
  1. Q

    How should a Christian husband love his Christians wife ?

    Jesus said a man should love his wife as Jesus loved the church what does this verse mean ?
  2. Q

    Are we really new creations in Christ ?

    Are we really new creations in Christ if we struggle with not committing sins of flesh we once did before we became Christians?
  3. Q

    What are signs your in a relationship with a carnal Minded Christian ?

    What signs would show he or she got their minds all on themselves?
  4. Q

    Are most mega-churches preaching prosperity?

    Are most Mega Churches preaching the false gospel ?
  5. Q

    Should I leave a Church because the social life there is horrible ?

    I’ve been attending the same church for about 8 years and these last few years the social life of the church been getting worst and worst. Im a young man in a single group that is mostly male we got 11 members and 8 are men and 4 are female and only 1 out of the 4 is under 40 and single. The...
  6. Q

    What does it mean to be a lover of this world ?

    1 John 2:15 verse do not be a lover of this of this world or things in it. What does exactly this verse mean I’ve been a Christian for 12 years and never fully understood it. Some preachers told me they interpreted as do not love sin. I’ve been told it means do not love nothing of this world...
  7. Q

    Would a Christian go to hell if he believed in Baptism regeneration?

    If a man lived a truly Godly life but believed in baptism regeneration is he going to heaven. (Based on scripture)?
  8. I

    A test of losing a father turns into a TESTIMONY of how Great OUR GOD is…

    ~2 am, Jul 14th 2019 “I (for AI – my nickname in family), please take me to hospital. I fell from my bed” “HA? You’re bleeding ‘pah’. How can you fall?” Never thought that it would happen and be the last conversion between me and him. After that, he was in coma and went to his eternal home in...
  9. Gabe7587

    Depression, OCD and bad thoughts.

    I dislike myself. Not because of others actions, but because of my actions. Being WAY to hard on myself. I end up hitting my head against something like a door or a cabinet hard to let out my frustration. Life here on earth is hard, and I know that Jesus will help me endure. But I'm just so...
  10. Gabe7587

    I struggle so much with prayer

    I just find it so hard to pray habitually. I give God my forced prayers since I know I should pray. I also struggle of being too hard on myself. Always pointing out and being angry with my mistakes. Is there any advice? Feel free to PM me.
  11. Gabe7587

    God keeping his eye on me.

    Here is my testimony I wrote for an assignment in Bible class. Gabriel Alkire Mrs. Carrier Bible II April 7, 2016 Testimony There was a woman named ***** **** ******. She had 5 sons and 1 daughter in the year 2000. She became pregnant at the age of 41 bearing a male infant. Three months...
  12. Gabe7587

    Exciting Junior School Schedule

    I'm so excited for my new schedule for Junior year of high school. 1st Semester: 1. Computer Applications 2. Old Testament 2 (David and the Kings) 3. Marine Science Honors FLVS (Florida Virtual School) 4. Lions and Emperors 1 (Study of Christians/Christian habits throughout history) 5. Geometry...
  13. Gabe7587

    Spiritual Gift Test

    Yesterday I took 2 Spiritual Gift Tests. This test was very interesting, since I've felt a calling for ministry (I think a Biblical Professor). Here are my Results. (I'm listing the top 5 gifts for each test.) Test A: 1st: Exhortation 2nd: Miracles 3rd: Pastor/Shepherd 4th: Teaching 5th...
  14. Gabe7587

    God guiding me in relationships.

    I'm 16. And I have had some struggles of wanting a girlfriend. God has been showing me and pressing into my heart this idea: "Follow Jesus and let Jesus do the work". The problem is that I'm pretty antsy about wanting one. I know God will provide, but I'm tired of going through so much...
  15. Gabe7587

    "Unconscious Faith"

    Does anyone knows what this is? My spiritual mentor said I had this in a positive way. He said its when you are being used or serving God without even knowing it. I'm still not sure what that even means. Any ideas?
  16. Gabe7587

    Still sad, but feeling better.

    If you kinda want a background visit this Suicidal thoughts from Devil/Relationships. I have been asking Jesus to fix my "fallen love state". Also asked God for a girlfriend. And I have been feeling better. Jesus has been giving me answers in the last day or so. I still struggle with my...
  17. Gabe7587

    Can God use dreams to communicate with us?

    The title says it all...
  18. Gabe7587

    My Math is suffering

    I'm 16 years old, and I'm currently in an Algebra 2 Honors class. Its a new quarter and right now I have an F. I got 2 F's on my last 2 math tests, and score a D+ for the 3rd quarter. The Math is just gotten so hard for me to understand all of a sudden. I've basically been tutored at school. I'm...
  19. Gabe7587

    Looking a Christian guild in WoW

    The title says it all.
  20. Gabe7587

    Is Chivalry: Medieval Warfare ok?

    Okay, so there is this game that I love playing......its called Chivalry:Medieval Warfare( I love medieval). There is a problem with the game play. I played the game before I was saved, and when I truly became a Christian, I couldn't decide if it was Christian or not. The thing about the game...