Recent content by Barraco

  1. Barraco

    The Sealed Scroll and Israel's Restoration

    Agreed. Zechariah 13:8-9 suggests that 1/3 of the Israelites will be purified while 2/3rd will be annihilated. This, I believe, is what Jacob's Distress is about. Agreed. David was flaky, just as the current regime is flaky. But David was also a warrior that subdued all Israel's neighboring...
  2. Barraco

    The Sealed Scroll and Israel's Restoration

    All good points. There are other things causing me to interpret this way. I don't want anyone to think that I see Israel's restoration in a purely favorable way. I believe this is necessary for the coming of the false messiah that Jesus said would come as well as the shattering of the power...
  3. Barraco

    The Sealed Scroll and Israel's Restoration

    Fifth seal is not about the martyrs and more martyrdom. It is about waiting for God's vengeance on their killers, which will not occur until the two witnesses are martyred. The sixth seal is not about God's judgment on all nations, but rather on the nations that have dispossessed Jacob. The...
  4. Barraco

    The Sealed Scroll and Israel's Restoration

    I have been studying a possible interpretation of the seven seals in their relation to the restoration of the nation of Israel. Jesus said in Matthew 24:32-34 that the generation seeing the signs He spoke about earlier in the chapter would not pass away until all those things would be complete...
  5. Barraco

    Silence in Heaven

    I have reason to believe the silence in heaven that comes after the Lamb opens the seventh seal is the Time of Jacob’s Distress, as mentioned in the Olivet Discourse. “When the Lamb broke the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour.” - Revelation 8:1, NASB1995 “And...
  6. Barraco

    Nineveh Rumor: 7 US towns named Nineveh in path of April Solar Eclipse

    I believe it is a sign. Joel 2 and Isaiah 34 were quoted in the sixth seal. Joel 2 talks about the restoration of Israel (physical and spiritual) while Isaiah 34 talks about the judgment against the surrounding nations. This is why the 144,000 Israelites are sealed. The Holy Spirit descends...
  7. Barraco

    Seven Seals

    Hello all. I've been hitting the books hard lately. I believe the signs in the skies are telling us something BIG is coming. That brings me to my topic: The seven seals. There is good reason to believe the seven seals revolve around Israel and Jerusalem while the seven trumpets revolve...
  8. Barraco

    Mystery Babylon

    Hello everyone. Been hitting the books a lot, and still getting at it. I think I am changing my opinion on who Babylon is. For the longest time, I looked at it as Rome, Istanbul, or some other Gentile Empire. I am now under the opinion it is Jerusalem. I did not come to this interpretation...
  9. Barraco

    Possible Fulfillment of Prophecy

    The promises are not determined by the Jews. They are determined by God. The prophecies show God gathering the elect back into Judah and Jerusalem and then calling all nations to Himself. Paul understood that the lost tribes were mixed in with the Gentiles when he wrote Romans 11, speaking on...
  10. Barraco

    Possible Fulfillment of Prophecy

    Zechariah 12 says God will restore Judah first, then Jerusalem. Then it shows everyone mourning for the one they pierced. I am optimistic that their salvation, and the salvation of all of Israel, is near.
  11. Barraco

    Possible Fulfillment of Prophecy

    Over 5,000 rockets being fired into Israel from the north and south in less than a month and being intercepted seems to suggest a higher protection. I think this is the next phase. The Two Witnesses. It is written that fire comes from their mouths and devours their enemies if anyone tries...
  12. Barraco

    Possible Fulfillment of Prophecy

    I want to suggest the possibility that prophecy is being fulfilled before our very eyes. I say possibly because my lack of knowledge of Jewish culture and how they traditionally conduct war. What I have noticed, though, is that Jesus made a very specific prophecy about Jerusalem’s desolation...
  13. Barraco

    77 Years

    I also read that the kibbutz that was attacked was established 77 years ago.
  14. Barraco

    Sodom and Egypt

    Recent events have led me to consider the possibility that Jerusalem being spiritually called Sodom and Egypt in Revelation 11:8 is in regard to the oppression of the Jews by their neighbors rather than the state of the Jewish people. Sodom was known for its injustice and abuse, which Hamas...
  15. Barraco

    The Seven Trumpets and the King of the North

    I was looking at alternate possibilities and came upon something interesting. Daniel 11:36-44 seems to line up close with the Seven Trumpets. The Seven Trumpets, like the blasting of trumpets for seven days during the battle of Jericho, represent to complete liberation of the Jews, Jerusalem...