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  1. R

    Please Read and Agree before Posting

    Read and agree.
  2. R

    Please Read and Agree before Posting

    I agree, thanks.
  3. R

    Ezekiel 4d

    I found a message in Ezekiel that refers to 390 days and years of Israel's iniquity. Verses 4 to 6 state that the day/year principle is at work. My question is; has this period been determined, does it correspond to the fall of Samaria and Jerusalem? Where does it start and end? Let me know what...
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    Can we ever get over racism?

    Remember what happened to Miriam, who criticized Moses's wife for being dark-skinned. God's reaction was to strike her with leprosy. God is holy and he has a dim view on racism. Revelation mentions haters of men. We need not follow the beliefs of the past that can keep us from making it into heaven.
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    EGW and the gift of word of knowledge.

    EGW had a way of showing up for a service and expose hidden sins be it a pastor with more than one family or someone who was embezzling from the church. The immediate result would be the fear of God upon the congregation. The word of knowledge is present in the prophetic writings of the OT. God...
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    What about edification?

    Paul describes that we are all builders upon the foundation that is Jesus Christ. It's about making use of what God has given us. It's also about sharing what is conducive to faith, faithfulness, peace, love and joy. My experience with edification is limited to adding to a foundation, and...
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    Revelation 20:4 is proof against a pre-tribulation rapture.

    Numbers 10 talks of two trumpets used to call the encamped tribes to battle or moving out along their way forward. One trumpet calls, the other responds, confirming the message.
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    Revelation 20:4 is proof against a pre-tribulation rapture.

    The pre-tribulation rapture is based on one single verse in Daniel. For those that believe in going to heaven when they die, you have to consider the following; 1. you can't be in two places at the same time, you are either in the grave to be resurrected or you're in heaven waiting to return to...
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    The Battle of Armageddon

    Dt 30 reveals that in the end time Israel will return, Am 9 prophesies the return. Armaggedon is where armies from the north and south meet prior to ascending toward Jerusalem. Zechariah 14 talks of The Lord defending Jerusalem in the last day. The Bible talks of a literal return, literal armies...
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    A liberal no more.

    Through most of my walk I had been a liberal christian, including my first 5 years as an SDA. What happened? First we moved to Tennessee. My wife got a job at the local bakery. One year later I got a job at the bakery after some 20 years of being disabled. When I realized that without reading...
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    Dogs in the Bible

    Dt 23;18.
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    Christians blaspheming the Holy Spirit

    The original context is that of attributing God's miracles to Satan. The religious leaders saw the evidence of grace backing the spoken word, and in their minds to accept the miracles as signs was unthinkable. They then attributed the miracles to Beelzebub. In Genesis God said that the Spirit...
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    What is the purpose of infant baptism?

    The methodist church still believes in infant baptism. You baptize a child, you gain a family.
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    Do I have the gift of singleness?

    I have a friend who in his later 60's has never had a relationship with a woman, never had sex, and probably has a pretty low testosterone count.
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    What can we learn from Peter's walking on water?

    In the beginning, the Holy Spirit hovered over the waters. Jesus walked on the waters. Peter, as a believer asked to walk to Jesus. Jesus did not refuse him. Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and believers are meant to walk upon the waters.
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    Paradise vs heaven

    In the garden God would visit Adam and Eve. When the new Jerusalem descends, Paradise will, inside of Jerusalem once again be where God will commune with man. In both cases, Paradise is wherever God communes with mankind.
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    My take on the baptism of the Spirit

    The early church needed to be totally immersed by the Spirit in order to fulfill its mission. Tongues came first, then gifts were used to enhance the effectiveness of the spoken word.
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    Jeremiah 29:11 I know the plans I have for YOU

    Jeremiah spoke to two different groups of people; the just heard of God's promise, the unjust heard of impending doom.
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    ALL Israel will be saved

    Dt 30 and Am 9 talk about God returning the captivity of Israel from the nations in the end-time.
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    Dogs in the Bible

    References to dogs in prophecy coincide with references to male prostitution. They mount each other in public for all to see.