BNR32FAN's latest activity

  • BNR32FAN
    Ok look we can settle all this distraction with three simple questions. 1 do unbelievers receive the Holy Spirit? 2 According to...
  • BNR32FAN
    BNR32FAN replied to the thread Why Everyone Needs An AR-15.
    Fair enough, what if we added some rainbows and unicorns to them?
  • BNR32FAN
    BNR32FAN reacted to HARK!'s post in the thread Why Everyone Needs An AR-15 with Winner Winner.
    Please name a few of the firearms that are superior for self defense; and explain why they are superior. :scratch:
  • BNR32FAN
    BNR32FAN replied to the thread Why Everyone Needs An AR-15.
    Would you agree that these attacks are at least 1000 times more common than attacks with “assault rifles” if not more?
  • BNR32FAN
    BNR32FAN replied to the thread Why Everyone Needs An AR-15.
    And some people in this very country have absolutely no morals at all and are ruthless murderers who don’t care about anyone or the law...
  • BNR32FAN
    BNR32FAN replied to the thread Why Everyone Needs An AR-15.
    Yeah maybe if we put some wood components on it people will stop making such a big deal about it.
  • BNR32FAN
    BNR32FAN replied to the thread Why Everyone Needs An AR-15.
    When do the restrictions stop? Where do we finally draw the line because if you remove 30 round magazines then they’ll have 20. And...
  • BNR32FAN
    BNR32FAN replied to the thread Why Everyone Needs An AR-15.
    The thing is people want to remove the AR from civilian’s hands because it’s the most efficient and effective weapon on the market and...
  • BNR32FAN
    BNR32FAN replied to the thread Why Everyone Needs An AR-15.
    No that’s not what I’m saying at all. I’m saying that Jesus specifically said why they should buy swords and it was to fulfill the...
  • BNR32FAN
    BNR32FAN replied to the thread Why Everyone Needs An AR-15.
    Maybe you’re thinking about a different environment than I am. An AR definitely wouldn’t be my choice for protection in a high populated...
  • BNR32FAN
    BNR32FAN replied to the thread Why Everyone Needs An AR-15.
    I think it’s important to keep in mind that it’s not the victim who caused the situation and put the attacker in harms way. The attacker...
  • BNR32FAN
    BNR32FAN replied to the thread Works Relation to Salvation.
    There were some Gentiles who were saved under the Law, Rahab would be one example.
  • BNR32FAN
    BNR32FAN replied to the thread Works Relation to Salvation.
    Except there’s a problem with your interpretation of all this. We can grieve the Holy Spirit and people do fall away from the faith...
  • BNR32FAN
    BNR32FAN replied to the thread Why Everyone Needs An AR-15.
    Both of these rifles were initially designed for military use and redesigned for civilian use, just like the AR. The BAR has an...
  • BNR32FAN
    BNR32FAN replied to the thread Why Everyone Needs An AR-15.
    Clip capacity is a completely different subject. You can get extended clips and even drums for pistols which are a whole lot easier to...