"the Day of the Lord" and "the Thousand Years"


Watching and Praying Always
Oct 22, 2019
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2 Peter 3
8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

and we know this is a reference to Psalm 90
4 For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night.

but even this is a reference to something even older in scripture.

Genesis 2
17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

now we go to Genesis 5
5 And all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years: and he died.
People think in human reckoning, that Adam ate for the tree and lived hundreds of years after so God must have meant a spiritual death that day. I used to believe that too.
But then if you think about it.. what is a day to God, if Adam died under 1000 years, if God sees every day as 1000 years for us.. then Adam ate from the tree and died and returned to dust on the same day (and yes God said in Genesis 3 what death would be for Adam, not spiritual, but returning to dust)

So a day to the Lord being 1000 years for us, goes all the way back to Genesis..... and extends all the way to Revelation 20.
The thousand years repeated over and over to that period as the Day of the Lord, because it is a Day by the Lord's reckoning, which can be up to 1000 years for us, because that's the scale He gave for a day in Genesis. Does that mean it has to be exactly 1000 years? No. because God gives figurative expressions for the length of time. Adam died "in" that day, within 1000 years, but died short of it by 70 years.
Revelation 20 has after the 1000 years are expired or finished, so it is at least 1000 but could be more than 1000, but probably not 2000, as that'd be 2 days, as God gives in Hosea 6:2, after 2 days (2000 years), but in the third day (year 2001-2999), the resurrection. This also applies to Jesus resurrection after Crucifixion. Jesus resurrected not 72 hours after dying, but sometime after 48 hours
So no Jesus does not have to come back exactly at 2030 or whatever those date setters will claim. If anything that's the earliest it could start... if we have an AD30 time right, and if anyone's considered how long it's been since the crucifixion in Hebrew years.

I suppose if you found someone proficient in the Hebrew Calendar who took the date of Jesus' crucifixion in regard.. you might tell how long it's been. Maybe. But that'd only indicate the earliest, not the latest.

Anyway.. all that to say.. the millennium doesn't have to exactly be 1000 years, it could be well over 1000 years, and it is all a reference to "the Day of the Lord" and the way God reckons time... based on Adam's lifespan and His promise.

anyway I'm sure it's going to all get ripped apart, but I've been meditating on this for awhile, and how statements in the bible are based on earlier statements and many of the concepts originate in Genesis. "Declaring the End from the beginning"
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2 Peter 3

and we know this is a reference to Psalm 90

but even this is a reference to something even older in scripture.

Genesis 2

now we go to Genesis 5

People think in human reckoning, that Adam ate for the tree and lived hundreds of years after so God must have meant a spiritual death that day. I used to believe that too.
But then if you think about it.. what is a day to God, if Adam died under 1000 years, if God sees every day as 1000 years for us.. then Adam ate from the tree and died and returned to dust on the same day (and yes God said in Genesis 3 what death would be for Adam, not spiritual, but returning to dust)

So a day to the Lord being 1000 years for us, goes all the way back to Genesis..... and extends all the way to Revelation 20.
The thousand years repeated over and over to that period as the Day of the Lord, because it is a Day by the Lord's reckoning, which can be up to 1000 years for us, because that's the scale He gave for a day in Genesis. Does that mean it has to be exactly 1000 years? No. because God gives figurative expressions for the length of time. Adam died "in" that day, within 1000 years, but died short of it by 70 years.
Revelation 20 has after the 1000 years are expired or finished, so it is at least 1000 but could be more than 1000, but probably not 2000, as that'd be 2 days, as God gives in Hosea 6:2, after 2 days (2000 years), but in the third day (year 2001-2999), the resurrection. This also applies to Jesus resurrection after Crucifixion. Jesus resurrected not 72 hours after dying, but sometime after 48 hours
So no Jesus does not have to come back exactly at 2030 or whatever those date setters will claim. If anything that's the earliest it could start... if we have an AD30 time right, and if anyone's considered how long it's been since the crucifixion in Hebrew years.

I suppose if you found someone proficient in the Hebrew Calendar who took the date of Jesus' crucifixion in regard.. you might tell how long it's been. Maybe. But that'd only indicate the earliest, not the latest.

Anyway.. all that to say.. the millennium doesn't have to exactly be 1000 years, it could be well over 1000 years, and it is all a reference to "the Day of the Lord" and the way God reckons time... based on Adam's lifespan and His promise.

anyway I'm sure it's going to all get ripped apart, but I've been meditating on this for awhile, and how statements in the bible are based on earlier statements and many of the concepts originate in Genesis. "Declaring the End from the beginning"
It sounds like some kind of Kabbalism, but I like what you say nonetheless. An author I liked, who taught on the tabernacle, thought that the holy place consisted of 2 squares, each representing a thousand years. She felt that it may represent a rough prediction of about 2000 years from the time Christ died to the time he comes again.

The holy of holies is a single square, and may represent another thousand year period, which follows the 2000 years of Church history. It's a thought.... Thanks for your thoughts. I've heard the like before, but I find them interesting.
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Maria Billingsley

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Oct 7, 2018
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2 Peter 3

and we know this is a reference to Psalm 90

but even this is a reference to something even older in scripture.

Genesis 2

now we go to Genesis 5

People think in human reckoning, that Adam ate for the tree and lived hundreds of years after so God must have meant a spiritual death that day. I used to believe that too.
But then if you think about it.. what is a day to God, if Adam died under 1000 years, if God sees every day as 1000 years for us.. then Adam ate from the tree and died and returned to dust on the same day (and yes God said in Genesis 3 what death would be for Adam, not spiritual, but returning to dust)

So a day to the Lord being 1000 years for us, goes all the way back to Genesis..... and extends all the way to Revelation 20.
The thousand years repeated over and over to that period as the Day of the Lord, because it is a Day by the Lord's reckoning, which can be up to 1000 years for us, because that's the scale He gave for a day in Genesis. Does that mean it has to be exactly 1000 years? No. because God gives figurative expressions for the length of time. Adam died "in" that day, within 1000 years, but died short of it by 70 years.
Revelation 20 has after the 1000 years are expired or finished, so it is at least 1000 but could be more than 1000, but probably not 2000, as that'd be 2 days, as God gives in Hosea 6:2, after 2 days (2000 years), but in the third day (year 2001-2999), the resurrection. This also applies to Jesus resurrection after Crucifixion. Jesus resurrected not 72 hours after dying, but sometime after 48 hours
So no Jesus does not have to come back exactly at 2030 or whatever those date setters will claim. If anything that's the earliest it could start... if we have an AD30 time right, and if anyone's considered how long it's been since the crucifixion in Hebrew years.

I suppose if you found someone proficient in the Hebrew Calendar who took the date of Jesus' crucifixion in regard.. you might tell how long it's been. Maybe. But that'd only indicate the earliest, not the latest.

Anyway.. all that to say.. the millennium doesn't have to exactly be 1000 years, it could be well over 1000 years, and it is all a reference to "the Day of the Lord" and the way God reckons time... based on Adam's lifespan and His promise.

anyway I'm sure it's going to all get ripped apart, but I've been meditating on this for awhile, and how statements in the bible are based on earlier statements and many of the concepts originate in Genesis. "Declaring the End from the beginning"
All these verses simply mean , God is not bound by time, we are. Everlasting means just that. Additionally, time is only based on the aging of His creation. If aging was taken out of the equation, we would not know the passage of time which is why aging Adam is very important. Before the fall Adam and Eve enjoyed " no time" and walked with God in the garden of Eden. After the fall age came into play including the rapid decent from 900+ years to about 100 + years which we experience now. So what does this all mean, it means He will restore what He took away, Everlasting Life.
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Maria Billingsley

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Oct 7, 2018
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All these verses simply mean , God is not bound by time, we are. Everlasting means just that. Additionally, time is only based on the aging of His creation. If aging was taken out of the equation, we would not know the passage of time which is why aging Adam is very important. Before the fall Adam and Eve enjoyed " no time" and walked with God in tbe gatden of Eden. After the fall age came into play including the rapid decent from 900+ years to about 100 + years which wr experience now. So what does this all mean, it means He will restore what He took away, Everlasting Life.
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All these verses simply mean , God is not bound by time, we are. Everlasting means just that. Additionally, time is only based on the aging of His creation. If aging was taken out of the equation, we would not know the passage of time which is why aging Adam is very important. Before the fall Adam and Eve enjoyed " no time" and walked with God in the garden of Eden. After the fall age came into play including the rapid decent from 900+ years to about 100 + years which we experience now. So what does this all mean, it means He will restore what He took away, Everlasting Life.

I agree God is not bound by time. But aging is not the measure of time. It is the result of the process of time. The reality is: time is just a fragment of eternity. It had a beginning, just like this world had a beginning. Time will also have an end, just like this current corrupt earth will have an end. Eternity, on the other hand, has neither a beginning nor an end. Eternity always was, and always will be. Eternity has no measure of anything, including time and seasons, because it is forever. God lives in eternity and His perspective of time far exceeds the finite mind of man. He lives outside of time, space and matter. Time is nothing with the Lord. A ‘thousand years’ in this life is but a flash in the light of eternity.

Before the beginning (the first 7 days) there was simply space and eternity. After the return of Christ, we enter into the eternal realm. Basically: (eternity and space) – time – (eternity and space).

Light brought order and time at the beginning

The first thing God did at the beginning was create light on the first day to separate between light and darkness. Genesis 1:3-5 says: “And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.”

As a harbinger, or preamble, or a fleeting foretaste and preparative arrangement to the creation of the two great “astronomical clocks” – the sun and the moon – on the 4th day, God created light to generate a division between day and night. The purpose of this was to usher in what was about to come. Whether this light was simply God Himself shining or something else He created that produced the light, whether it was temporal or eternal, it does not say, but the division of light and darkness very definitely introduced day and night, and therefore an accurate and orderly gauge of time.

This was indeed a precursor of things to come. Without this there was no way of separating one day from another, and even having a morning and evening. How that looked, we do not get much detail in Scripture. It was obviously a temporary and provisional arrangement (for 3 days) which prefigured and preceded the function of the sun and moon, which would ultimately divide day from night and determine time. This was brief and interim, because the calendar and time is shown in Scripture to be determined by the sun and moon.

Augustine concedes: “We see that our ordinary days have no evening but by the setting [of the sun] and no morning but by the rising of the sun, but the first three days of all were passed without sun, since it is reported to have been made on the fourth day. And first of all, indeed, light was made by the Word of God, and God, we read, separated it from the darkness and called the light ‘day’ and the darkness ‘night’; but what kind of light that was, and by what periodic movement it made evening and morning, is beyond the reach of our senses; neither can we understand how it was and yet must unhesitatingly believe it” (The City of God, Book 11, Chapter 7).

Of course, God gave the sun, moon and stars to give physical light to the earth. But they were also given in order to measure time. These brought distinct order, systematic structure and identifiable chronology. It is from this that we get classifiable years, months, days, hours and seconds.

Genesis 1:14-18: “And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so. And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also. And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth, And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good.”

The sun and moon were then created to maintain order. Time revolves around day and night – the sun and the moon. This is a product of the earth circling the sun, while, at the same time, rotating on its own axis. It takes a little more than 365 days for the earth to make a complete trip around the sun. God has created natural forces in the solar system to keep the earth, and the other planets, locked into predictable orbits around the sun. This in turn produces identifiable order and regularity.

The Bible makes clear: just like there was a beginning to time (with the creation of light and the creation of the sun and moon), so there will be an end of time.
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Maria Billingsley

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I agree God is not bound by time. But aging is not the measure of time. It is the result of the process of time. The reality is: time is just a fragment of eternity. It had a beginning, just like this world had a beginning. Time will also have an end, just like this current corrupt earth will have an end. Eternity, on the other hand, has neither a beginning nor an end. Eternity always was, and always will be. Eternity has no measure of anything, including time and seasons, because it is forever. God lives in eternity and His perspective of time far exceeds the finite mind of man. He lives outside of time, space and matter. Time is nothing with the Lord. A ‘thousand years’ in this life is but a flash in the light of eternity.

Before the beginning (the first 7 days) there was simply space and eternity. After the return of Christ, we enter into the eternal realm. Basically: (eternity and space) – time – (eternity and space).

Light brought order and time at the beginning

The first thing God did at the beginning was create light on the first day to separate between light and darkness. Genesis 1:3-5 says: “And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.”

As a harbinger, or preamble, or a fleeting foretaste and preparative arrangement to the creation of the two great “astronomical clocks” – the sun and the moon – on the 4th day, God created light to generate a division between day and night. The purpose of this was to usher in what was about to come. Whether this light was simply God Himself shining or something else He created that produced the light, whether it was temporal or eternal, it does not say, but the division of light and darkness very definitely introduced day and night, and therefore an accurate and orderly gauge of time.

This was indeed a precursor of things to come. Without this there was no way of separating one day from another, and even having a morning and evening. How that looked, we do not get much detail in Scripture. It was obviously a temporary and provisional arrangement (for 3 days) which prefigured and preceded the function of the sun and moon, which would ultimately divide day from night and determine time. This was brief and interim, because the calendar and time is shown in Scripture to be determined by the sun and moon.

Augustine concedes: “We see that our ordinary days have no evening but by the setting [of the sun] and no morning but by the rising of the sun, but the first three days of all were passed without sun, since it is reported to have been made on the fourth day. And first of all, indeed, light was made by the Word of God, and God, we read, separated it from the darkness and called the light ‘day’ and the darkness ‘night’; but what kind of light that was, and by what periodic movement it made evening and morning, is beyond the reach of our senses; neither can we understand how it was and yet must unhesitatingly believe it” (The City of God, Book 11, Chapter 7).

Of course, God gave the sun, moon and stars to give physical light to the earth. But they were also given in order to measure time. These brought distinct order, systematic structure and identifiable chronology. It is from this that we get classifiable years, months, days, hours and seconds.

Genesis 1:14-18: “And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so. And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also. And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth, And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good.”

The sun and moon were then created to maintain order. Time revolves around day and night – the sun and the moon. This is a product of the earth circling the sun, while, at the same time, rotating on its own axis. It takes a little more than 365 days for the earth to make a complete trip around the sun. God has created natural forces in the solar system to keep the earth, and the other planets, locked into predictable orbits around the sun. This in turn produces identifiable order and regularity.

The Bible makes clear: just like there was a beginning to time (with the creation of light and the creation of the sun and moon), so there will be an end of time.
I believe otherwise. Thanks for sharing!
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Watching and Praying Always
Oct 22, 2019
United States
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All these verses simply mean , God is not bound by time, we are. Everlasting means just that. Additionally, time is only based on the aging of His creation. If aging was taken out of the equation, we would not know the passage of time which is why aging Adam is very important. Before the fall Adam and Eve enjoyed " no time" and walked with God in the garden of Eden. After the fall age came into play including the rapid decent from 900+ years to about 100 + years which we experience now. So what does this all mean, it means He will restore what He took away, Everlasting Life.

Correct, but like it has been mentioned before especially by Amillennialists that the Millennial period is only seen in Revelation 20 nowhere else in the bible, and that's what I was meditating on, why is the thousand years never mentioned anywhere else, but this day to 1000 years for us equivalence is something that is mentioned in scripture a few times and so that's what I think John was getting at in Revelation 20. The "thousand years" is "the Day of the Lord". Which is kind of a radical departure from a lot of people's assumptions that "the Day of the Lord" is a 24 hour period, which I think is wrong because "the Day" is often used figuratively, like "the hour is at hand" doesn't always mean exactly 60 minutes. But things like the 5th trumpet taking 5 months, and the 7th trumpet being referred to as multiple days in Revelation 10:7, make a 24 hour period seem quite off.

as for Adam's age, that is another thing I've meditated on, is why the Earth looks so old despite the bible giving such a young history of it and one of the things that could have been in play is that Adam's years were not tracked until he could die. Who knows how long Adam was in Eden sinless and unable to die? People assume it was like a couple hours after he was created or something. But I have no idea how long it was, it could have been decades.. hundreds, thousands, millions of years? who knows. It wouldn't have mattered until man could die to count the days would it? On the new earth will we count days? I kinda think we won't.
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God is Love
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2 Peter 3

and we know this is a reference to Psalm 90

but even this is a reference to something even older in scripture.

Genesis 2

now we go to Genesis 5

People think in human reckoning, that Adam ate for the tree and lived hundreds of years after so God must have meant a spiritual death that day. I used to believe that too.
But then if you think about it.. what is a day to God, if Adam died under 1000 years, if God sees every day as 1000 years for us.. then Adam ate from the tree and died and returned to dust on the same day (and yes God said in Genesis 3 what death would be for Adam, not spiritual, but returning to dust)

So a day to the Lord being 1000 years for us, goes all the way back to Genesis..... and extends all the way to Revelation 20.
The thousand years repeated over and over to that period as the Day of the Lord, because it is a Day by the Lord's reckoning, which can be up to 1000 years for us, because that's the scale He gave for a day in Genesis. Does that mean it has to be exactly 1000 years? No. because God gives figurative expressions for the length of time. Adam died "in" that day, within 1000 years, but died short of it by 70 years.
Revelation 20 has after the 1000 years are expired or finished, so it is at least 1000 but could be more than 1000, but probably not 2000, as that'd be 2 days, as God gives in Hosea 6:2, after 2 days (2000 years), but in the third day (year 2001-2999), the resurrection. This also applies to Jesus resurrection after Crucifixion. Jesus resurrected not 72 hours after dying, but sometime after 48 hours
So no Jesus does not have to come back exactly at 2030 or whatever those date setters will claim. If anything that's the earliest it could start... if we have an AD30 time right, and if anyone's considered how long it's been since the crucifixion in Hebrew years.

I suppose if you found someone proficient in the Hebrew Calendar who took the date of Jesus' crucifixion in regard.. you might tell how long it's been. Maybe. But that'd only indicate the earliest, not the latest.

Anyway.. all that to say.. the millennium doesn't have to exactly be 1000 years, it could be well over 1000 years, and it is all a reference to "the Day of the Lord" and the way God reckons time... based on Adam's lifespan and His promise.

anyway I'm sure it's going to all get ripped apart, but I've been meditating on this for awhile, and how statements in the bible are based on earlier statements and many of the concepts originate in Genesis. "Declaring the End from the beginning"
One thought ...

The millennial kingdom is specifically said to be 1,000 years in length. If God wished to communicate “a long period of time,” He could have easily done so without explicitly and repeatedly mentioning an exact time frame.

Another thought ...

Could it be 1,000 years equals one day (day= year)? .... this could also be the case imo

However , I go with 1,000 literal days in heaven.

Matthew 24:29

Immediately after the tribulation of those days: ‘The sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from the sky, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.’

How mankind determines time is based on the sun ... in this scripture it states the sun, moon and earth are still in place .... but not giving light (heavens are shaken). So they lose partial functionality but not necessarily all functionality (ie rotation)

Really we won't know until it happens. ;o)
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Watching and Praying Always
Oct 22, 2019
United States
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One thought ...

The millennial kingdom is specifically said to be 1,000 years in length. If God wished to communicate “a long period of time,” He could have easily done so without explicitly and repeatedly mentioning an exact time frame.

Another thought ...

Could it be 1,000 years equals one day (day= year)? .... this could also be the case imo

However , I go with 1,000 literal days in heaven.

Matthew 24:29

Immediately after the tribulation of those days: ‘The sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from the sky, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.’

How mankind determines time is based on the sun ... in this scripture it states the sun, moon and earth are still in place .... but not giving light (heavens are shaken). So they lose partial functionality but not necessarily all functionality (ie rotation)

Really we won't know until it happens. ;o)
If you look at the text

Revelation 20
2 And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years,
3 And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season.
That gives some license that it doesn't exactly mean 1000 years on the day, it just means it's at least 1000 years, it could be off by days, weeks, months, years, decades, even hundreds of years it just most likely wouldn't cross 2000 years.

this kinda language is used again
5 But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection.

Like if it were 1030 years, it'd still be roughly 1000 years right? So it'd still be a millennium, even if it were 1100 years, or so. Adam died 70 years before that first 1000 years was passed, because God said in the day, so as long as it didn't pass into the next day, God was declaring the truth. Adam could have lived 100 years, or 999 years, just as long as it was under 1000.

For the millennium, I see it as at least 1000 years, like it could go over, but likely not under.. just because of the wording.

I wanted to entertain the idea that Amillennialists have, that we're currently in the millennium, although I disagree with it because if this world is what things look like when Satan is "bound" I'm pretty disappointed and God seems kinda weak if this is the best He can restrain Satan.. but then Hosea 6:2, it is AFTER two days (for Jesus 2 literal 24 hour days passed in the tomb, and then he resurrected on the morning of the 3rd day, for "us" after 2000 years would be the application). To have the Amillennial interpretation of us currently living in the Day of the Lord Jesus would have to return BEFORE the 2000 year mark. But Hosea says after 2.

Ultimately what this reflection has taught is that the Day of the Lord is way more complex than I think most of us initially think. Because we think in terms of 24 hour days.
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God is Love
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If you look at the text

Revelation 20

That gives some license that it doesn't exactly mean 1000 years on the day, it just means it's at least 1000 years, it could be off by days, weeks, months, years, decades, even hundreds of years it just most likely wouldn't cross 2000 years.

this kinda language is used again

Like if it were 1030 years, it'd still be roughly 1000 years right? So it'd still be a millennium, even if it were 1100 years, or so. Adam died 70 years before that first 1000 years was passed, because God said in the day, so as long as it didn't pass into the next day, God was declaring the truth. Adam could have lived 100 years, or 999 years, just as long as it was under 1000.

For the millennium, I see it as at least 1000 years, like it could go over, but likely not under.. just because of the wording.

I wanted to entertain the idea that Amillennialists have, that we're currently in the millennium, although I disagree with it because if this world is what things look like when Satan is "bound" I'm pretty disappointed and God seems kinda weak if this is the best He can restrain Satan.. but then Hosea 6:2, it is AFTER two days (for Jesus 2 literal 24 hour days passed in the tomb, and then he resurrected on the morning of the 3rd day, for "us" after 2000 years would be the application). To have the Amillennial interpretation of us currently living in the Day of the Lord Jesus would have to return BEFORE the 2000 year mark. But Hosea says after 2.

Ultimately what this reflection has taught is that the Day of the Lord is way more complex than I think most of us initially think. Because we think in terms of 24 hour days.
well ... it seems to me if you are going to apply the logic that it can't be under then to apply it could be over isn't consistent thinking.

Amillennial interpretation is the belief Christ will reign on earth for 1,000 years. According to scripture the millennial is spent in heaven not on earth. After the 1,000 years (literal or not) the 2nd resurrection takes place.

As far as the 3-day/nights .... the jews counted a part of a day as a full day. Explained here ....
Contradictions: Three Days and Nights

The day of the Lord is referred to in scripture as the return of Jesus ... when Jesus returns all judgement has taken place and the 1st resurrection takes place (the saved for all time) but this is not the full end ... the 2nd resurrection takes place after the 1,000 years (literal or not).

The Day of the Lord indicates judgement.

When I do a search on the greek word etos that is used in other verses it is referring to literal years. Here are some examples:


How the word etos is used elsewhere presents itself to me to be a literal year timeframe to me ... and as 1,000 years is prefaced with THE (definite article)

Revelation 20:3 Greek Text Analysis

Revelation 20:5 Lexicon: The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were completed. This is the first resurrection.

We can ... and do speculate about the 1,000 years being literal years or not .... but the truth is we won't know until it happens. Most important is that we know we will be with the Lord when it happens.

Regardless ... looking forward to His soon return. Amen.
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The day of the Lord is referred to in scripture as the return of Jesus
No, it isn't.
The glorious Return is referred to as the Great Day of Almighty God. Revelation 16:14b

The great and terrible Day of the Lords vengeance and wrath, will be a Day [a literal -24 hour day] years before the Return.
Does Amos 5:18-20 relate to Jesus' Return? In no way!

People need to know there is coming soon, a sudden and shocking worldwide disaster. The Sixth Seal event.
It will change the world and commence all the Prophesied end times events. It will be God's solution to the Middle East crisis; the whole lot will be wiped out. Zephaniah 1:14-18, Luke 19:27
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Watching and Praying Always
Oct 22, 2019
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well ... it seems to me if you are going to apply the logic that it can't be under then to apply it could be over isn't consistent thinking.

Amillennial interpretation is the belief Christ will reign on earth for 1,000 years. According to scripture the millennial is spent in heaven not on earth. After the 1,000 years (literal or not) the 2nd resurrection takes place.

As far as the 3-day/nights .... the jews counted a part of a day as a full day. Explained here ....
Contradictions: Three Days and Nights

The day of the Lord is referred to in scripture as the return of Jesus ... when Jesus returns all judgement has taken place and the 1st resurrection takes place (the saved for all time) but this is not the full end ... the 2nd resurrection takes place after the 1,000 years (literal or not).

The Day of the Lord indicates judgement.

When I do a search on the greek word etos that is used in other verses it is referring to literal years. Here are some examples:


How the word etos is used elsewhere presents itself to me to be a literal year timeframe to me ... and as 1,000 years is prefaced with THE (definite article)

Revelation 20:3 Greek Text Analysis

Revelation 20:5 Lexicon: The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were completed. This is the first resurrection.

We can ... and do speculate about the 1,000 years being literal years or not .... but the truth is we won't know until it happens. Most important is that we know we will be with the Lord when it happens.

Regardless ... looking forward to His soon return. Amen.

Like I said, it's the language of "until" and "is finished" that says.... it could be longer than 1000 years but under 2000, and the first year of it.. at least I believe, will be when the day of the Lord's wrath is declared at the 6th seal in Revelation, so from the 6th seal rather than from after Armageddon would be the start, at least 1000 years of "the Day of the Lord", and when that "day" finishes, is final judgment, making it the "Last Day" even though a lot of time for us passes during it.

I mean think about this

John 6
38 For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me.
39 And this is the Father's will which hath sent me, that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day.
40 And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day.
41 The Jews then murmured at him, because he said, I am the bread which came down from heaven.
42 And they said, Is not this Jesus, the son of Joseph, whose father and mother we know? how is it then that he saith, I came down from heaven?
43 Jesus therefore answered and said unto them, Murmur not among yourselves.
44 No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day.

So the resurrection is on "the last day"
To which some believe the resurrection will only happen just before the white throne of judgement (which that is when the wicked are resurrected for damnation), but those in Christ are resurrected prior, at the start of the Millennium, not "the last day" if we think in 24 hour days.

But if we think of the Day of the Lord being 1000 years long, then it perfectly fits. when Jesus returns He resurrects those in Christ.... on "the last day" which is at least 1000 years long by our reckoning.

The Millennium, and equation of 1 day for God being 1000 years for men, reconciles this.
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One God and Father of All

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Apr 20, 2018
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now we go to Genesis 5

People think in human reckoning, that Adam ate for the tree and lived hundreds of years after so God must have meant a spiritual death that day. I used to believe that too.
But then if you think about it.. what is a day to God, if Adam died under 1000 years, if God sees every day as 1000 years for us.. then Adam ate from the tree and died and returned to dust on the same day (and yes God said in Genesis 3 what death would be for Adam, not spiritual, but returning to dust)
I believe Adam was given the death sentence when he ate. He was like those we have on death row today. They are called “dead man walking”.
The Bible doesn’t speak of any “spiritual death”. It speaks of being dead in trespasses and sin. Although you may be living you are dead in sin.
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Watching and Praying Always
Oct 22, 2019
United States
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No, it isn't.
The glorious Return is referred to as the Great Day of Almighty God. Revelation 16:14b

The great and terrible Day of the Lords vengeance and wrath, will be a Day [a literal -24 hour day] years before the Return.
Does Amos 5:18-20 relate to Jesus' Return? In no way!

People need to know there is coming soon, a sudden and shocking worldwide disaster. The Sixth Seal event.
It will change the world and commence all the Prophesied end times events. It will be God's solution to the Middle East crisis; the whole lot will be wiped out. Zephaniah 1:14-18, Luke 19:27
Matthew 24:29-31 equated Day of the Lord signs with Jesus' coming from heaven and the gathering of the elect.
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Watching and Praying Always
Oct 22, 2019
United States
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I believe Adam was given the death sentence when he ate. He was like those we have on death row today. They are called “dead man walking”.
The Bible doesn’t speak of any “spiritual death”. It speaks of being dead in trespasses and sin.

In a sense, but Adam still died in under 1000 years and that day for the Lord is as 1000 years concept gets revisited multiple times in scripture so, it also fits there too that Adam literally died and returned to dust "in the day that thou eatest thereof"
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One God and Father of All

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Apr 20, 2018
Wilmington, DE
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In a sense, but Adam still died in under 1000 years and that day for the Lord is as 1000 years concept gets revisited multiple times in scripture so, it also fits there too that Adam literally died and returned to dust "in the day that thou eatest thereof"
I understand “in the day you eat of it, you will die” simply means he will be given the death sentence. I think it means he would be given the death sentence that very day.
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God is Love
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Nov 14, 2017
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No, it isn't.
The glorious Return is referred to as the Great Day of Almighty God. Revelation 16:14b

The great and terrible Day of the Lords vengeance and wrath, will be a Day [a literal -24 hour day] years before the Return.
Does Amos 5:18-20 relate to Jesus' Return? In no way!

People need to know there is coming soon, a sudden and shocking worldwide disaster. The Sixth Seal event.
It will change the world and commence all the Prophesied end times events. It will be God's solution to the Middle East crisis; the whole lot will be wiped out. Zephaniah 1:14-18, No one knows the exact time that the Savior will come again. “Of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only” (Matthew 24:36; see also D&C 49:7).
It's going to be like in the days of Noah .... mankind will progress to a point whereas if the Lord does not return mankind will totally annihilate themselves. It is the condition of mankind globally (not any particular earthly nation(s) ... mankind totally corrupt on the entire earth with the exception of a very few ... and yes indeed he will return and end it all and that happens on the day He returns, 'that day" does not denote a 24 hour period ... it happens on whatever day and hour he returns.

Very rough roads ahead for mankind ... like has never been. I do agree with you though .... in that we are within the 6th seal and it is unfolding before us .... it is progressive but will intensify greatly ... very disastrous events yet to come ... yet to culminate.

No one knows the exact time that the Savior will come again. “Of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only” (Matthew 24:36)

So ... some signs we are seeing globally .... climate events, social unrest, wars and rumors of wars, teetering on the brink of economical collapse globally. I think the next really big one (sign) will be the economical collapse that will be globally.

Regardless I look forward to His return and the end of this wicked world. Amen.
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God is Love
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Like I said, it's the language of "until" and "is finished" that says.... it could be longer than 1000 years but under 2000, and the first year of it.. at least I believe, will be when the day of the Lord's wrath is declared at the 6th seal in Revelation, so from the 6th seal rather than from after Armageddon would be the start, at least 1000 years of "the Day of the Lord", and when that "day" finishes, is final judgment, making it the "Last Day" even though a lot of time for us passes during it.

I mean think about this

John 6

So the resurrection is on "the last day"
To which some believe the resurrection will only happen just before the white throne of judgement (which that is when the wicked are resurrected for damnation), but those in Christ are resurrected prior, at the start of the Millennium, not "the last day" if we think in 24 hour days.

But if we think of the Day of the Lord being 1000 years long, then it perfectly fits. when Jesus returns He resurrects those in Christ.... on "the last day" which is at least 1000 years long by our reckoning.

The Millennium, and equation of 1 day for God being 1000 years for men, reconciles this.

When Jesus returns ALL judgement has taken place and it happens in a twinkling of an eye not 1,000 literal years.

1st Corinthians

51Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed— 52in an instant, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. 53For the perishable must be clothed with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality.

We won't know until it happens.
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Watching and Praying Always
Oct 22, 2019
United States
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When Jesus returns ALL judgement has taken place and it happens in a twinkling of an eye not 1,000 literal years.

1st Corinthians

51Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed— 52in an instant, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. 53For the perishable must be clothed with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality.

We won't know until it happens.
the twinkling of an eye reference has to do with people alive at the second coming who are resurrected without dying, they change from mortal to immortal in the twinkling of an eye.

That is not to say that all judgements take place in the twinkling of an eye, scripture doesn't say that. Rather scripture has God walking on Earth slaughtering people.. Time passes.
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