Is this what Jesus talked about when he said we will prophesy?


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Dec 15, 2023
United States
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Background information leading up to the vision:
I never believed in any more prophets after Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ, referred to as "seal of the prophets" by Tertullian, paid the price for sin and there was no need for more prophets to tell of His (The Word Jesus Christ) coming. I am here to discuss a vision I had October 5th, 2023. Two days before the massacre in Israel-Gaza. I have been addicted to many things my entire life, but I had gone completely cold turkey off of everything for some reason, I wondered why. Then October 5th happened, and I had a vision. I classify this as a vision instead of a dream because of how real it was, my memory of it, and the prophetic nature. I am not saying I am a prophet. I do believe that people prophesy, according to God's will, but there are no more revelations in order to be saved, just prophesy that the LORD allows us to have based on the holy scriptures. After this vision, I had went on medication for schizophrenia, I could not handle this vision and the truth it meant for me. I still cannot fathom the depths of the mind of GOD after this experience. It changed a lot for me. I have been addicted for almost 15 years, and it was impossible for me to get off, let alone cold turkey off everything. The setup for this vision to me had to be planned by GOD in order to receive this prophetic vision, I was sober for three months, before going back to schizophrenic medication, prescribed by my Doctor, today I cannot even get off my medication for 1 day or 2 days without feeling so sick, so this to me, was truly a gift to experience, but also took a toll on my mind being revealed a truth from the LORD.

The vision:
White male in suit gives woman diamond jewelry shining so bright all over her. Man goes into house with woman. Door closes, demonic chant starts "Mark of the beast" and "Satan's Call" over and over, while a red upside down pentagram was being shown on the door.

This happened on October 5th, 2023.

That is all.

Thank you for listening.

I have my own interpretation but I won't go deeper unless asked based on the responses to this post. If I see positive responses, I might be more forthcoming on my interpretation of what happened. If there are negative responses, then I don't feel the need to share more.


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Dec 15, 2023
United States
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I decided to share more about my interpretation of the vision. I believe this vision was telling of the attack on Israel and Gaza. I believe satan was manipulating people in order to get more people away from God. I have to add, because I remember, that the male in the vision flashed a badge at me like a cop would, but it said the words sacrament on it. I believe murder is the sacrament of satan, and he does whatever he can to try and get souls away from God. That is my interpretation, he will do everything he can in order to maintain control, like give money, power, but it will lead to hatred and violence always because God said the devil is the father of all lies and the originator of sin. The devil was a liar and a murderer from the beginning the bible says. The devil was never good, evcen though the devil tries to act like he is God, he will ultimately do whatever he can to undermine what Jesus Christ did. The apostle in the holy scriptures says, there will be a false prophet (Revelation 20:10) check that verse, KJV, and you will see what that verse is talking about, and this is what's going to happen to satan that corrupt God's children.
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Active Member
Dec 15, 2023
United States
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I decided to share more about my interpretation of the vision. I believe this vision was telling of the attack on Israel and Gaza. I believe satan was manipulating people in order to get more people away from God. I have to add, because I remember, that the male in the vision flashed a badge at me like a cop would, but it said the words sacrament on it. I believe murder is the sacrament of satan, and he does whatever he can to try and get souls away from God. That is my interpretation, he will do everything he can in order to maintain control, like give money, power, but it will lead to hatred and violence always because God said the devil is the father of all lies and the originator of sin. The devil was a liar and a murderer from the beginning the bible says. The devil was never good, evcen though the devil tries to act like he is God, he will ultimately do whatever he can to undermine what Jesus Christ did. The apostle in the holy scriptures says, there will be a false prophet (Revelation 20:10) check that verse, KJV, and you will see what that verse is talking about, and this is what's going to happen to satan that corrupt God's children.
The holy scriptures also warn of any angel that comes with another message, any angel that denies the gospel, the good news, that the LORD incarnated and walked among us, to pay the price of sin, knowing what He would endure, because He wants us to go to heaven. Praise GOD. The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are one the scriptures say. Jesus Christ is GOD, He said, "I and the Father are one" and "Before Abraham was, I AM", Moses talked to GOD in the burning bush, and GOD said to moses, after moses asked, "What shall I tell the Israelites about you?" and GOD replied, "Before Abraham was, I AM." and John 1:1 says "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with GOD, and the Word was GOD". Jesus Christ is LORD.
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Richard T

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The part I do not like is that you had to go on meds after the vision. That seems quite counter-productive to your own faith and also the message of healing. I would pray with some Christians that understand the power and authority that comes from Christ. Perhaps they could help you with any burden you might have concerning this vision. I am not saying it was not real, or even what the source is. I just wanted to reach out and say i appreciate you sharing. God bless and Happy New year!
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Active Member
Dec 15, 2023
United States
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The part I do not like is that you had to go on meds after the vision. That seems quite counter-productive to your own faith and also the message of healing. I would pray with some Christians that understand the power and authority that comes from Christ. Perhaps they could help you with any burden you might have concerning this vision. I am not saying it was not real, or even what the source is. I just wanted to reach out and say i appreciate you sharing. God bless and Happy New year!
I don't think taking prescribed medication for a diagnosed illness is against God?
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Active Member
Dec 15, 2023
United States
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The part I do not like is that you had to go on meds after the vision. That seems quite counter-productive to your own faith and also the message of healing. I would pray with some Christians that understand the power and authority that comes from Christ. Perhaps they could help you with any burden you might have concerning this vision. I am not saying it was not real, or even what the source is. I just wanted to reach out and say i appreciate you sharing. God bless and Happy New year!
I had diagnosed schizophrenia half my life but God I believe He prepared me for this vision for three months by making me go sober. After the vision was over and then the war started I went back on my medicine. I had symptoms I could not control, if it were not for the medicine, I would still thinking about ending my life like usual. It really was a miracle I was off meds for 3 months, I cant even go off meds for 1 day without crawling back to my pill bottle. Ive had bad thoughts my entire life for every second of the day, but I never chose to end my life out of respect for God and finishing the race like Paul the apostle did and the prophets.
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Active Member
Sep 13, 2023
United States
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I don't think taking prescribed medication for a diagnosed illness is against God?
If you are diagnosed then this wasn't a spiritual vision, unless you have enough information to prove this one was from God and none of the other hallucinations were. In which case, you would know what to do with it, and you would not need medication, because you would have known all along which visions were legit and which ones were not.
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Active Member
Dec 15, 2023
United States
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If you are diagnosed then this wasn't a spiritual vision, unless you have enough information to prove this one was from God and none of the other hallucinations were. In which case, you would know what to do with it, and you would not need medication, because you would have known all along which visions were legit and which ones were not.
Ive been diagnosed for 14 years, October 5th vision was in 2023.
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Richard T

Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2018
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I had diagnosed schizophrenia half my life but God I believe He prepared me for this vision for three months by making me go sober. After the vision was over and then the war started I went back on my medicine. I had symptoms I could not control, if it were not for the medicine, I would still thinking about ending my life like usual. It really was a miracle I was off meds for 3 months, I cant even go off meds for 1 day without crawling back to my pill bottle. Ive had bad thoughts my entire life for every second of the day, but I never chose to end my life out of respect for God and finishing the race like Paul the apostle did and the prophets.
Hi, Sorry I took so long to respond. You are right, there is nothing wrong with taking meds. I guess what is concerning to me is that if I am reading you right that God made you sober, gave you a vision and the vision then required you to go back to the meds. Yes, that is a possibility, but if God made you sober for 3 months, why stop there? It leaves lots of questions that require some discernment. For instance, if I knew a vision were so harmful, could one reject it, especially if one were not sure it was from God? I say this only from care, for what is best for you. I pray though that you can be used of God AND get more stability from those symptoms.
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