurred to me that you poor babies, up in the north of the Northern Hemisphere, were probably freezing your bitts off in the latest Extreme Cold Snap or Raging Blizzard or...
  17. MorkandMindy

    What is the right concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere?

    A big Democrat / Republican dividing issue - is anthropogenic carbon dioxide emission going to end or severely harm the human race? And that because it is, therefore we must cut our carbon emissions by moving our factories to other countries.
  18. USincognito

    Mangum, OK hit's 99° in Feb as part of Global Warming Hoax

    All-Time February Heat in the Southern Plains Clearly the Chinese are behind this attempt to destroy capitalism and take our precious bodily fluids.
  19. MorkandMindy

    Global Warming is not a conspiracy, but we now know it isn't happening

    Global Warming is not a conspiracy, but we now know it isn't happening. People are being too antagonistic. CO2 is going to cause radiative forcing, and the amount can be calculated, and that is indisputable. The scientists have put in a lot of work and after considerable gathering of data it...
  20. USincognito

    The Weather Channel ask Breitbart to stop lying.

    Note to Breitbart: Earth Is Not Cooling, Climate Change Is Real and Please Stop Using Our Video to Mislead Americans