Recent content by ShiawaseIppai

  1. S

    I can't get the doctrine of predestination

    That makes complete sense it's related to total depravity. Thank you for explaining that. And thank you for explaining about infants. What is the Calvinist view on prayer for others? Is it all right to pray for others in the hopes that they might be elected, that God would soften their...
  2. S

    I can't get the doctrine of predestination

    I thank God for His saving grace. I would truly be lost without it, with the weight of my sin. I pray for my family that grace would come to them as well in time. Thank you.
  3. S

    I can't get the doctrine of predestination

    Oh, no. I don't want a debate. I was just looking for information in trying to understand all the doctrines. I find it quite hard to get detailed information, most likely because I don't really know where to start. So I very much appreciate you pointing me towards the Canon of Dordt, which I...
  4. S

    I can't get the doctrine of predestination

    Thank you for that! So election is made by God on a basis only He knows. So there will be millions of children born, loved by their parents, educated, married, having children of their own to love, and they will all go to hell because they were not elected? It makes me feel guilty for being a...
  5. S

    I can't get the doctrine of predestination

    Thank you! I'm glad I found this. I never knew about it until today.
  6. S

    I can't get the doctrine of predestination

    Thank you so much! I hope we both get some clarity on this!
  7. S

    I can't get the doctrine of predestination

    Lol. No worries. I'm not a Calvinist either, but I'm trying to understand their positions. Thanks for responding! :)
  8. S

    I can't get the doctrine of predestination

    Thank you for reply. Very true. But from what I understand (and please correct me if I'm wrong), Calvinists believe people cannot choose whether to believe or not because they count that as works, and being saved is 100% grace. Sproul said that the idea that God just knows who would and...
  9. S

    I can't get the doctrine of predestination

    Hello. I've watched many of R. C. Sproul's and other videos on predestination, and I don't get it completely. I understand that Semi-Pelagianism is the idea that God knows who's going to be receptive to the gospel and who isn't. So that's out. So is it that God causes babies to be born knowing...