Recent content by Oompa Loompa

  1. Oompa Loompa

    The common thread in Trump's defenders

    Charged with a state crime that was past its statute of limitations with the supposed intention of covering up election fraud (a federal crime) that was never introduced in court. Meaning that if this was actually a legitimate case, the state court would not have jurisdiction over it (because...
  2. Oompa Loompa

    The common thread in Trump's defenders

    WHOSE STATUTE OF LIMITATONS EXPIRED! WHAT WAS THE STATE CRIME TRUMP WAS TRYING TO CONCEAL! I am literally frustrated because I am conversing with people who are applauding kangaroo courts and making this country a banana Republic so they can sleep better at night knowing that their political...
  3. Oompa Loompa

    The common thread in Trump's defenders

    Dude, you literally have no clue and just literally making things up out of thin air. Unless you are a mind reader, you are a hack.
  4. Oompa Loompa

    The common thread in Trump's defenders

    Well, if Trump keeps his promise by being a "dictator on the first day," he would be aggressively kicking out the corruption without hesitation as if he was staring on "The Apprentice!" You're Fired! But alas, that is what the liberal left fears the most, and are most willing to destroy the...
  5. Oompa Loompa

    The common thread in Trump's defenders

    Thank you for clarifying the obvious. Perhaps you should apply to become a Biden handler/speech writer. You have talent and what it takes.
  6. Oompa Loompa

    The common thread in Trump's defenders

    Yes. The New York post confirmed the laptop was real long before the FBI were willing to admit it. Which is why the left strong-armed Facebook, Google, and Twittter to lable it as "false information" or "Russian subversion" so people would stop asking questions. Three years ago, people were...
  7. Oompa Loompa

    The common thread in Trump's defenders

    "Violation of FEDERAL campaign finance limits" = federal offens tried in a federal court. Plus, no evidence was presented in the hearings to suggest that Trump actually did such. "unlawfully influencing the 2016 U.S. presidential election" = federal offense tried in a federal court. Again, not...
  8. Oompa Loompa

    The common thread in Trump's defenders

    Precisely! Nowhere in America has this ever been a thing! Only in Communist China, the Soviet Union, or a third-world banana Republic in South America is this a thing. So please wake up and realize thatn just because the Hudge presiding over involving your most hated person, allowing the jury...
  9. Oompa Loompa

    The common thread in Trump's defenders

    I rest my case. Kangaroo court indeed. What is the most disturbing is that regardless if Trump is completely exonerated, the liberal left will always call Trump a "convicted felon." Because that makes them happy and sleep better at night regardless if he is innocent or not. The jury was like...
  10. Oompa Loompa

    The common thread in Trump's defenders

    "With the intent of committing other crimes." WHAT WERE THE OTHER CRIMES! Even if there were other crimes that influenced the election, that would then be a federal case. So why on earth wad it tried in a state court? Answer: because screw Trump. That's why. And that's why his donations...
  11. Oompa Loompa

    The common thread in Trump's defenders

    It was because Trump is a mean ol' meanie man and needs to be punished. That was Trump's federal crime that he was trying to conceal.
  12. Oompa Loompa

    The common thread in Trump's defenders

    Since you were so much more informed about this case than anyone else, what evidence was presented to suggest that the documents were specifically falsified to influence an election and where was the evidence showing the influence? Honestly, there is no possible way you can answer this question...
  13. Oompa Loompa

    The common thread in Trump's defenders

    With the intent of covering what crime?! Circular reasoning. What federal crime did Trump commit that warrented a federal case, but conveniently was processed outside a federal court? WHAT WAS HIS FEDERAL CRIME THAT HE WAS HIDING AFTER HIS SUPPOSED atourny
  14. Oompa Loompa

    The common thread in Trump's defenders

    Well, I belive that Biden molests children. Therefore he should be convicted as a pedophile. I guess it could would both ways.
  15. Oompa Loompa

    The common thread in Trump's defenders

    What was the crime Trump was trying to hide when he supposedly falsified the documents? I will wait because even the prosecutors and the jury didn't know.