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  1. Livingstones2020

    God's Word Will Stand - Stoltzfus Family

    What has happened to a nation that used to fear the Lord, To a people whose foundation was built upon God's word; We've allowed the world's opinion to chart a different way, But it's time the church of Jesus Christ should boldly stand and say: God's word will stand against the raging tide, Of...
  2. Livingstones2020

    Well Done - Stutzman Family

    What will it be like when my pain is gone, And all the worries of this world just fade away? What will it be like when You call my name, And that moment when I see You face to face? I'm waiting my whole life to hear You say: "Well done, well done, My good and faithful one, Welcome to the place...
  3. Livingstones2020

    My friend is hooked on this stuff.What do I do?

    I know having a friend that is hooked on a damaging thing isn't good. But my advice is to share the Gospel with your friend. Pray for them constantly and be the example of being a follower of Christ (Matthew 5:16). When they are down, seek ways to help them out. It is ultimately between your...
  4. Livingstones2020

    Emotional Abuse

    My friend that I have known for 15 years or so, has a major problem. He is handicap with Cerebral Palsy, which he has to walk with crutches. He is over 60 and lives by himself in an apartment. To make a long story short, his "friend" was homeless a few years ago. It was at wintertime, and he...
  5. Livingstones2020

    Desperate Prayer for a Friend

    Greetings in Jesus' name. I have a major prayer request for a friend. His name is Darius and he is in serious trouble that I do not know where to start. First, he has been a friend of mine for 10+ years. We used to go out soulwinning together years ago. He is around 30 years old and single. He...
  6. Livingstones2020

    Need Advice for 2 of My Friends

    Greetings in the name of Jesus. I have 2 friends that I try to help, with the Lord of course. But I need advice on what to do or say and need a lot of prayer for them. My first friend's name is Richard. He is in his 60's and lives by himself in an apartment building. He never married and he...
  7. Livingstones2020

    Build Your Kingdom Here - P&H

    1. Come set Your rule and reign In our hearts again, Increase in us we pray, Unveil why we're made; Come set our hearts ablaze with hope, Like wildfire in our very souls, Holy Spirit, come invade us now, We are Your Church, And we need Your power In us. 2. We seek Your kingdom first, We hunger...
  8. Livingstones2020

    Talking about Jesus to non-believers or at work

    That is a difficult situation, but I believe that, with the Lord's help, can be done. The first thing, and I believe the most important, pray for the individual. Ask God to open doors or ask for opportunity and wisdom to test the waters to see how the individual will respond. Keep praying for...
  9. Livingstones2020

    Living Together?

    Greetings in the name of Jesus. I posted here a few weeks ago about a friend, Richard, who is disabled. He has Cerebral Palsy, which means that he cannot walk on his own. He has to rely on crutches to walk. He is 65 years old and live alone (and never married) in an apartment. Anyways, he has...
  10. Livingstones2020

    I have 2 situations

    Greetings in the name of Jesus. I have 2 friends that do need a lot of prayer and a bit of advice. The first one is Richard. He is 65 years old and has a disability. He loves to help people out, but sometimes, it gets him into trouble. Here is one of the particular situations. He has a friend...
  11. Livingstones2020

    Please Pray for My Friend

    Hello and Greetings in Jesus' Name. I have multiple prayer requests about a friend that I known for 12+ years. There is a lot of information about his condition that leads into the prayer requests. Also, any advice is greatly appreciated as well. His name is Richard. He is 65 years old and...
  12. Livingstones2020

    How Much Can God Forgive?

    Hello and Greetings in Jesus name. I have a friend who is very distraught. He has been evangelizing with me for years. But now, he fell into deep sin. I have been talking and kind of counseling with him for about a month now. He said that he is not sure if he has a desire to go on with God...
  13. Livingstones2020

    Please Pray for My Struggling Friend

    Please pray for my friend. He used to go out with me and preach the Gospel. But now, it seems like he has given up. He just shared with me that he fell into big time sins and do not even have a passion to continue to be a Christian. He says that there are so many hypocrites in the Church so...
  14. Livingstones2020

    Prayer for a Big Decision

    Hello and Greetings in Jesus' name. I have a prayer request. A little background about me... I am 1/4 Japanese. I was born and currently live in USA. I have a burden for the people in Japan. I am currently learning Japanese and learning about their culture. I want to become a missionary to the...
  15. Livingstones2020

    Following Jesus and Wealth

    Thank you for your input. That is actually something I never thought of before. We need both (Input and Output) to be equally balance. I did mention that there are some that are called to do of what my friend is claiming, but that is not the direct command to everyone in the Church. We had a...
  16. Livingstones2020

    Following Jesus and Wealth

    Thank you for your input. I never heard that it was a call to discipleship on the individual. I will take a look into it. And I did mention that, but he says that we all can just rely on Jesus. I am guessing that he is thinking about when God feed Elijah by ravens.
  17. Livingstones2020

    Following Jesus and Wealth

    Hello and greetings in Jesus name. I have a question. I had a lengthy discussion with one of my friends about doing the Will of Jesus. He says that none of us are doing God's will. He says that in order to do His Will, we must give up our riches, everything that we have, and live in poverty to...
  18. Livingstones2020

    Does believing Genesis is wrong make me a bad Christian?

    I never said that Dinosaurs can't walk, and yes, there are some things that we can figure out, such as the distances of the footprints. However, I am not honestly sure we can tell a Dinosaur's top speed just by the footprints alone. They could be sprinting or even hopping. We only have so very...
  19. Livingstones2020

    Does believing Genesis is wrong make me a bad Christian?

    Still didn't answer my question a few posts back. Before I answer your question, you should answer mine. Do you believe in uniformitarianism?