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  1. 6

    Greatest Fears

    25) For the thing which I greatly feared, is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me. 26) I was not in safety, neither had I rest, neither was I quiet, yet trouble came. Job 3:25-26 So anyone close to me knows I hate being SINgle, but my greatest fear is not being alone...
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    Batting .500

    The real praise will come when I bat a 1.000. So unfortunately I looked at porn last night the good news is did not react to it (other than looking at it). Please pray that I may follow Paul’s advice in Romans 6:13 with the Holy Spirit‘s help, so that I learn to yield my body to Him.
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    Hebrews 10:24-25

    So knowing these two verses I know I need to find a church; but need faith for strength to endure to find a place of worship that is describe here: 24) And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works. 25). Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner...
  4. 6

    Hot Temper

    Pray for me, that the Holy Spirit will help me to have a milder or even very cool temper. As it is not only unChrist like but as a diabetic extremely unhealthy.
  5. 6

    Sister is finally home

    So we were planning on bringing my sister home last Friday, but because of poor treatment at the retirement center she was in the hospital for about a week getting care for mrza however it is spell it is like a boil only antibiotics are useless against it. But Thank God she came home today we...
  6. 6

    Good A1C reading

    So being a diabetic and really not controlling my diet I had my A1C token last Monday and saw my Doctor last Friday, I was so sure especially after stressing out to much and getting to easily angered that my A1C was going to top 10 which is very bad. But God has truly been merciful even with a...
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    For my sister

    Please pray for my sister we are hoping to bring her home soon, which is great news; however the original plan was for tomorrow. But we ended up taking her to the hospital for what we think is a boil on her breast, the retirement center thought it was a pimple and busted it open it has only...
  8. 6

    As Easter approaches feel more than ever REJECTED by God

    The word I happen to be looking for rhythm with itch, to say I happen to be reacting like one is a great insult to them. It is much worse but after so many years of trying to believe God for His mercy and just being slapped with His justice I cannot any longer see Him as my Father just my Judge...
  9. 6

    Stressing Out

    So just heard in my neck of the woods by Tuesday morning we will have up to 2 feet of snow. Starting some time Sunday. I will be finishing a 6 day work week Monday, only problem is the person who usually helps me shovel snow will being leaving for a week tomorrow. But what really worries me...
  10. 6

    Finding my glasses and keeping an cool temperament

    So because of a snowstorm got up a little early to help my brother shovel in the process manage to misplace my glasses didn’t want to wear them outside in the cold. Please prayer for me that I can find them without losing my temper of late all the little things are really stressing me out and...
  11. 6

    Praying faithfully

    So I have heard many a Christian state as they pray their mind often wonder off. But I have a problem in that I have often started in to praying just to find out within a limited time my mind is no longer on God and in all honesty not really praying. Has anyone else had this problem but more...
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    Biblical Criticism?

    So many believed the words Luke wrote in Luke 1:1-4 were to the true church as Theophilus can be translated God lover/lover of God. Which means the Bible is God love letter to mankind especially those called out By Him. John 20:31 tells us thee are written that we might believe Jesus is the...
  13. 6

    What does the rest of the World think of the USA Presidential Election?

    So as a US Citizen wondering what the rest of the World thinks of the Biden/Trump 2024 Presidential race? I think most Americans think no matter which one wins we lose. So disappointed with both parties.
  14. 6

    Beachy Amish

    So are their any members here who are Beachy Amish? I have had the blessing of attending one down in Hutchinson, KS and also one near Grove City MN.
  15. 6

    Strangest food you like?

    So just wondering what strange foods do you enjoy to eat. I love my peanut butter, jelly, and pickle sandwiches, delicious everyone in my family think that I happen to be nuts. But I have heard it a fav in the south. Listening to the radio one morning at work the announcer stated many...
  16. 6

    What is Communion or Fellowship in the Spirit?

    The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen II Corinthians 13:14 Therefore if there is any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any affection and mercy, Philippians 2:1 So are...
  17. 6

    Entertain Angels?

    Jesus gives a very dire lesson for the Gentile Believers in Matthew 25:31-46; which most of have totally ignored. The Apostle John states it similarly in I John 3:16-18 and than James states it in fact as true faith produces Fruits/Works of the Holy Ghost. James 2:15-26, not our own works but...
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    What is Faith biggest enemy?

    So I have heard said that doubt and unbelief are Faith biggest enemies, and while I see these as great enemies to faith, in comparison to its greatest they are child‘s play. For Faith greatest enemy feds doubt and unbelief, and makes cowards out of all. Hebrews 11 is call the Hall of Faith...
  19. 6

    Holy Spirit Guidance to find a place of worship

    Please prayer for me to find a church home, need to get back to the church. Hoping to listen and be guided by the Spirit to a church home, tomorrow night.
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    What to do with this verse

    While I wholeheartedly believe the following verse to be true, I find myself in great conflict in my present situation. I say this because I often wonder is this why i am miserable. Hitherto have ye asked nothing in My Name: ask and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full. John 16:24...