Recent content by Christian_Follower

  1. Christian_Follower

    Not easy

    Marriage, not easy and many times painful.... Had to vent, maybe I'll be back in a few more months to get more hurt off my chest... Until then off to bed alone again
  2. Christian_Follower

    If evolution is not true, what was the process of creation?

    The process of creation huh: God spoke Mic -drop
  3. Christian_Follower

    Tribulation and more...

    Brian, Sorry it's been a while since I posted this... Just so you know I don't believe Christ is the rider of the white horse as some do.
  4. Christian_Follower

    I Remember

    I remember, getting gmail and using the free internet phone icon they had on there and randomly call people who couldnt hear me because i didn't have a mic set up and the # that showed up on caller ID was a # you couldn't call back.. oh wait, i did that just the other day lol
  5. Christian_Follower

    I Remember

    I also remember walking home from school with my friend and we would occasionally go to the laundry-mart and we made a KILLING (in the sense we were kids) He'd tilt the machine and I would grab the cash that fell under.... $5 here $20 there ( and in the 80s, as a kid, that was money ) and LOTS...
  6. Christian_Follower

    I Remember

    I remember going to the payphones and always EVERYTIME (never a time I skipped) I ALWAYS checked the coin slot for money lol I did good too
  7. Christian_Follower

    Who's hiring??? lol

    Ohhh noooo thank you.... my sis-in-law worked there and my local one is HORRIBLE... I really only posted to see get people's thoughts... especially anyone here who owns their own business
  8. Christian_Follower

    Pizza question #2:

    I love this pizza - "stromboli" Yummmmmmm
  9. Christian_Follower

    Who's hiring??? lol

    Okay, just curious, Anyone hiring for anything?
  10. Christian_Follower

    What Kind of Coffee do you drink?

    I have my small one for work and my Yeti for Sunday before leaving for service....
  11. Christian_Follower

    Pizza question #2:

    let's just hope you never have this problem when it comes to Pizza <~~pizza-the-hut
  12. Christian_Follower

    What Kind of Coffee do you drink?

    I enjoy a variety of Coffee's, but first they must be HOT none of this cold stuff or iced this lol That isn't coffee that's just coffee that was sitting there for 2 days on the counter you forgot about when the phone rang and you were looking for the phone Maxwell House Tim Horton's Folgers...
  13. Christian_Follower

    Weatherman loses it.

    He's an OVERPAID Fortune teller who ALWAYS gets it WRONG.... lol Okay, I'm kidding, but that was funny
  14. Christian_Follower

    Sex in Marriage

    The sad thing about it is the whole porn situation.... It's as if that takes priority... I thank God for His help in overcoming this problem and that I never got to deep down the rabbit hole to be captured by this problem which plagues many marriages. In my humble opinion I believe that two...
  15. Christian_Follower

    Tribulation and more...

    No great literally means more intense as the Scriptures state... Matt 24:21 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.