eucharistic prayer

  1. The Liturgist

    ChatGPT as a liturgical development tool

    So I asked ChatGPT to write a sample anaphora based on Syriac liturgical patterns, which tend to be loose ans highly flexible, and then I had the output formatted into traditional Ecclesiastical English. The results are interesting, although the Sursum Corda looks weird (but then again, in the...
  2. The Liturgist

    What Eucharistic Prayer Is This?

    At this lovely Reformation Sunday service held at Old North Church, a Eucharistic prayer was used which didn’t seem to correspond to any in the 1979 BCP. I even looked at Common Worship. Perhaps I missed something. The priest did say he and many congregants were originally of Lutheran...
  3. The Liturgist

    Creeds and Creedal Variants, and Episcopal Eucharistic Prayers

    Merry Christmas to all members on the Gregorian Calendar. The Ethiopian and Coptic Orthodox Churches are among those who will be celebrating Christmas on the 6th and 7th. While reading my English translation of the Ethiopian Qedase (“Holies”, the Divine Liturgy) specifically to compare their...
  4. Fish and Bread

    Eucharistic prayer in the 21st century

    Link: Eucharistic prayer in the 21st century In the Episcopal Church, Eucharistic Prayer C includes a small couple paragraph attempt to do a little bit of what Father Thomas proposes here for the Roman Catholic Church. Both churches should look further along this path of incorporating what we...