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  1. B

    God's plans and mine

    I have what seems to me to be a reasonable set of plans for what to do in my life in the future. But Proverbs 3:5-6 say, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart...lean not unto your own understanding..." I have been mystified by the gray area between God's will and my will. Because of my wavering...
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    Salvation in a moment versus taking up one's cross

    Because I have religious OCD, I am tending to wonder whether or not I am a Christian. Therefore, this is being posted in “Struggles by Non-Christians.” A person with religious OCD has the OCD doubt machine attack their belief in their own salvation frequently. In my today’s Bible reading, I read...
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    Should the persecuted Christians in Nigeria be armed?

    Christians in Nigeria are being killed by the thousands by illegal militant Islamist groups. It might be especially questionable for Christians to take up arms against a persecuting government; I don't know. But the Christians in Nigeria are being assaulted by criminals, not by the government...
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    Nuclear War, Israel and God

    In 1945, the first atom (fission) bomb was detonated. In 1952, the first hydrogen (fusion) bomb was detonated. But in between these two dates, the nation of Israel reappeared on the map in 1948, setting the stage for the fulfillment of biblical prophecy. This was the God of Israel saying to the...
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    Report on MSN about Christian persecution in U.S. and around the world

    Are American Christians on the path to severe persecution for their faith?
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    Salvation, God's Will and My Will

    I post this in "Struggles by Non-Christians" because it refers to my decades long struggle to know whether or not I am a Christian. I was still in doubt as of last Tuesday, so please don't say this is irrelevant to "Struggles by Non-Christians." Through the months of July and August, I was much...
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    Has the Big Bang Theory Been Debunked?

    The following appeared on MSN just this morning: The Big Bang Theory Has Been Debunked? To note, I already just posted something related recently ("How Christians Should Respond to New Space Images"). I got into a somewhat prolonged argument with one Christian who believes in the Big Bang. I...
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    How Christians should respond to new space images

    Just this morning, on MSN, I saw an article that was about how Christians should feel about new images of space, such as those from the James Webb telescope. The article includes an interview with a woman scientist who apparently is also a Christian. She seems to believe in the Big Bang and old...
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    Christian graffiti

    I have just started on a new project: Christian graffiti. How often have you been in a toilet stall in a public restroom and desired to post a Christian message to compete with the other types of messages scrawled on the wall? But, since you are a Christian, you know you are not supposed to...
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    If you have wavering faith and an anxiety disorder, this post is for you.

    It is bad enough to have religious Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or a similar anxiety problem. If, on top of that, you have wavering faith, you are likely caught in what might be called "The Perfect Storm." I have been in such a storm, up until now, for over a decade. I could just not get...
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    Christ's Outreach to Homosexuals

    If you are not yet a Christian and you are of the LGBT community, this message is for you. The following text can also be found on my website, . One of the hot topics in today’s culture is the matter of the acceptability of the gay lifestyle. Modern thinking has reached the...
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    Am I still blind?

    I keep trying to give my life to Christ, then doubting I’m saved, then giving my life to Christ again. Over and over. I have been seeking that “moment of salvation,” because I know that once you have had that moment of salvation, everything is going to be OK in the long run. But the following...
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    Could a more obedient Paul have avoided his first arrest?

    The Apostle Paul, at his first arrest, in Jerusalem, recounted to the crowd his earlier life, including his dramatic conversion on the road to Damascus. Then, he said, after he returned to Jerusalem, he saw the Lord speaking to Him and saying, “Make haste and get out of Jerusalem quickly, for...
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    My intellect versus God's

    We adults have enough common sense to know things like, “Don’t put your finger in an electrical outlet or you’ll get shocked.” Where is the dividing line between our intellects being sufficient to help us make some decisions, and our intellects being able to make all of our decisions? Such as...
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    In going back and forth on whether or not I'm really saved, I also keep going back and forth on working on projects that I have supposedly dedicated myself to. At times when I think I'm saved, I resume a long-range plan with long-term goals. Since, because I have (successfully? unsuccessfully?)...
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    Why do I doubt my salvation?

    OCD makes real Christians doubt their salvation. I have OCD, religious OCD. Grantley Morris says that Christians with this will be sure of their salvation one day, then doubt it the next. That is certainly my pattern. But I wonder, do I doubt my salvation because I have OCD or because I am not...
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    I want salvation in a moment and for eternity, but this eludes me

    Thank you all for responding to my various posts. I want salvation in a moment which lasts for eternity. i believe the Bible indicates this is possible. But this eludes me. The wrong reason for wanting assurance is so that one can go on with their life as they always have, to continue to go...
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    All or nothing: my 48 year struggle with the matter of salvation

    I have been struggling with the matter of salvation for 48 years, so excuse me if this is a little long. I plan to have the following text translated into Spanish so I can read it to my girlfriend, who, like me, is APPARENTLY a Christian. the ocd christian needs to know that salvation occurs in...
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    Salvation vs. Discipleship; Easy Believism vs. Lordship Salvation

    I understand that I am a Christian since yesterday. But I post this here because of my recent doubts of my salvation and because it may relate to questions some non-Christians may have about salvation. Some people separate out salvation from discipleship but others say you cannot have one...