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  1. D

    I think God punished me like he did David for Bathsheba...

    I finally got my answer from God. He was the one who was in charge of everything the whole time. He sentenced me to 7 years reaping what I have sown in my brokenness. 3 women over 7 years. ALL of them Gomers. The 3rd was to last 3 years. She was the worst. Everything Gomer did, she did to me...
  2. D

    I think God punished me like he did David for Bathsheba...

    Wow. I reached out via this forum because I was looking to connect with a human, not a biblical story, who has been where I have been. Instead, I found "Christians" who make me think of the European explorers who wanted to bring salvation to the new world heathens. 1. Before you...
  3. D

    I think God punished me like he did David for Bathsheba...

    So here is what you do. Go right now and ask God if the dream was really from him. Ask him to show you his meaning of the dream and what you are supposed to do with the dream's info. Maybe it's not the rapture as you think, but it's God's symbolism for something else. Ask him. Another thing, the...
  4. D

    I think God punished me like he did David for Bathsheba...

    I did cheat. I was horrible. The thing I struggle with is this punishment is like 7 years AFTER having the epiphany that I need to be a better man and making the changes necessary. I had a little girl come into my life that made me realize that I need to be a better man and that relationship...
  5. D

    I think God punished me like he did David for Bathsheba...

    Let me just say this really quick. If you read this and you feel angry, annoyed or something similar instead of feeling compassion, don't respond. I'm not an expert, but I don't think your response is being urged by God. But hey...what do I know. Look at my life. It blows my mind that so many...
  6. D

    I think God punished me like he did David for Bathsheba...

    Have you ever been in a situation that completely destroys you and what you thought God was and did? Have you ever been told by God to choose a woman who would then go on to literally be like Gomer to poor Hosea? 1. You weren't there so you cannot dare to say "God didn't tell you to choose...
  7. D

    I think God punished me like he did David for Bathsheba...

    Thank you for that encouragement. You're right. It could have ended up worse. I definitely thank God that my body is still sound. Maybe traumatized mentally/emotionally, but that's nothing that God can't sort through if he so chooses.
  8. D

    I think God punished me like he did David for Bathsheba...

    I now get what you're saying. Since the result of the dreams is bad, it can't be from God. I can see that. Buuuuut...what if the result, the final result, has yet to be revealed. Like what if all the bad I suffered ends up leading me to some kind of good? What kind of good? Idk. I guess only...
  9. D

    I think God punished me like he did David for Bathsheba...

    Yep. I'm totally lost. I am totally not a prophet or a psychic, btw. I just think God CAN/HAS spoken to me using dreams. Not every dream is from him too. I am of the school of thought that only God knows the future so if a dream turns out prophetic, it must be from him. How else would the...
  10. D

    I think God punished me like he did David for Bathsheba...

    I think I misunderstood you. Are you saying the dream that I had in September of '22 that told me in March of '23 a specific person would contact me on a specific date is not of God? That's not vague like psychics. That was exact! So... if you haven't spoken to your brother in over a year and...
  11. D

    I think God punished me like he did David for Bathsheba...

    I don't understand where it says that God would never orchestrate/allow such suffering. He punished those he loved in the bible repeatedly. David, Moses... Then, nearly every time he said something good was to happen, the main character went through the worst suffering. Tell me this. If God...
  12. D

    I think God punished me like he did David for Bathsheba...

    How do you know God wasn't instructing me? Because the choice led to something bad happening? That is literally every story in the Bible when God tells someone to do something. Abraham, go here. What happened along that journey? Joseph, here is where I going to take you! How did he get there...
  13. D

    I think God punished me like he did David for Bathsheba...

    I I love the "Christians" who troll. You are out here doing the Lord's own work, aren't you? You are literally living the best example of his own love right here on earth for us to see. Your living example makes me want to serve him and even attend church with you so I can be the same as...
  14. D

    I think God punished me like he did David for Bathsheba...

    Thank you! I am sure that God's will is being done. Right before the last cheater came into my life, he gave me a dream that said he was going to create a union. After the 3 years with that cheater (all the while unknown to me) he gave me a dream that he was ending that and separating the...
  15. D

    I think God punished me like he did David for Bathsheba...

    I am really looking for someone who has been led by God into a period of just bad things. I want your experience as encouragement for me to keep going. I'm out of gas with these past seven years. I know there are many stories in the Bible where God says something good or provides instruction...
  16. D

    I think God punished me like he did David for Bathsheba...

    ‍♂️ Wow. Okay. Here goes. I didn't choose this last woman. In fact, she was ugly to me. God told me to choose her. I gave my rebuttals. He told me to choose her. He even sent someone who told me that God wants me to choose her. I eventually relented. I literally said, "God, I don't...
  17. D

    I think God punished me like he did David for Bathsheba...

    ‍♂️ I literally said don't tell me it wasn't God. You can't say it wasn't God just because he didn't do it to you. How else can I explain the prophetic dreams? Not one. Not two. Many. Prophetic dreams about exact dates, exact situations and outcomes. Who knows the future? God. Does the Devil...
  18. D

    I think God punished me like he did David for Bathsheba...

    For the last 7.xx years God has put me in 3 relationships with women who have cheated. The last cheater was for 3 years to the day. I feel like God did that for my previous cheating in past relationships. I am broken. I thought God was merciful and gracious, but he made me to suffer in the same...
  19. D

    Did I scare her off?

    Sometimes God will say no by not allowing the door to be opened for us. I see your situation with this young lady as a closed door. I would move on and basically drop it with her. I would also suggest that you bring it in it's entirety to God. Ask him all of the questions about the whole...
  20. D

    Any advice is appreciated...

    After being in this situation, I now know to never tell someone, "That's not God!". I wonder how many people actually said that to Noah, Hosea, Abraham. Unless it contradicts the bible, I wasn't there when God conveyed it to them. If you (anyone) can spare the time, I am asking you to pray on...