Not paying Tithe is it a sin before the Almighty God

Christson 24

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Apr 26, 2023
Oyo state
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A lot of Christian ministry in Africa always preach against not paying Tithe that a Christian who don't pay tithe is sinning against God the Almighty and he shall surly go to hell.l believe as a Christian we should pay tithe for the upkeep of the church and the minitries but without paying it can it lead a Christian to helll


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Apr 19, 2013
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I think the people going to hell would be the ones preaching that you give them tithe or you would go to hell.
If that the case, the churches in the NT would be wrong because they didn't mention tithe at all.
However i believe that giving tithe to God is nice and good, and God still gives 100 fold what we give to him.
I actually met God because of this, i believed in God a bit, but i didn't thought he could be close to people, i received some money and decided to give tithe, then i got a new job and i thought it was because i gave to God, i went to church to give thanks, for my surprise the Holy spirit touched me in a awesome way, so now i knew God was real, and could get close to us.
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Mar 2, 2024
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A true born-again Christian cannot go to hell because of a sin they do! Whether that sin is of commission (intentional) or omission (omitting to do something). Tithing is a ritual act that is mentioned both in the Old and New testament. Malachi 3 talks about God's judgement against His people (Israel), because they rob Him in tithings and offerings. Tithe means 10th (in the Hebrew).

Now, we must remember, a Christian who sins (which is every Christian), cannot go to hell for sinning, because then it makes Jesus' death on the cross null and void. Which sins did Jesus die for on the cross? Did He die for some sins are all sins. Legalism is someone telling you that you must do something or else...

Tithing is good and it is in the only thing in all of Scripture that we can put God to the test on, to see that He will make good on your investment. Tithing is the only area God promises a return on an investment...usually more then you given. God is a debtor to no one! By the way, I tested God on this, when I had given in January and went a whole year without seeing any financial increase. By December 8, I asked God about it and then two days later, I landed a large client...the biggest I had ever come across. God is good! I never tested Him after that about making good on His promise, as mentioned in Malachi 3

By the way, some people will say that the New Testament or Jesus never said to tithe. Listen to Jesus words in Matthew 23:23, "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have neglected the weightier matters of the law: justice and mercy and faith. These you ought to have done, without leaving the others undone." Notice the words, "without leaving the others undone." Jesus is referring to tithing!

Remember, if you give cheaply, then you will be rewarded cheaply. In the measure in which you give, is how it will come back to you. God loves a cheerful giver. And if you give to be seen by men, then no reward for you...just the praise of man!
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Aug 28, 2014
Houston, TX
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A lot of Christian ministry in Africa always preach against not paying Tithe that a Christian who don't pay tithe is sinning against God the Almighty and he shall surly go to hell.l believe as a Christian we should pay tithe for the upkeep of the church and the minitries but without paying it can it lead a Christian to helll
Anyone who says failure to tithe will send you to hell doesn't know what he's talking about. Tithing is good stewardship of what God has given you, and I recommend it because it teaches us to trust God better, and to overcome our tendency to greedily hoard wealth. God gives us power to get wealth, and tithing is an acknowledgement that what we have comes from Him. This ought to be an outcome of our assurance of salvation in Christ, not a fear motivation of losing salvation. Anyone who teaches fear of condemnation to Christians is likely ignorant of the gospel of grace.
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Active Member
Nov 17, 2023
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A lot of Christian ministry in Africa always preach against not paying Tithe that a Christian who don't pay tithe is sinning against God the Almighty and he shall surly go to hell.l believe as a Christian we should pay tithe for the upkeep of the church and the minitries but without paying it can it lead a Christian to helll
Churches who teach that not paying tithe will make you end up in hell, are in my opinion false teachings. Tithe is from the old convenant, tithe was necessary because there was a tablenacle with ark of the convenant, priest had to work there and had to maintain the place, it was not a choice, it was a must, but a clear commandment from God to maintain the place. But now we have new convenant with Jesus, we dont have a tablenacle to maintain, we dont have to pay tithes, we are free to organize church as financially efficient as possible. Churches who forces tithes, that say that you steal from GOd if you dont give tithes, that God will not bless you if you dont give tithes are just trying to use the members to make money. I mean there are ways to run a church without forcing tithes, some churches do this and are still running, so why not all churches run like they do ? Ofc we as members of a church should give money to maintain the church, but we are free to give what we can give, what we are willing to give, each member should do honest evaluation of their finances themselves how much they can give, they should decide how much to give, not the church.
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