Search results

  1. N

    Bought a mini laptop

    I have gone away from dual boot. if you have a good pc install Proxmox, then install your OS's of choice on Proxmox. I have moved all of my work stuff onto Windows 10 VM recently. When work is done i close RDP, and dont worry about work. Now the reason for no-dual boot. I ran ubuntu, SuSE...
  2. N

    Family Friendly DNS (free)

    Another choice, if you have a spare PC and can install a second network Card. Install OPNSense (aka OPEN Sense) firewall. There are possible options here. But that is a bit to detailed.
  3. N

    Google TV UI

    I agree, I would like to find a Christian programming forum. there used to be one, but it has closed down awhile ago.
  4. N

    Google TV UI

    I have Jellyfin and Plex (ad driven) which I have paid for. But I moved from Plex because of all of the ads they push. What i would like is to build something that will allow shortcuts for Plex, or Jellyfin, or youtube or whatever i want.
  5. N

    Google TV UI

    My dream would be to develop a launcher - or use Plasma Bigscreen. Plasma doesn't look like it has been worked on for a while. Though I need to look into it more.
  6. N

    Google TV UI

    Anyone have experience creating a Google TV UI? Would be interested in learning how to create my own desktop for the TV. Some also call this the Chrome Cast TV. I just recently ditch Amazon tv, tired of hearing all of the cuss words on ads.
  7. N

    Family Friendly DNS (free)

    any opensource software for this?
  8. N

    Is it sinful to use a computer/phone which has played sinful music, has viewed sinful content, etc?

    No, the sins of the father are not passed to you. Ezekiel 18:20-21 KJV The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the...
  9. N

    Local, private AI that runs on your computer

    You can also install chat GPT locally, How to Install ChatGPT Locally - Collabnix
  10. N

    CompTIA A+ has expired

    I do a lot of training, a lot of classes, Going to Cisco Live in Vegas. That being said, been in the industry 30 years. I have never had a cert. yep, I install fiber for my work - keep up on the trends and dont worry about certs. Though a lot of jobs want to see the certs. I am installing a 200...
  11. N

    Bought a mini laptop

    How many Cores?
  12. N

    Switched from Firefox to Edge...amazing results

    I will need to look into Betterfox. If you have an Extra compute, And want to learn more about Linux distros, install PROXMOX, then install other Linus Distros within Proxmox. Over the last 25 years, I have run OpenSuse, Ubuntu, Tried Red hat (dont like.), Debian, and Linux Mint. I currently...
  13. N

    Recent AI developments - happening very fast

    My work suggests to use ChatGPT for writing docs. two years ago I think they would have fired you for using ChatGPT, how times have changed.
  14. N

    RE: What browser do you use and Why?

    I stop adds at my firewall. Thanks to Pi-hole, I still use Chrome, tried Brave - not to excited. On first install of a new windows computer is install chrome, and delete all of the edge icons....
  15. N

    Why don't Christians or God want anything to do with "secular" activities?

    I guess I really disagree with this post. In an entertainment Industry such as "Hollywood", Christians are shunned away. There are several examples of ANTI-Christian groups going after Christians - Just because of there values, nothing more. There are examples of actors becoming Christian and...
  16. N

    Launched my Website

    Hi Dave, thanks for the post, I added you site to my Christian Search Engine Also, Shekach Christian Search Engine.
  17. N

    I'm starting to hate computers.

    Sounds like you can use your wifes computer, see if you can add a login for you on your wifes computers. (ask permission :>). dont have a second computer, take the dog to the vet.
  18. N

    Transfer pics from PC to cell?

    If you have Google Email, and an Android. Put them in your Docs and now they are in the cloud... If you use protonMail Well the same thing, proton Drive!
  19. N

    Cheap Laptops

    I bought a Cheap ACER, the reason for this: 1. Can Be Upgraded, by me (HD,RAM) 2. Can Be Fixed, by me!
  20. N

    Intellectual Disillusionment Towards Science & Technology

    Reading something so arrogant as this is sad. When you read something that pushes people away from Christ you just want to pray that they actually read the bible.