Recent content by Northbrook

  1. Northbrook

    Est-ce qu'il y a quelqu'un qui connait un bon forum de discussion chrétien Français?

    Je connais un membre qui saurait. Son nick est Chrétien de Troyes. C’est son nick ici sur les Christian Forums. Bonne chance!
  2. Northbrook

    Hi, vegans that are Christians!

    Any fellow vegans out there?
  3. Northbrook

    Friend is saying Martin Luther committed suicide

    I have a friend, who is saying that Martin Luther committed suicide. From what I've heard about Luther, he was grievously afflicted leading up to his death, which was NOT suicide, with many, many terrible health conditions. He finally died, shattered in health. Has anyone else heard that...
  4. Northbrook

    Recent Convert

    Hi, Lee, My name is Penny and I am a trained librarian. My favorite book is by a countryman of yours (UK), C. S. Lewis. It is Mere Christianity (1963). It was instrumental in my becoming a Christian at age 26. God bless you, and BTW, C. S. Lewis is a lot easier reading than Dostoevsky, my...
  5. Northbrook

    Why did no one ever suggest narcissistic partner abuse?

    “Narcissists must triangulate.” Think back. Have you ever been in a love triangle with a narcissist?
  6. Northbrook

    Why did no one ever suggest narcissistic partner abuse?

    First of all, understand the narcissist purposefully targets people who have high levels of integrity. By preying on your need for integrity, the narcissist has set you up to lose your mind., 01/11/19
  7. Northbrook

    Asking a girl out to the movies?

    Speaking as a woman, in regard to a FIRST DATE, I always took note/appreciated it/was impressed when the boy/man brought me a PRESENT when he came to pick me up for a first date. Good luck to you. I've said a prayer for you. Heh heh!
  8. Northbrook

    Pray for my friend Rory

    LoricaLady wrote: >> Praying for Rory and for the nun Haha, Lorica, I’m guessing your prayers are sincere in the case of Rory, and, er, anti-Catholic in the case of the nun! Good one (I think)!
  9. Northbrook

    Pray for my friend Rory

    UPDATE ON MY FRIEND RORY: BERNADETTE Dec. 1, 2018 Guess what: since Rory's roommate Gail died, Rory has been matched with a new roommate in Bed A. Her name is Bernadette and she is a Catholic nun. I'll stop there *smile*.
  10. Northbrook

    Pray for my friend Rory

    UPDATE ON MY FRIEND RORY: GAIL (RIP) Dec. 1, 2018 Well, everybody, thank you very kindly for praying for my friend Rory. Now Rory's roommate, the lady who used to play the Christian tapes in Bed A while Rory would be in her room (Bed B), was named Gail. Gail was not in a nursing home for...
  11. Northbrook

    love God, fed up with people

    1. Gandhi said, “I lof this Jesus. I just can’t stand these Christians.” 2. God doesn’t say, “Look at My Christians.” He says, “Look at My Son.”
  12. Northbrook

    Help understanding what gods trying to teach and test me with in life.

    Dear trustingin, Take heart: have I got a book for you *smile*! It is In with the Devil by James Keene (with Hillel Levin). Listen to me. I am a trained librarian. I've seen a lot of plots of books. But I haven't encountered a plot as exciting as this one, in YEARS. What am I going on...
  13. Northbrook

    "Close Encounters of the God Kind" (Jesse DuPlantis)

    I know this DVD came out years ago, but I wanted to see how many of you believe what this pastor says about having been taken up to Heaven. The DVD is "Close Encounters of the God Kind" by Dr. Jesse DuPlantis. You can find it on CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE GOD KIND DVD by Dr. Jesse...
  14. Northbrook

    Why did no one ever suggest narcissistic partner abuse?

    I am finding there is an entire vocabulary of terms associated with narcissism. Gaslighting, “flying monkeys,” love-bombing, “Idealize, Devalue, Discard”...and the term for you, the narcissist’s partner? Answer: his “narcissistic supply.”
  15. Northbrook

    Who were the Judaizers?

    You ask, "Who are the Judaizers?" Well, I'm not sure who "the" Judaizers are, but I can tell you something about a Christian denomination that I would say tends to Judaize. That denomination = the SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS. Sometimes they call themselves "SDA." These people are Christians who...