Recent content by DaveM

  1. D

    Luke 14 ??

    Verse 26 seems to contradict the main teaching of the Bible as we should love our neighbor as ourselves. yet he is telling us if we don't hate are mother and father we can not be his disciple. I think maybe the true meaning was lost in the translation perhaps, would love to hear other comments...
  2. D

    J. Vernon McGee taught cheap grace

    Romans 10:9 Because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Vern also teaches no repentance is needed which I completely disagree with. I listened to him for a long time and got lots from him, but I have...
  3. D

    Asbury Revival

    the fruit is God is getting the glory does that bother some?? it seems it does?? no speakers are getting the glory like usuall,, the fruit is look how long they are worshipping GOd that does not happen every day,,, as long as God is gettig the glory that is what matters
  4. D

    God makes no distinction between Jew and greek, why do so many scholars like to ?

    in what way would he make a distinction, I am of curse assuming you think he did . Did he not punish them for sin, as he does with all people? the only distinction we should focus on, the only two people groups in the bible are sinners who do not repent or seek God, sinners that repent and seek...
  5. D

    Jesus came to fulfil the Torah and the Law will Pass away on a certain Date.

    What do you think about this verse Matthew 5:18 For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished. Also, Jesus taught the law differently than the ways the Pharisees taught the law in several cases, I think Jesus...
  6. D

    Are Jews still God's Chosen People ?

    Comparing Jews to the church like I hear so many do does not make sense at all to me. Some like to accuse people of replacement theology, where they claim people are saying the church replaced God's people the Jews. Yet comparing the two is like apples to oranges, like comparing the dead to the...
  7. D

    Are Jews still God's Chosen People ?

    yeap seems God is not through with the Jews.. The way I see it is the Jews are his earthly flesh people who Jesus came to us through. The church the born-again believer are God's eternal people. God calls us his people in the NT, I do not see any place in the NT he calls the Jews his people, but...
  8. D

    The OT Law

    thanks for the well-thought-out reply, may I ask what version of the law is still relevant? What Jesus taught was much different than what Mosses taught. " An example of Jesus reveling the true law 4. The food laws that set Israel apart from the nations have been fulfilled and ended in...
  9. D

    The OT Law

    Is the law still relative in God's eyes? Especially in light of Luke 16, To me, this says that John the Baptist is a time marker we can see where salvation comes into the light, and from that time forward salvation is to be preached. However, the law has not passed away or vanished. Jesus seems...
  10. D

    Are the Jews still Gods people?

    In the OT God called the Jewish people his chosen people. Are they still his chosen people, he tells them in Matthew that he is going to take away the kingdom of God from them. Yet he cant be finished with them as we know he brought them back as a nation in 1948. Matthew 21:43 Therefore I tell...
  11. D

    The Land God promised Abraham

    Joshua 23:14 “And now I am about to go the way of all the earth, and you know in your hearts and souls, all of you, that not one word has failed of all the good things that the Lord your God promised concerning you. All have come to pass for you; not one of them has failed. Joshua 21:43 Thus...
  12. D

    "Repent of your sins to be saved" is false, works salvation

    yes a changed life a changed heart a changed spirit, you are a new person
  13. D

    "Repent of your sins to be saved" is false, works salvation

    Repentance is needed for proof of salvation!! Believing in Jesus is needed for proof of salvation !!
  14. D

    "Repent of your sins to be saved" is false, works salvation

    NO works do not save us, but they are evidence of our salvation. Someone says they are saved and have no works well the bible is clear on that. Works is proof of salvation. faith without woks is not saving faith
  15. D

    "Repent of your sins to be saved" is false, works salvation

    sounds like you are comfortable of not turning from you sin or knowing Jesus, is that correct?