Recent content by Wildflower08

  1. Wildflower08

    Reoccurring dreams?

    God has a great sense of humor :) He's done things like this with me as well
  2. Wildflower08

    Reoccurring dreams?

    Interesting thought. I'm not sure what this would be, but I'll pray about it. God has been dealing with me about fear lately, and I am about to leave for a mission trip (which always seems to trigger warfare) Thanks
  3. Wildflower08

    Reoccurring dreams?

    I frequently have dreams where I encounter something demonic that's in the form of a person. There's always something "off" about them that alerts me that there's something wrong. Just after my grandfather died, I saw him in a dream. I was overjoyed to see him until he started talking...
  4. Wildflower08

    Introducing: The ABC's of PLACES!!! (12)

    Queenstown, NZ
  5. Wildflower08

    a~z of things that smell good

    gumbo :)
  6. Wildflower08

    GTKY: What gift are you excited to GIVE this year?

    I'm getting my parents a firepit for their backyard along with graham crackers, chocolate, and marshmallows :)
  7. Wildflower08

    Can someone please explain this?

    I grew up in an Episcopalian Church as well as Episcopalian Schools. My school was associated with a high Episcopalian cathedral where they did many things we didn't do at my "lower" Episcopalian church -- such as ringing bells and using incense. :liturgy: The reasons behind those practices...
  8. Wildflower08

    King James Version Only

    I think similar linguistic issues have caused confusion between the "spirit" and the "soul" ... in multiple translations. God's word in infallible... human languages unfortunately are not :)
  9. Wildflower08

    King James Version Only

    Interesting quote... I would read that as His soul wasn't left in hell... implying that it was there at one time, but only briefly? Thoughts?
  10. Wildflower08

    King James Version Only

    I don't think it's any more or less perfect or inspired than the NIV, NLT, etc. The Bible is the Bible... Jesus didn't speak circa 1611 English. I think if we really want to go to the source, we should brush off a concordance and get into the Aramaic and Greek. :)
  11. Wildflower08

    Is there such thing as the "right church"?

    A friend of mine used to say "If you find the perfect church, don't join it because you'll screw it up." Of course that's just a tongue in cheek way of saying that every church has it's flaws. The church is comprised of humans... and we are each very flawed - so no, I don't think there is a...
  12. Wildflower08

    Can I Have and Do It All, Please?

    I am currently reading this book and it has my name written all over it!! It's such a God thing that I am reading it in this season of my life! Is anyone else reading this?
  13. Wildflower08

    Does the bible really say not to associate with attractive people

    Not at all... not really sure where you've heard that from. There's nothing wrong with associating with attractive people... if there was, than no one would have associated with Joseph, Esther, and many other biblical lookers. You just have to guard you heart. Lust is a sin, being around...
  14. Wildflower08

    Is It Right for My Wife to Dress Sexy At Home?

    Proverbs 5:18-19 May your fountain be blessed, and may you rejoice in the wife of your youth. A loving doe, a graceful deer-- may her breasts satisfy you always, may you ever be captivated by her love. Nothing at all wrong with it as long as you're both comfortable with it.