Recent content by simplewoodencross

  1. simplewoodencross


    My last post has a delete function but the duplicate post doesn’t???
  2. simplewoodencross


    Very sorry, it was accidental. I tried but there is no visible delete button for me on mobile. I’ll check on desktop.
  3. simplewoodencross


    Thank you! I’m a bit ashamed to admit when it happened I literally said “ Oh come on… you’ve got to be s***ing me?” Thank you!
  4. simplewoodencross


    Thank you! I’m a bit ashamed to admit when it happened I literally said “ Oh come on… you’ve got to be s***ing me??”
  5. simplewoodencross

    Why We Need a New Kind of Homesteading

    I totally agree, although we don't have the finances to buy land at the moment. The political and economic landscape here in Germany is not looking positive, so i've been thinking a lot about moving back to the States and finding somewhere to settle. In the meantime, we have a yard and a garden...
  6. simplewoodencross


    Thank you! Many blessings to you too.
  7. simplewoodencross

    Is my dad really that conservative?

    Your Dad sounds like a wonderful guy. I could use some of that mindset and optimism.
  8. simplewoodencross


    Hello! I'm new here too.
  9. simplewoodencross


    Hello everyone. I'm new here and pretty new to the Faith, (Slowly working through the Bible) so I am looking forward to having some interesting conversations. I am an American living in Germany (non military) and have been non religious until about a year and a half ago. I was going through some...