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  1. J

    Uncertainty around deliberate sin

    I have posted about something similar to this before, but just feel really drawn to seek advice around this so thought I would just share. I am a bit confused as to how to feel about something... Last Friday I went to bed later than I knew I should have at the time. I could have set my alarm...
  2. J

    Uncertainty around deliberate sin

    I have posted about something similar to this before, but just feel really drawn to seek advice around this so thought I would just share. I am a bit confused as to how to feel about something... Last Friday I went to bed later than I knew I should have at the time. I could have set my alarm...
  3. J


    Hi, at times I feel urges to fast (food), for something I pray for each day. I am underweight however, although not significantly so. It would be useful to hear if anyone has any thoughts around whether to do so or not. Thanks so much.
  4. J

    Evidence for hell

    Hi, The topic of hell came up at a meal time with my family a while back. My Dad being on the fence when it comes to Christianity, challenged me to see whether I could find anything online about there being evidence for hell and to send him what I found. I have only recently got round to...
  5. J

    Does God still forgive when we know we would intentionally repeat the sin again?

    Hi, There are times when I don't want to do something, feeling it may be a sin, but I intentionally go ahead anyway as it feels too hard not to. Then although afterwards I confess what I have done to God, I feel if I was in the same position again, I probably wouldn't act differently. Today...
  6. J

    Terminal illness

    Hi all, a volunteer where I work told me this week that their ex partner's Mum, her children's Nan, has quite unexpectedly just been diagnosed with an illness and is, incredibly sadly, expected to live for around just one more week. Prayer around this would be really appreciated - that she will...
  7. J

    Terminal illness - praying for salvation

    Hi all, A volunteer where I work, as Deputy Manager, told me this Thursday that their ex partner's Mum, their children's Nan, has quite unexpectedly just been diagnosed with an illness and is, incredibly sadly, expected to live for around just one more week. I have been praying for a miracle...
  8. J

    Terminal illness - praying for salvation

    Hi all, A volunteer where I work, as Deputy Manager, told me this Thursday that their ex partner's Mum, their children's Nan, has quite unexpectedly just been diagnosed with an illness and is, incredibly sadly, expected to live for around just one more week. I have been praying for a miracle...
  9. J

    Concern for having shared my beliefs incorrectly

    Hi everyone. I am a deputy manager in retail and had a really lovely conversation with one of our volunteers today. Within it however they opened up to me about their grief after having lost both their parents towards the end of last year and their sadness that they will ‘never see them again’...
  10. J

    Concern for having shared my beliefs incorrectly

    Hi everyone. I am a deputy manager in retail and had a really lovely conversation with one of our volunteers today. Within it however they opened up to me about their grief after having lost both their parents towards the end of last year and their sadness that they will ‘never see them again’...
  11. J

    Concerned for another's mental health

    Hi, I am a deputy manager at a charity shop and one of our team's volunteers is taking some time off at the moment, as they deal with difficulties around their mental health. I am essentially feeling uncertain as to what to do in the means of support so wondered whether anyone may be able to...
  12. J

    Non-Christians going to hell and gay marriage

    Hi, I have a friend who is exploring Christianity further and has sent me a message to say she's struggling to get over the fact that one of her Christian friends 1. believes non-Christians go to hell and 2. doesn't support gay marriage. She can't get on board with either, being confused as to...
  13. J

    Should we always be honest even if it's not the morally right thing to say?

    Hi everyone, I would be hugely grateful for some advice around an area of uncertainty I'm facing at the moment. I was recently informed that my role at work is being made redundant. From my experience of the on-the-ground nature of the organisation's operations, I have huge reservations around...
  14. J

    Should we always be honest even if it's not the morally right thing to say?

    Hi everyone, I would be hugely grateful for some advice around an area of uncertainty I'm facing at the moment. I was recently informed that my role at work is being made redundant. From my experience of the on-the-ground nature of the organisation's operations, I have huge reservations around...