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  1. R

    Discrimination for Being Effeminate

    Has anyone experienced this, although you are not g-a---- y? Could someone provide me with links on discrimination for being effeminate? I am experiencing this greatly. My neighbors call me "F---a --- g ---- g --------------ot " behind my back and whispers. Please relay your experiences...
  2. R

    They still mock me, laugh at me and call me F ---- behind my back even when I am already kind to my neighbors

    My neighbors, the Magpantays, had a long tension with me before regarding the noise, and even up to now I sometimes put up with their noise. But I befriended them and patched things up and became kind to them, and some of you already know about this. Days ago, my electric post suddenly lit up...
  3. R

    What will happen to me?? To my safety?? Please help me

    Okay, I am humbling myself. I am the same guy. Brethren, I'm sorry. You can tell me all your opinions and I will take them well, this time. Please, I need your honesty. 1. So these neighbors who are just relatively new are noisy, and they let their kids to be noisy. 2. So after talking with...
  4. R

    What will happen to me..Please help me...

    So I am still the man who God allowed to have new neighbors who suddenly rented beside my house... 1. And the grown-ups are noisy and do reveling, even until 2 a.m. and past sleeping hours. And they allow their children to shout and be noisy and play in the streets. 2. I have informed them I...
  5. R

    I have repented of all of my sins to God, but my neighbors are HAVING A WAR!!!!

    So, I have truly repented of all of my sins, including the lack of love and gentleness I showed on others and forcing them to follow the Bible. I also repented of homosexual lust and other things. 1. Now, this family moved across my house and started renting. The grown-ups are inconsiderate...
  6. R

    Who do you guess / think is the AntiChrist? (Safe space)

    Who do you think / guess the AntiChrist would be / is? Please support with Bible verses. It would be great if we True Believers would be basing it on the Bible. Let's be like the Bereans who examine things. This is a safe place and of course, no bashing. Thank you very much. If you're more...
  7. R

    What are the weaknesses of the Post-Wrath Post Tribulation Rapture Position?

    I am still studying and depending on the Holy Spirit for my position, whether it is Post-Wrath Post Tribulation or Pre-Wrath after Tribulation position. Would you kindly state the weaknesses of the Post-Wrath Post Tribulation Rapture position, please? Thank you so very much!
  8. R


    I decided to take the risk and post my miracle. I have struggled with homosexual lust for many years, and also with pornography and masturbation, and other stuff. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob has reached out to me. Even if we receive Jesus Christ as our Savior years ago, if we continue...
  9. R

    The people in my church are not singing!!!

    I really appreciate all of your help, True Believers. Humbly, after asking God about this, please let me know your honest thoughts. I. I am a Worship Leader of a certain church, for years. Many pastors and people have told me I sing excellently, I am anointed, all glory and credit belong to...
  10. R

    Please help me.. I am struggling....

    God made me to be a man. I want to be a man. But I am struggling with same sex attracted. I am sexually attracted to handsome muscular hunks, especially those who look financially poor. Please help me. What are some things you do to battle and overcome this? How can this problem be resolved...
  11. R

    I am so insecure

    I have been insecure for many, many years. I'm 6 months into my new job. This unbeliever man, whose position is not very high and merely clerical, nevertheless has managed to shine in the office for many years. Everyone just likes and admires him. Unbeliever, yes, but he has managed to be nice...
  12. R

    Please help me... I have been asking God to help me regarding this struggle

    Siblings in the Lord and friends, thank you for this. For many many years, I have struggled with this deep dark secret. I feel insecure that I am not attractive to women. I'm just 2 months at my new work. I happened to be in an office where the 3 other men are attractive. They have all worked...
  13. R

    Help me! A church elder did this to me when I was a kid....

    Ok. So brothers and sisters, you already know my story. One thing more was revealed to me though, after countless times of prayer. A memory came flashing back. Sometime I decided to forget for so many years. When I was a child, I used to visit the parsonage and would sometimes find kids...
  14. R

    My Testimony: I left homosexuality

    I received Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior when I was a teenager. But only recently, God in His infinite wisdom, has made me realize at the deep root of my heart, that I am to leave homosexuality. God never intended for anyone to be gay. Please pray for me. The Battle is the Lord's...
  15. R

    My Testimony: I left homosexuality

    I received Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior when I was a teenager. But only recently, God in His infinite wisdom, has made me realize at the deep root of my heart, that I am to leave homosexuality. God never intended for anyone to be gay. Please pray for me. The Battle is the Lord's...