Can marriage ever be a sin if both are Christian


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Nov 14, 2004
Religious Christians and other Christians who use their position to keep you stuck so they can benefit are those who bible says to pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you that they may be saved if they are still alive. Those who died God knows if they would have repented so we need not worry they can not be saved because they can’t have more chances. But those who do and are unrepentant think they win to make others eunuch though they didn’t choose but actually they obtain shame for themselves for persecuting and not repenting of that when alive even if saved to have lesser reward.
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Nov 14, 2004
I don’t even want to marry if people reject me because of their cruelty judging making up reasons that are not real necessary than showing compassion saying he does not sacrifice much as though to judge his past which he did not know as much others views as was lied to and because he had genuine struggle but one is doing what he can now to sacrifice as much as he can and their essential needs are met they should not complain and one is not responsible for such but they ought to work too to provide for their needs so can not judge another because they can provide for their own needs. Such people are cursed already rotten and unclean. If they die before having repented of supporting that to speak against that will have lesser reward and they should seek to do what is right to have better reward because they can die while not seeking and if one is not continually seeking to do one would risk even if it is not done so better be done but they are saved as long as they truly repent of that in their heart.
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Nov 14, 2004
I believe I have to put God first so I will not seek to marry because I had rejected one for age to be my age because I would not have many children and because I don’t know if she is serious or may harm me but as wrong to leave for another to not testify care and came to my mind for what shall it profit the man if he gains the world and loses his soul so will not marry unless to that person if I thought it safe. Though it could not apply to me saying what shall it profit the man if he gains the world but loses his soul but perhaps to me especially as given much grace about teaching but might not be but I should show care to others for injuring others and they can lose soul as verses says about losing soul but not for same reason but for giving up.

I do only post the below to say when wanting to do what you want even if it harms others is according to the deceitfulness of one heart not that it is wrong to enjoy life to be as long as you are happy if such is not sin for it is meant wrong if sin and not wrong if you put God first

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Nov 14, 2004
I was talking to one but I stopped because I am not sure how serious it is and because I don’t know if can have children more than 1 when I should seek more because others boast that I am less that I was not worthy of more and because I want my child to have siblings to know to be part of a family to support and care for one another and can accuse I did to myself that others would have done more to show they are bad not to help me and wastes time for me to look for one that may be serious and because I think I may prevent person from finding one appropriate for her or for another to find one that is meant to be she be open to one older and because I want to show church people they are not justified to reject me and still talk about my choices.
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Oct 23, 2023
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I'm not going to beat a dead horse. Most in this thread assert that marriage is not a sin, which is my position. I would like focus on something the original poster wrote, however.

In the days of Noah marriage was a sin because sons of God married daughters of men that is the non spiritual people
In this statement it is asserted that .. "In the days of Noah, marriage was a sin". I believe this statement is in error, which is what causes the confusion about marriage. It would seem that the poster inferred this onto the text. I agree that "sons of God" are the seed line of "her seed" (Gen 3:15, Gen 4:25-26). I also agree that the "daughters of man" are "non spiritual". I would further agree that within the book of Genesis, after what happened in Noah's time, scripture frequently cautions against marrying outside the faith (Genesis 24:3-4, 27:46, 28:1-3, Gen 26:34-35, Gen 34). However, nowhere within the Biblical text does it explicitly say that marriage was a sin during Noah's time.

So why does scripture warn the Jewish people, and make them promise not to take wives outside the Jewish line (Gen 24:3) after the flood? These verses, below, give us good insight...

Deu 17:17 (KJV)
And he shall not acquire many wives for himself, lest his heart turn away,
This practice of taking many wives was started by Lamech in Genesis 4:19, "Then Lamech took for himself two wives". This taking of many wives might have been for reasons of desire and not the purpose God intended for marriage, "sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair" (Gen 6:2).
1King 11:3 (KJV)
He had seven hundred wives of royal birth and three hundred concubines, and his wives led him astray.
These many wives could lead a godly man astray (1King 11:3).
Judges 3:6 (KJV)
And they took their daughters to be their wives, and gave their daughters to their sons; and they served their gods.
And even if the godly man only took one wife but she was not of the faith... the influence of the ungodly could lead to the serving of other gods (Judges 3:6).

It was also important during the Genesis times, and all the way up to the birth of Christ, to not marry outside the faith because of the prophecy in Genesis 3:15.
Gen 3:15 (KJV)
“And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.
We can see how close the line of "her seed" was to being extinguished in the two verses below.

Gen 6:5 (KJV)
And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
Gen 6:8 (KJV)
But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.
Noah was the only godly man left that found grace in the eyes of the Lord. It would seem clear that one important reason for the emphasis of marrying within the faith, for the Jewish people, was to keep this from happening again.

All that to say that Genesis does not consider marriage a sin. But it does caution against marrying outside the faith for good reasons.

Peace be to you
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Nov 14, 2004
I dont know if I will find one from evangelical background to think my views of seeking to do works they do not accept it though is biblical for they are wrong and they need to go back to right path as Jesus taught that and people must be ready at all times and cultures may be harder to accept other ones not similar culture so I am going to go to other types of orthodox churches similar like greek orthodox church or middle eastern catholic churches unless I find one who accepts me.
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Nov 14, 2004
I was talking to one online but I decided not to continue as she keeps asking for money as my dad tells me to listen to him that I may not have as much future to have more children if person is not in early 30s that is better for one older to marry person who can afford to help her for person to be open to them that can have one child and I am hinderance from them finding.
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The bible says as it was in the days of Noah they were marrying and giving in marriage and did not know until the flood came and took them all away so it will be when the son of man returns

In the days of Noah marriage was a sin because sons of God married daughters of men that is the non spiritual people

I thought marriage is never a sin if person is Christian as Paul said he who marries has not sinned but such will have trouble in the flesh

But could it be a sin if the other person possibility may not be a true Christian if they are not of similar background to atleast be born in Christian family though it is possible one is a Christian if one is not

What other situations is it a sin ?

But how can it take them by surprise if Christ will come after the tribulation do you think some will not even believe they are in the tribulation because how then can it take them by surprise ?

My dad says when Paul says in the last days people will forbid marriage it means because people will live together without getting married I don’t think however it is necessary to get married and have kids you may not raise in God if one is not spiritual but this means people should not sin and if they do they must repent
Well, it is wrong to do something for a selfish reason; so I can see that if a person marries for selfish reasons, this would be a sin.

If Paul, then, says a Christian has not sinned, by getting married, possibly he means a person who seeks in prayer to do God's will and is growing in this. Such a person can keep praying and evaluating, with prayer and sharing of others. And if confirmation grows, thank You God.

But I know someone who was supposedly a Christian but did not listen to others and was dictating what the person had to have, not being prayerful. That person possibly did a lot of sins, in the process of getting married, including ignoring God's word not to marry an unbeliever.

And the person was dictating what the person at that time was capable of wanting, not open to what our Father knew would later be good after the person grew and matured in Jesus.

Another was dominating, emotionally abusive, in a church where the person's family had political control to pressure the pastor to pronounce the person.

No one in the church would touch that nasty and critical person. So, the person got an outsider to seem to get saved, then married the person, and so criticized that spouse that divorce came quickly. Not a sin, to get married like that?

But there are people who have trusted in Jesus, and they are learning how to put God first and how to relate as His children. They are growing in not arguing, not complaining, being generously forgiving and humble to love any and all people.

They pray for God to decide if and whom they marry. But are they perfect at making sure what God wants?

They can grow in His love so they mature in obeying God. And they can marry and then mature ever more in how to relate >

"without complaining and disputing" (in Philippians 2:14)

Forgiving in prayer > Mark 11:25

Not lording themselves over their spouses >

"nor as being lords over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock." (1 Peter 5:3)

"with lonsuffering" > in Ephesians 4:2

"swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath" > in James 1:19-20

They start their day in prayer so they are ready for love which does not fail. So, when they do fail, they know they need to repent and seek God's correction and encourage each other in this.

This is not sinning, I would say.
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Nov 14, 2004
Yes it is sin if you dont plan to honour God but seeking marriage itself is not a sin that God ever does not want one to have if they will as jesus said only those willing to accept to be eunuch is for them that paul says to marry is not sin. It is wrong for you to now try to make some is sinning for now wanting to marry.
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Presbyterian Continuist

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The bible says as it was in the days of Noah they were marrying and giving in marriage and did not know until the flood came and took them all away so it will be when the son of man returns

In the days of Noah marriage was a sin because sons of God married daughters of men that is the non spiritual people

I thought marriage is never a sin if person is Christian as Paul said he who marries has not sinned but such will have trouble in the flesh

But could it be a sin if the other person possibility may not be a true Christian if they are not of similar background to atleast be born in Christian family though it is possible one is a Christian if one is not

What other situations is it a sin ?

But how can it take them by surprise if Christ will come after the tribulation do you think some will not even believe they are in the tribulation because how then can it take them by surprise ?

My dad says when Paul says in the last days people will forbid marriage it means because people will live together without getting married I don’t think however it is necessary to get married and have kids you may not raise in God if one is not spiritual but this means people should not sin and if they do they must repent

I am convinced now that I should not marry because it may not work out my father thought it was good for me though I don’t have to and my grandfather
my dads father told me before he died he wanted me to get married but my father said I don’t have to listen to him if I thought it was good and I was able to do something for the Lord I would think to get married but I think being single is being more profitable for the Lord the barren has more children than one who is married because you should not make people feel they have to get married which being single is maybe more safe and good for some and you don’t know if you will meet one suitable

unless I am convinced being married is good if I meet one suitable I don’t think I should get married
The Bible says that the marriage bed is not defiled. That answers that question. Of course if you marry the wrong person and ending up living a life that is hell on earth, then that is not God's fault but yours and you would have to suck it up and make the best of it.
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Nov 14, 2004
As much my preference was I believe it is wrong to condemn remarriage due to sin for the person who did not sin for person did not sin and has a right to have a wife as others may manipulate to do sin for one has a right for as many children he wants for there are also cases where one children also may seek to mistreat the spouse who did not sin and in some cases one does not give any children or more than one child though one should be satisfied with one.
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Nov 14, 2004
I decided I would not waste my time pursuing anything such as focusing on seeking to marry or to gain treasures on earth for myself to lay up but just to serve the Lord to work that I may in that way serve the Lord because we are in end times so is better to seek the Lord though it is permitted for others to marry the video below does not say is wrong just not to live to gain more treasures on earth as though that is purpose not that it is not ok to have some to enjoy as break but one is living mainly for Jesus not just to gain treasures and one just gets some for break as bible allows saying God richly gives us all things to enjoy so is not wrong to have possesions but should not just seek to live now to gain more treasures but mainly to live for Jesus but can sometimes to have break.

I will not be seeking to marry for it to be distraction from being commited more to the Lord unless the Lord convinces me it would be better to help me and the Lord allows me to meet someone friendly who I think is right that I feel it is within His better plan for me even though it is ok as Paul said the unmarried person is better to be able to fully devote to the Lord that must commit it to God that I should be content as Bible reading I read today in hornet bible study plan is the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want. He restores my soul and leads me in the paths of righteousness for His names sake.
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Nov 14, 2004
I believe actually I should not waste my chances to seek to marry that I think it is good that I think to be married is good because some look down on those not married to take advantage to mock to not be respected though they are wrong and should not.But I do not seek to let not being married stop me from serving God.I did also not seek to marry because I wanted to please other christians to maybe change their views to judge others as worldly but I dont think they will and I should not let them affect knowing they are wrong.
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Nov 14, 2004
My desire is to be with christ and also to declare with great power His gospel and the whole way with assurance to have great knowledge for sure of the truth and wisdom to see it embraced everywhere in the majority in world if that was case would not even seek any earthly thing as marriage.
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Jimmy It

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The bible says as it was in the days of Noah they were marrying and giving in marriage and did not know until the flood came and took them all away so it will be when the son of man returns

In the days of Noah marriage was a sin because sons of God married daughters of men that is the non spiritual people

I thought marriage is never a sin if person is Christian as Paul said he who marries has not sinned but such will have trouble in the flesh

But could it be a sin if the other person possibility may not be a true Christian if they are not of similar background to atleast be born in Christian family though it is possible one is a Christian if one is not

What other situations is it a sin ?

But how can it take them by surprise if Christ will come after the tribulation do you think some will not even believe they are in the tribulation because how then can it take them by surprise ?

My dad says when Paul says in the last days people will forbid marriage it means because people will live together without getting married I don’t think however it is necessary to get married and have kids you may not raise in God if one is not spiritual but this means people should not sin and if they do they must repent

I am convinced now that I should not marry because it may not work out my father thought it was good for me though I don’t have to and my grandfather
my dads father told me before he died he wanted me to get married but my father said I don’t have to listen to him if I thought it was good and I was able to do something for the Lord I would think to get married but I think being single is being more profitable for the Lord the barren has more children than one who is married because you should not make people feel they have to get married which being single is maybe more safe and good for some and you don’t know if you will meet one suitable

unless I am convinced being married is good if I meet one suitable I don’t think I should get married
To sin is to make a mistake. Or, to error and so not share in the prize. Not all mistakes are deal breakers.
So which law are we discussing?
Mans law, or Gods law?
Scripture states, "be not unequally yoked with the unbeliever." Not in my estimation a deal breaker in and of itself. It can however set you up for a life of disagreement, unease, and conflict. We don't need to be the same character type, but our faith in common is a pretty big deal.
Mans law now allows for queer marriage.
Gods law does not.
Not only does God speak against it, he states that:
Romans, 1:28
And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting; 29 being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness; they are whisperers, 30 backbiters, haters of God, violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, 31 undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving, unmerciful; 32 who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them.
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Nov 14, 2004
I was talking to someone online but she requested money at times I decided not to date her anymore. But I wonder if people who have such history of bad behaviour if they repent who will marry them. I did not want to be a hypocrite she was intent to convince me she really had need and she is honest but I cant. She also had a relationship before which she said he did wrong to cheat that I said I would do a background check with a private investigator but I think private investigator may not know. I told her I will not date as I feel it may be sexual immorality that as far as I dont know I must not risk as bible says we should not tempt christ and in one day 23,000 fell.

One reason I did not want to date is because if it fails I may not have opportunity to marry again though I think people should understand. But it got me thinking how can I trust anyone who may be christian if they go to church. I think it is wrong to judge people past that I said to someone I met on a chat once who shared with me her past and she was still involved in sin but I shared with her my frustration many people in church are hypocrites not to accept people even if they do not do wrong but not all that I would not judge people for their past and believed others would not that if they go to church they can find but I see I do that i cant know to trust anyone with sinful past. Do they not then have an excuse to stay away from church ?
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We are saved purely by the work and grace of God.
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Marriage was established by God from the beginning to be between a man and a woman. It is a special, deep, intimate connection when a husband and a wife become one. This is the same way that God loves his people and God established marriage to give us an example so we can understand just how much and how God loves his people. True marriage as God first established it was NEVER a sin. It only becomes sin when you mess with God's original design for marriage (gay marriage, divorce, divorce and remairrage outside of adultery, or as you pointed out union's between humans and angels who have no gender)

But marriage in its truest form as God has always designed it was never a sin.
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The bible says as it was in the days of Noah they were marrying and giving in marriage and did not know until the flood came and took them all away so it will be when the son of man returns

In the days of Noah marriage was a sin because sons of God married daughters of men that is the non spiritual people

I thought marriage is never a sin if person is Christian as Paul said he who marries has not sinned but such will have trouble in the flesh

But could it be a sin if the other person possibility may not be a true Christian if they are not of similar background to atleast be born in Christian family though it is possible one is a Christian if one is not

What other situations is it a sin ?

But how can it take them by surprise if Christ will come after the tribulation do you think some will not even believe they are in the tribulation because how then can it take them by surprise ?

My dad says when Paul says in the last days people will forbid marriage it means because people will live together without getting married I don’t think however it is necessary to get married and have kids you may not raise in God if one is not spiritual but this means people should not sin and if they do they must repent

I am convinced now that I should not marry because it may not work out my father thought it was good for me though I don’t have to and my grandfather
my dads father told me before he died he wanted me to get married but my father said I don’t have to listen to him if I thought it was good and I was able to do something for the Lord I would think to get married but I think being single is being more profitable for the Lord the barren has more children than one who is married because you should not make people feel they have to get married which being single is maybe more safe and good for some and you don’t know if you will meet one suitable

unless I am convinced being married is good if I meet one suitable I don’t think I should get married

I think that the point of the Genesis passage, is not about marriage, but about
how unexpected God's judgment was, to the sinful people on earth.

Today we might say something like "People were still going to the Crunchy
K for their morning cup of coffee, when the judgment of God fell upon them."

That passage is Genesis, is not about marriage.
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