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    Unpardonable Sin Question but not asking what it is.

    Hello, I pray you are well. My questions are based on what might be universally agreed on, on the subject of the unpardonable sin. This is NOT a post asking what the unpardonable sin is; this post is different. I have a decent understanding of what I believe the unpardonable sin may be at this...
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    The Different Beliefs (Unlimited Atonement vs Limited Atonement)

    Hello siblings, I will first start by stating that I believe in unlimited atonement. I came across an article: This article quotes early Church members, and some of these quotes seem to hint that limited...
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    OCD Unpardonable Sin Fear

    Hello Brothers and Sisters, I’ve had many terrible intrusive thoughts that I will not repeat, which occurred because my fear of the unpardonable sin. All in all what has helped me most is reading God’s Word instead of looking at all the hundreds of articles online. I read through the New...
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    Would love to talk with someone

    Hello, I pray you are well. I am looking for a pastor, or someone extremely knowledgeable and filled with God’s Grace, who can assist me. I feel well on the path of righteousness, but something occurred about 1.5 years ago that has been a thorn in my side. The fear arises from this thorn every...
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    Who first used the term “unpardonable sin”

    Hello brothers and sisters. My question is not on what the unpardonable sin is, at all. My question is, who first coined the term(s), or who first used the term(s), “unforgivable sin” and “unpardonable sin”? These terms are nowhere in the Bible. I know the scriptures they represent, but who...
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    Predestination- What does it mean?

    Hello Brothers and Sisters. Curious, prior to Calvin’s double predestination theology, what did the church believe predestination meant?
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    Hard Determinism- Where did it start?

    Blessings Brothers and Sisters. My question is around hard determinism. I’ve read articles from a Christian who I consider a hard determinist. Aka, they believe that God controls every single thought, word, and action, of every single human being; they do not believe we have any free-will...
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    Romans 9 Question

    Blessings Brothers and Sisters, Does anyone have articles or links they can send me on the early Church’s’ interpretation of Romans 9? What I have found thus far is the early Church did not look at Romans 9 in a double predestination sense. I have not found many articles though, very few...
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    Supra and Infra Question

    Hello brothers and sisters, I have questions around supralapsarian and infralapsarian views. 1. Were these views initially brought up and discussed during the reformation? 2. Who are the earliest Christian’s to hold one or the other of these views? 3. Does the old church discuss any of this...
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    Pre/Double Destination Differences Question

    I cannot wrap my head around the difference in predestination vs double predestination. My best answer is that in predestination God simply new beforehand who would believe, where with double predestination He actively makes the non elect reprobates. Is this right? Can anyone spoon feed me...
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    Determinism & Double Predestination Questions

    Hello, I pray you all are well. I have several questions. 1. Was Calvin the one who first wrote and preached on double predestination? 2. When were the first teachings on limited atonement. What I mean by this is the teaching that God died on the cross for the elect, but did not die on the...
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    What is the meaning of Blasphemy?

    I know the Biblical meaning of blasphemy is different than its meaning nowadays. Curious if anyone is really knowledgeable on this subject? What does it exactly mean in the Bible? 1. Does intent have to be involved? 2. If it is meant to cause injury, can it only be done around others?
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    Earliest Church Interpretation of Scriptures

    Praise be to God! I was looking to see if anyone had links they could send on what the earliest Christian writings are for verses… Exodus 32: 11-14 1 Samuel 15:11 Genesis 6:6-7 I’d like to know what our earliest church leaders interpreted these verses to mean. If you have info on 1 but not...
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    Gordon Clark Question

    What did Gordon Clark bring to the table that was new? Not looking for a debate, really just curious. It seems a lot of his work had to do with apologetics (my understanding of this = debate). But, what was new to his theology that previously was not believed by Christians?
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    Free will Question

    I asked something similar in another post, but didn’t want to overcrowd it since this technically is a different question. I understand now that Calvinism is not a denomination but a belief system. So my question is, is the Calvinist belief system, the only Christian belief system that denies...
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    Unpardonable Sin Question

    Hi, I am not struggling as much anymore, as the Bible is amazingly clear that all who believe will be saved. Since salvation and eternally damned are complete opposites, it’s quite easy to see that someone who committed the unpardonable sin would never be a believer. I am curious though…so...
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    Omnipotent, Omniscient, Free Will

    I have questions around omniscient and omnipotent. I do believe God is both of these, but I do not believe in hard determinism. I read a lot of articles from folks who know a lot about this stuff, and have beliefs on both sides. I also see folks writing formula looking explanations. I guess my...
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    Hard Determinism Question

    Question, does anyone know what % of Christians are Calvinists? Also, what percentage of Christians are Hard Determinists? My main curiosity is around Hard Determinism: when did this belief really work its way into the church, and again, what percentage of Christians believe in this?
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    Word Translation

    Can someone tell me with complete confidence what ἐλέγξει means in John 16:8? The word can be translated to have multiple meanings and it’s sorta breaking my brain as to what John 16:9-11 means then.
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    Unpardonable Sin & OCD

    I am a firm believer, a child of God, and deep down inside I know that God has me and loves me. With OCD though, I keep circling back to worries of the unpardonable sin; I analyze it again to try to find the answer, and there is no universally accepted answer so it’s impossible just to find one...