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  1. tgg

    Happy Mothers Day to all CF members!

    Hi, I'd like to wish all the mothers on Christian Forums a Happy Mother's Day for today. What are you all doing for it? My family is meeting with my brother and his family for brunch this morning at a cafe in Stafford, then going to visit my sister and her daughters up in Deception Bay at the...
  2. tgg

    Sparks new song - "Nothing Is As Good As They Say It Is"

    LA sibling art rock duo Sparks have just released their third single from their upcoming album "The Girl Is Crying In Her Latte" (out on May 26th), titled "Nothing Is As Good As They Say It Is". Songwriter/keyboard player Ron Mael has ingeniously crafted the lyrics to refer to a 22 hour old...
  3. tgg

    The Brick

    There was once a little boy who had a terrible temper and whenever he got angry or upset with other people he would lash out at them and say very hurtful things to them, even if they were not to blame for his anger. One day, his Dad said to him "You need to learn to curb that temper of yours...
  4. tgg

    Compliment the user above you.

    ^Hope you are having a wonderful afterlife. <3
  5. tgg

    RIP - Archbishop Desmond Tutu

    (2) The Christian Left | Facebook Thank you for doing God's service to the world, Desmond. Now you are at home with Him again at last. <3
  6. tgg

    Faith - Fears

    Does that include fearing God being starved to death too?
  7. tgg

    An example of what is wrong with this world.

    Why would a loving God be against responsible sex between consenting parties? Doesn't compute.
  8. tgg

    An example of what is wrong with this world.

    Regardless what your stance on this is, whether you are pro-life or pro-choice, I think ALL of us can agree that this woman is a complete joke. What kind of sick mind would turn something which is a very difficult and life changing decision for a woman into some kind of party?! She is...
  9. tgg

    Father's porn addiction

    Hi, I am not a parent myself, but I am a recovering porn addict so I will try and give you my best advice on this. Talk to your Dad about it first. Does he know that you sometimes use his mobile phone? If he does, then bring up the subject with him. Tell him you accidentally came across it...
  10. tgg

    What's everyone doing this weekend?

    Hi all, Thought I'd pop in here to ask what we are all doing this weekend? It's really quiet in this forum, it could do with a bit of livening up! :)
  11. tgg

    What happened to the Christianity that gave us the Holy Roman Empire...

    Believers or unbelievers - we *ALL* come from the same source. We all have the same coloured blood and tears. We are ALL God's people, and it is neither through acts of war, hatred, or bloody deeds that His Kingdom will be manifest on Earth. We must look within ourselves to find it through...
  12. tgg

    What was Jesus saying when He said "you must be born again"

    It means climbing into your mother's womb and wriggling yourself out again. ;-) Joking aside, I think it means turning yourself around to obey all of God's commandments and learn, teach and apply the teachings of Jesus Christ to all who reach out to you. :)
  13. tgg

    What happened to the Christianity that gave us the Holy Roman Empire...

    Because that "Christianity" violated two of Jesus' main teachings "Love one another" and "If you love me, you will keep my commandments". Two of the main commandments are "do not commit murder" and "do not steal". Does this answer your question? When Jesus comes back to Earth, he will say to...
  14. tgg

    Naturist Christian Fellowships - could they work here?

    There is a rapidly growing group on Facebook called Christian Naturists Australia, and the URL for it is: Log into Facebook | Facebook - we've got nearly 200 members on it now.
  15. tgg

    Free Beaches

    So should Christians refrain altogether from eating animal flesh and boycott the likes of McDonald's, KFC and Hungry Jack's like they call for a boycott of nudist venues and beaches? You see where I am going with this? Bah and nonsense. If something doesn't kill, maim or injure anyone then...
  16. tgg

    Prayer for our leaders thread

    Let us pray that our leaders make the right decisions with any course of action that they charged to do. <3
  17. tgg

    Is it my job as a Christian to tell people they are wrong??

    Jesus taught: "Do not give what is holy to dogs, they will turn and attack you. Do not throw your pearls in front of pigs, they will crush them underfoot". I hate to tell you this, but there are a number of pigs and dogs in disguise in the Christian world who might come across as pious and...
  18. tgg

    Needing prayer and spiritual protection

    Hi all, Could all of you please pray for me? I am making a comeback with my music and photographic pursuits, and my ex-housemate is being used by Satan to libel me on Instagram and Facebook. He is an alcoholic who has head injuries, complex PTSD and schizophrenia and has previously been...
  19. tgg

    hows everyone in A.U. doing today???

    Good thank you, shortangel. Today was my mother's pre 80th birthday celebrations, which she held at the Brisbane Jazz Club. We had 20 guests present, and I took some photos and footage of the event. Summer isn't happening until December of this year, but the weather has been quite warm today...