
  1. AlexB23

    Paperwork filed for gold-mine exploration near North Star Nature Preserve as county eyes land exchange

    Once again, big companies are at it again, defiling our one planet we live on. Seems that the curse in Isaiah 24:4-6 is from greedy corporations wrecking our planet. Article link: Paperwork filed for gold-mine exploration near North Star Nature Preserve as county eyes land exchange - Aspen...
  2. AlexB23

    Countries consider pact to reduce plastic production by 40% in 15 years

    Finally, we can start reducing plastic usage as a society. A 40% reduction is not enough in my opinion. Plastic usage should be reduced by 50-70% in the next 15 years. Here is the article link: Countries consider pact to reduce plastic production by 40% in 15 years Short summary of the...
  3. AlexB23

    Oil Companies Must Set Aside More Money to Plug Wells, a New Rule Says. But It Won’t Be Enough.

    Hello guys and gals. This is an article by ProPublica, an open-access, non-profit news (ProPublica copyright info, Creative Commons license) agency that covers current events. The Bureau of Land Management made a math mistake which could lead to $400M in money taxpayers must shell out to clean...
  4. F

    The 'fuel of evolution' is more abundant than previously thought in wild animals

    Darwinian evolution is the process by which natural selection promotes genetic changes in traits that favor survival and reproduction of individuals. How fast evolution happens depends crucially on the abundance of its "fuel": how much genetic difference there is in the ability to survive and...
  5. Unofficial Reverand Alex

    Redemption, taught through the environment

    Quite interesting from a theological & an environmental perspective, how a priest can buy a block of unwanted land, turn it into something beautiful, and let that be a model of how God can do the same with an unwanted person & bring out something beautiful. There's a LOT of stories about...
  6. Vanellus

    Papal encyclical on the environment: Laudato Si

    I've been asked to read this for a non Catholic discussion group. I wondered if there were any here who are familiar with and what they think about it. Link added below: https://www.vatican.va/content/dam/francesco/pdf/encyclicals/documents/papa-francesco_20150524_enciclica-laudato-si_en.pdf
  7. mindlight


    With all the new initiatives on the environment my church discussion group will be discussing Christian stewardship. I hoped to raise some of the questions here and get some reactions. How would you define a Christian understanding of stewardship? What is the nature of the problem facing our...
  8. mindlight

    Does the Environment matter?

    G7 to agree tough measures on burning coal to tackle climate change The recent G7 summit has set a new tone on Environmental policy as the USA reengage with international efforts on this. If you are an Arab selling oil or a Russian selling gas there is much to be worried about in the recent...
  9. G

    Let's see: if Evolutional potential for a place was used up, you would gamble with mutation?

    Hi there, So the hypothetical here is: the potential for Evolution being used up - as in all resources for Evolution being taken up - you would gamble with mutation, to motivate a change in locale? The luck you got from the gamble (with mutation) would be your best bet? Like you don't even...
  10. SummerMadness

    Rising Seas Will Erase More Cities by 2050, New Research Shows

    Rising Seas Will Erase More Cities by 2050, New Research Shows
  11. SummerMadness

    The Crisis for Birds Is a Crisis for Us All

    The Crisis for Birds Is a Crisis for Us All This is what makes the spiteful actions to remove animals from the endangered species list all the more important. When all you care about is money, it's good for that individual, but everyone pays later.
  12. SummerMadness

    Trump to Revoke California's Authority to Set Stricter Auto Emissions Rules

    Trump to Revoke California's Authority to Set Stricter Auto Emissions Rules Everything is done out of ignorance and spite.
  13. SummerMadness

    The Amazon, Siberia, Indonesia: A World of Fire

    The Amazon, Siberia, Indonesia: A World of Fire
  14. SummerMadness

    Brazil's Amazon rainforest is burning at a record rate, research center says

    Brazil's Amazon rainforest is burning at a record rate, research center says
  15. SummerMadness

    UAE debuts the world's largest individual solar power project

    UAE debuts the world's largest individual solar power project
  16. SummerMadness

    Man arrested for attacking McDonald's employee over not getting a straw

    Man arrested for attacking McDonald's employee over not getting a straw Any time I see a story start with "A Florida man...", I know it's not going to end well. Another version of the story: McDonald's customer charged with battering workers
  17. SummerMadness

    The Insect Apocalypse Is Here

    The Insect Apocalypse Is Here This is something I noticed years ago, there were far fewer bees and bugs around in general. Additionally, the types of bugs you see more of around your home has changed a lot too.
  18. Shadow

    Scientists discover Plastic Eating Enzyme

    Given the world's problem disposing plastics, I thought this was a really positive news story and was worth sharing. Enjoy. :) More News here: Scientists accidentally create mutant enzyme that eats plastic bottles Any thoughts on this? Do you think this is a good thing?
  19. SummerMadness

    This Is Why You Don't See People-Size Salmon Anymore

    This Is Why You Don't See People-Size Salmon Anymore
  20. SummerMadness

    Animals Are Losing Their Vagility, or Ability to Roam Freely

    Animals Are Losing Their Vagility, or Ability to Roam Freely