Search results

  1. 9Rock9


    So, I noticed that all of the Holiness denominations I can think of: United Methodists, Wesleyans and Nazarenes, all affirm women's ordination. Are there any Holiness denominations that affirm complementarian views about the ministry?
  2. 9Rock9

    What are the differences between Amish, Hutterite and Bruderhof?

    What are the differences between these Anabaptist groups when it comes to doctrines, practices and lifestyles?
  3. 9Rock9

    Job Interviews

    I have a couple of job interviews this week. Please pray I do well on them.
  4. 9Rock9

    Revised vs Progressive Dispensationalism

    What are the differences between Revised and Progressive Dispensationalism? I know they don't make as sharp of a contrast between the Church and Israel compared to classical dispensationalism, but how do they differ from each other? From what I understand, the progressive dispies don't deny...
  5. 9Rock9

    Seventh Day Baptists

    What can you tell me about Seventh Day Baptists? I know that they worship on, but that's all I know. Ready To Harvest's video about them cleared up some things for me. I'm a Southern Baptist, but I diverge from the denomination in that I actually agree with the Seventh Day Baptists on Saturday...
  6. 9Rock9

    Advent Christian Church

    What can you tell me about the Advent Christian Church, and how does it differ from the SDA? From what I read, the ACC worships on Sunday and have a Congregationalist polity, while the SDA worships on Saturday and have their own structure. Do all Adventists believe in the investigatitive...
  7. 9Rock9

    Job Search

    I am currently unemployed and looking for work. I applied to a bunch of jobs and one turned me down. Still waiting to hear back from the others. Please pray that I will find work soon, preferably by the end of the month, even if is just a simple part time job at McDonald's. Thanks!
  8. 9Rock9

    Old Believers

    What can you tell me about the Old Believers? From what I read, they were Orthodox Russians who broke away because they disagreed with the patriarch's reforms. What reforms, specifically, did they disagree with, and how else do they differ from Orthodox Christianity?
  9. 9Rock9

    Women pastors

    I heard somewhat that Non-denominational churches are more likely to ordain women into the ministry as opposed to Southern Baptists, who prohibit women from holding ordained positions. What has been your experience as a member of an on-denominational Christian? Does your church have or allow...
  10. 9Rock9

    Thinking about going to church

    So, I used to go to church almost every week when I lived with my mom. I moved out years ago, and my church attendance has decreased. Nowadays, I only go to church whenever I happen to be visiting my mom. I want to change this. The problem is, I have pretty bad anxiety. It's mostly generalized...
  11. 9Rock9

    Anglo-Catholic Questions

    How do Anglo-Catholics differ from both Roman Catholics and other Anglicans? From what I understand, Anglo-Catholics maintain a lot of Catholic traditions like the intercession of saints, private confessions, etc, but reject the papacy. Aside from not agreeing with the concept of the pope, are...
  12. 9Rock9

    Pre-Mil Only Types of Premillennialism

    Premillennialism is divided into two main camps: historic premillennialism (a.k.a chiliasm) and dispensationalism. I lean in a premillennial direction myself, but on the fence between historic premill and dispy. I have heard that historic premillennialism (hereon, HP) can be further divided...
  13. 9Rock9

    Single-pastor vs elder led churches

    Because of our Congregationalist polity, Baptist churches can and do vary on how exactly they function. Some are led by an individual pastor, others by a group of elders, and some are even deacon-led. I have been hearing a lot about elder-led congregationalism, especially in some more...
  14. 9Rock9

    Ellen White: Inspired?

    In case you do not know who Ellen White was, she is one of the founders of the 7th Day Adventist Church and is often considered a prophet by this denomination. Her writings are considered inspired, but there is some debate within the church over what exactly that means in relation to the Bible...
  15. 9Rock9

    Nazarene Church and Inerrancy

    So, I have been interested in the Nazarene Church lately, and I was surprised to learn that the denomination doesn't adhere to inerrancy the same way that most other evangelical denominations do. Supposedly, it is inerrant in matters of faith and practice while other evangelicals believe it is...
  16. 9Rock9

    Independent Baptists

    What can you tell me about Independent Baptists? They are stereotyped as fundamentalist, very strict and KJV-only, but I am wondering how personal experience differs from the stereotype? How do they differ from Southern Baptists?
  17. 9Rock9

    Backsliding and anger

    I feel like I have backslidden from my faith recently, and I want to repent. My other request is that I am struggling with holding grudges and I feel like I have become a meaner person overall. Please pray that I will overcome my grudges and get better at forgiving others, and that I also start...
  18. 9Rock9

    Church Polity

    So, do you have a preference for now a denomination is structured? Church polity is something that does not really matter that much to me. I'm Baptist, so I am biased towards Congregationalist polity, but I am more concerned about how theology and the character of those leading the...
  19. 9Rock9

    Some questions about Methodism

    So, lately, I've been interested in Methodism and related denominations such as Wesleyans and Nazarenes, and I have some questions about Methodists in particular. 1. I don't quite understand the Methodist view on the ordinances. I get that they are "means of grace", but what does that mean...
  20. 9Rock9

    Two State Solution

    Let's say, hypothetically, that the two state solution becomes a thing, so that Israel and Palestine are separate countries. Would such a thing occurring refute dispensationalism and its view of Israel as a fulfillment of biblical prophecy?