Search results

  1. Daniel Marsh

    diy electric handsaw build or buy cheap

    I am trying to build one of these. My wife says see where you can buy one cheap.
  2. Daniel Marsh

    Can AI be used for apologetics and how?

  3. Daniel Marsh

    What are the attributes & characteristics of Jesus?

    What are the attributes & characteristics of Jesus? Luke 1:35 Easy-to-Read Version 35 The angel said to Mary, “The Holy Spirit will come to you, and the power of the Most High God will cover you. The baby will be holy and will be called the Son of God. AMP Then the angel replied to her...
  4. Daniel Marsh

    paganism of pizza

    Foods similar to pizza have been made since antiquity. Records of pizza-like foods can be found throughout ancient history. In the 6th century BC, Persian soldiers serving under Darius the Great baked flatbreads with cheese and dates on top of their battle shields.[5][6] In Ancient Greece...
  5. Daniel Marsh

    Comtemporary Christain Music 1970s

    Looking for sites to download Comtemporary Christain Music 1970s
  6. Daniel Marsh

    What errors does strong's concordance lead to?

    There are problems it causes.
  7. Daniel Marsh

    Winter Revival Update yesss

    Winter Revival Update yesss So, far this round is around 20,000 new believers in our Lord and Saviour. It has caused a local Kingdom Hall, Christian Science Church and a small LDS Ward aka Church( about 500 to 1,000) to close.
  8. Daniel Marsh

    roof surprise

    Today, we woke up to a surprise. A group of men and ladies, tore off our roof and put a new one on. We did not hire anyone to do that. We did not need a new roof. The Supervisor came to the door for a $12,000 payment. In the mean time, we called the Police. They told us to stay inside and do not...
  9. Daniel Marsh

    How do we develop the tools for not being taken in by poor philosphy?

    How do we develop the tools for not being taken in by poor philosphy? Also, dangerious Theology?
  10. Daniel Marsh

    trying to fix two generators

    trying to fix two generators does anyone know where I can buy A-0702 125/250 20A part for the generator part?
  11. Daniel Marsh

    Repressed Memory Epidemic

    the repressed memory epidemic By Pendergrast, Mark Causes conditions of victims: low working class, little education, no special skills, single parent, anti-intellectual, depressed, breakdown of families, divorce, moral lapses, believes rumors by propagandists, no critical evaluation of the...
  12. Daniel Marsh

    blood clott, very painful

    blood clott, very painful
  13. Daniel Marsh

    pagan philosophy influences on western society?

    What pagan or/and philosphy has influnced cultures, societies in general? I think David Hume wrote a thesis on 1 + 1 = 2 algebra was invented by a Muslim. " Early mathematics was revolutionised by Muslim scholars like Al-Khwarizmi, the founder of Algebra; Al-Kindi, Al-Khazin...
  14. Daniel Marsh

    Non-Biblical Sources used to or quoted in the Bible

    Non-Biblical Sources used to or quoted in the Bible Hebrews 11:37 New Catholic Bible 37 They were stoned,[a] or sawed in two, or put to death by the sword. They went about in skins of sheep or goats—destitute, persecuted, and tormented. Read full chapter Footnotes Hebrews 11:37 They were...
  15. Daniel Marsh

    wasp traps?

    how to make wasp traps?
  16. Daniel Marsh

    treatments prostrate cancer

    treatments prostrate cancer, what works best? I have had it a few times, surgery, radiation, forgot other treatments.
  17. Daniel Marsh

    what is the most interesting bad proof texting?

    what is the most interesting bad proof texting? I forget the ones used by others for not returning my tools.
  18. Daniel Marsh

    where can one get free grass seed?

    where can one get free grass seed?
  19. Daniel Marsh

    How does one wire Electric Motors?

    How does one wire Electric Motors? I have tried in the past and caused fires. I only wire them outside so I can walk away and pretend, I did not start another fire.
  20. Daniel Marsh

    There was a shooting at Easter Michigan this week