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  1. A

    prayer and Bible reading

    I have been trying to spend more time with the Lord lately. I am making an effprt to pray and read my Bible. I am trying to catch up o my reading. I find i like reading better than watching TV. I want to serve the Lord with my art and writing too. I find I start the day right by watching Joyce...
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    pruning roses

    Today I spent the morning working in the yard doing gardening. I pruned my rose bush and trimmed some other bushes. I dug up some weeds. I wore a flannel long sleeve shirt to protect my arms from thorns. I want to do some more gardening tomorrow. I like being outdoors in FLorida and seing the...
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    merry Christmas

    I know its been said, many times many ways, Merry Christmas, I'll say it today! I just love Christmas, even if there's no snow here, I'll take the sunshine to freezing cold weather any day.! I love that sweet little baby born to Mary and Joseph, laid in a manger in a stable so many years ago. I...
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    Disney is evil

    I've had it with Disney. I think they are getting into the horror movie business. I watched Jungle Cruise last night, it was disgusting. The only thing I liked was the tree with the 'tears of the moon.' which bloomed very breifly with pretty flowers, reminded me of the tree of life in the bible...
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    wanting to post pictures

    I have been wanting to post some of my drawings here, but not exactly sure how to do it. I am computer ignorant/illiterate. I have some pictures of Esther and hibiscus flower I would like to post. My parents have a scanner, printer, but my mom does not want me to put up my art she is afraid...
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    more computer time

    It is not fair, not right the way my parents treat me. They treat me as if I were 4 years old, instead of an adult of 42 years old. I know I have a mental illness, but I still have some common sense. My parents hog the computer, we only have one computer with internet connection. I have my...
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    beware of storms

    I'm from Florida, my family dodged a bullet with hurricane Idalia, it went to the 'big bend' area of Florida, not where I live. I prayed about hurricane Idalia. I believe in what Jesus Christ said about building your house on the rock, not on the sand. People who build their houses on sandy...
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    going back to church

    Hi, any of you all that know me in this forum know i have not been to church in several years. Well, my Dad found a paper from Christ United Church in our town and it had a message on it on being either a giver or a taker. He showed it to me, we talked about the church, he remembered during the...
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    what is gaslighting?

    I just read an article on yahoo about 'gaslighting' My dad says it is lying. It was described as 'emotional abuse. Lying, fibbing, slander, libel, kidding, johing, there are so many words for lying! I would be very upset if someone lied about me. Don't make up rumors and lies! I had no idea what...
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    wish for spring flowers

    I have rarely been in more northern colder climates, so I miss out on Spring and Fall. I miss out on snow, but I hear snow is dangerous even deadly it comes down heavy and blocks people doors and cars, it blocks the road with ice and makes it dangerous to drive. The snow turns brown and yucky...
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    not sure a baptist

    I am not sure if I am still a southern baptist. I come from a family of southern baptist and my parents took me to a southern baptist church, now they, and I, are not really sure if we still believe the same thing anymore. My parents and I don't go to church anymore. My Dad is fed up with the...
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    I want to serve God through fantasy, creativity.

    I liked fairy tales as a child and then I read other fantasy books, along with the Bible, mythology, folklore, history, etc. I have read Christian fantasy like Narnia and I want to write my own Christian fantasy stories. I have come up with different ideas. Some of my stories are romantic, some...
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    love the cute and cuddly

    I really like cute cuddly animals like cats and dogs. I like birds, bunny rabbits and horses. i like pretty birds with bright pretty colors. I like cats and dogs with pretty colors. Calicos cats, patched colored dogs, blond, tan, brown, reddish brown, yellow, white, cats and dogs with mixed...
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    sewing, needlework,

    I would like to learn how to sew. I would like to learn some embroidery and needlework. I heard medieval and Victorian ladies did a lot of embroidery. I have some sewing books from my mom. I have a book on needlework and needlecrafts. They have instruction for embroidery stitches. So far I am...
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    I still live with my parents

    Hi, I'm almost 42 and I still live with my parents. My Dad starts complaining about everything. He is a grumpy old man. My mom may be disorganized and messy, but she is nicer than him. I need to clean the house, mom said it was dusty. She has a mess in the house, mom is a pack rat, she saves...
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    hurricane Ian

    I survived hurricane Ian. It started off as a weak tropical storm in the Atlantic and grew bigger as it reached the Carribean an closer to Florida. My dad, mom and I watched the weather report on the news constantly. My mom bought bottled drinking water and dry food. My dad and I put up...
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    wishing for cat

    Hi, I am an animal lover. I like the cute and cuddly. I like cute little cats and dogs, and their babies, kittens and puppies, are so adorable. I also like rabbits and horses, and I really like pretty birds with bright colors. I am currently petless. :( I had hamsters as a little girl, then...
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    show God's love

    I want to work for God and show everyone the love of Jesus Christ. I have a lot of problems, pride, selfishness, greed, vanity, ambition, stubborness, rebelliousness, going for 'what I want' ahead of what God wants for me. I like historical fashion, I draw paper dolls wearing my fashion designs...
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    struggling to loose weight

    Hi, I am a woman who is almost 42years young, I live in Florida with my aging parents. Obesity runs in the family, at least in my Mom's side of the family. My dad is mostly skinny or the right size, my mom and I are overweight, maybe even obese. There were some fat relative on my Dad's side too...
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    magic horses

    Anyone here a horse fan? I have loved unicorns and unicorns with wings ever since I was a little girl. I had a big my little pony collection. I had trouble learning how to ride a bicycle. I had a balance problem. My Mom got me a children's book on doing something you can do if you just keep...