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  1. Christian_Follower

    Not easy

    Marriage, not easy and many times painful.... Had to vent, maybe I'll be back in a few more months to get more hurt off my chest... Until then off to bed alone again
  2. Christian_Follower

    If evolution is not true, what was the process of creation?

    The process of creation huh: God spoke Mic -drop
  3. Christian_Follower

    Tribulation and more...

    Brian, Sorry it's been a while since I posted this... Just so you know I don't believe Christ is the rider of the white horse as some do.
  4. Christian_Follower

    I Remember

    I remember, getting gmail and using the free internet phone icon they had on there and randomly call people who couldnt hear me because i didn't have a mic set up and the # that showed up on caller ID was a # you couldn't call back.. oh wait, i did that just the other day lol
  5. Christian_Follower

    I Remember

    I also remember walking home from school with my friend and we would occasionally go to the laundry-mart and we made a KILLING (in the sense we were kids) He'd tilt the machine and I would grab the cash that fell under.... $5 here $20 there ( and in the 80s, as a kid, that was money ) and LOTS...
  6. Christian_Follower

    I Remember

    I remember going to the payphones and always EVERYTIME (never a time I skipped) I ALWAYS checked the coin slot for money lol I did good too
  7. Christian_Follower

    Who's hiring??? lol

    Ohhh noooo thank you.... my sis-in-law worked there and my local one is HORRIBLE... I really only posted to see get people's thoughts... especially anyone here who owns their own business
  8. Christian_Follower

    Pizza question #2:

    I love this pizza - "stromboli" Yummmmmmm
  9. Christian_Follower

    Who's hiring??? lol

    Okay, just curious, Anyone hiring for anything?
  10. Christian_Follower

    What Kind of Coffee do you drink?

    I have my small one for work and my Yeti for Sunday before leaving for service....
  11. Christian_Follower

    Pizza question #2:

    let's just hope you never have this problem when it comes to Pizza <~~pizza-the-hut
  12. Christian_Follower

    What Kind of Coffee do you drink?

    I enjoy a variety of Coffee's, but first they must be HOT none of this cold stuff or iced this lol That isn't coffee that's just coffee that was sitting there for 2 days on the counter you forgot about when the phone rang and you were looking for the phone Maxwell House Tim Horton's Folgers...
  13. Christian_Follower

    Weatherman loses it.

    He's an OVERPAID Fortune teller who ALWAYS gets it WRONG.... lol Okay, I'm kidding, but that was funny
  14. Christian_Follower

    Sex in Marriage

    The sad thing about it is the whole porn situation.... It's as if that takes priority... I thank God for His help in overcoming this problem and that I never got to deep down the rabbit hole to be captured by this problem which plagues many marriages. In my humble opinion I believe that two...
  15. Christian_Follower

    Tribulation and more...

    No great literally means more intense as the Scriptures state... Matt 24:21 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.
  16. Christian_Follower

    Tribulation and more...

    Sorry to inform people in the West, but tribulation is coming to our shores, and it will be more intense the people hating you for reading your bible and praying, it will come about that Christianity will be the most hated people group in the world because they believe in One Way, Jesus is the...
  17. Christian_Follower

    Tribulation and more...

    Okay, the child issue seems to be a good argument for many, but lets re-examine itbu If there is a pretrib rapture in which all believers and children are removed as most teach thus also must mean for 7 yrs there will be no children born, but of course most pretribers say not necessarily, so if...
  18. Christian_Follower

    Tribulation and more...

    Okay, about to open Pandora's box but i ask you all kindly to be respectful when chiming in... Christ as well as OT prophecies speak of something referred to as Eschatology. Simply put this relates to end time events. One thing i want to say to start off this discussion is the phase...
  19. Christian_Follower

    Is 40 young?

    Well, what age 40 are you? 40-45 or 46-50 ? lol I'll be 40 next month... oh fun lol
  20. Christian_Follower

    Question about questions

    I've been here for a good while to have seen many questions come and go in many forums. However, some of these questions (and they seem sincere) look odd to me. Now by odd I mean, they are issues which the Scriptures already deal with and not based on man's own interpation. One thing I can't...