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  1. B

    I wish to make a fellowship post

    Dear Traditional Adventists, I wish to post in your forum for the following reasons. I have been in debates and discussions with some of your members and I am impressed by the way you wish to stick to scripture. Your members do not appear to be swayed by any logic that does not include...
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    A discussion of the Deep Things of God

    I was having a conversation with Gary K in another thread, and we were discussing Christian principles. Gary says that I am more Adventist than I know, and I believe Gary is actually discussing Catholic teaching. The denominational barriers would seem to limit our discussion, so I thought that...
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    It’s getting rough out there, what would you do?

    A bit of background: I do not count myself as holy. I spent the first 56 years of my life in sin, even though I thought myself as Christian. I was born Catholic, left the Church came back after 20 yrs but still carried a doubtful conscience as to Church teaching. I would commit grave sin and...
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    What are we really supposed to do?

    This is a sermon from the second century when the Church was one. There were no formal schisms or quote unquote reformations. There was just the Church. Listening today is like watching one of those divorce court shows. Everyone has a reason for why one side is right and the other is wrong...
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    Why the obsession with End Times prophesy?

    There seems to be in Christianity a curiosity or fascination with end times prophesy. Those that more forcefully proclaim their prophecies are seen as more biblically knowledgeable and receive the attention of many. Some stir up fear in our hearts and others fascination and others a sense that...
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    St Augustine preached against the prosperity Gospel, and did not look favorably on those that preach it

    St Augustine's sermon On Pastors Prepare your soul for temptation You have already been told about the wicked things shepherds desire. Let us now consider what they neglect. You have failed to strengthen what was weak, to heal what was sick, and to bind up what was injured (that is, what was...
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    Queen of Heaven?

    It has been suggested that if we honor Mary as Queen of Heaven that we are actually worshiping a demonic entity known as the queen of heaven, as previously worshipped by some in the Old Testament. I agree that the activity described in Jeremiah 44 is an abomination. Offering sacrifices...
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    The Sabbath debate goes on, but should it?

    St Ignatius of Antioch was a Bishop in the early Church circa 108/140 AD. He was a great saint and explains early Church thinking on the Jewish Sabbath. From St Ignatius of Antioch's letter to the Magnesians United in one prayer and one hope, in joy and holiness Since I have met the...
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    What say you?

    “The teaching of the Church affirms the existence of hell and its eternity. Immediately after death the souls of those who die in a state of mortal sin descend into hell, where they suffer the punishments of hell, “eternal fire.” The chief punishment of hell is eternal separation from God, in...
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    A Great Sermon from a great Pope

    This is a sermon on Ascension Thursday by Pope Leo the Great who was Pope in the 5th Century. The Church was not in schism. There were many positions about the nature of Christ at the time, but the position that prevailed is what we hold today. Christ is fully human and fully divine, two...
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    A treatise from a Bishop of the 5th century

    This was written by a Saint before the Church was in schism. We can notice that he speaks about every church. There is no mention of other denominations or disagreements. This is a treatis of how things were. The Eucharist is the source and summit of the Christian faith, not the day we...
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    Today’s Gospel Reading

    Today’s Gospel on the third Sunday of Easter tells us of the two disciples on the road to Emmaus on the day of the Lord’s resurrection. It makes specific note that it is the first day of the week. It is the day of the Lord’s resurrection and the first holy Mass, as they recognize Him in the...
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    An excellent sermon by Pope Leo the great

    From a sermon of Saint Leo the Great, pope Christ lives in his Church My dear brethren, there is no doubt that the Son of God took our human nature into so close a union with himself that one and the same Christ is present, not only in the firstborn of all creation, but in all his saints as...
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    Today is Divine Mercy Sunday, Augustine explains why we worship today

    From a sermon by Saint Augustine A new creation in Christ I speak to you who have just been reborn in baptism, my little children in Christ, you who are the new offspring of the Church, gift of the Father, proof of Mother Church’s fruitfulness. All of you who stand fast in the Lord are a...
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    Homily from a Catholic Bishop

    This is from an Easter Homily by Melito, Bishop of Sardis. He died in the year 180 A.D. It is the subject of today’s office of readings, which is read everyday by Catholic priests and religious The Easter Praise of Christ We should understand, beloved, that the paschal mystery is at once...
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    Mary is Our Lady and Our Mother

    Anyone see that Pope Francis has called on humanity to repent for harming Mother Earth? That is the most absurd statement I have ever read. I know he is the pope, but I think he is dead wrong here The Earth is an inanimate object, and dust is the material from which we are made, but it is not...
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    What is Grace?

    This may seem like a simple question, but how you answer has profound implications. Some say grace is unmerited favor that forgives us from sin by faith in Jesus Christ. That is correct, but I believe only half right. Grace not only forgives sin, but cleanses us from all sin, and causes us to...
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    Can you really live by Sola Scriptura?

    I was wondering since there are so many denominations claiming Sola Scriptura, what does that actually mean, and how is it different from the scenario presented in this video? Are you governed by sola scriptura or is sola scriptura governed by you or those in authority over you? This video...
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    This is supposed to be a country of religious freedom

    I am not SDA, but I know that a number of you post here. I go to holy Mass on Sunday, but I still feel outrage at this story. The team was only asking for a three hour accommodation. What the secular authorities did to those boys is disgusting. Alabama Seventh-Day Adventist School Forced...
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    Do you blaspheme Mary?

    A subject came up in another thread, and it was suggested that it would be a subject for a thread of its own. I agree and wish to present it here. Many have heard of various Marian apparitions throughout history. Our Lady of Lourdes, Our Lady of Guadalupe, and Our Lady of Fatima among...