Communist Rag "The Guardian" totally stoked on Christians becoming minority in America


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Christians in the US could be a minority group by 2070, study finds

The Guardian is only publishing this because they are communists and are completely excited by the idea of Christianity largely disappearing from America by 2070. Notice how Christianity is the ONLY religion that it is politically correct to hate; if you printed a story wherein you could barely hide your excitement at the shrinking of Judaism or Islam, you'd have CAIR or the ADL tearing their garments because of your "Nazi propaganda".

The only solution for this, is for Christians to start having large families again like my great-grandparents generation did. Of course, Evangelicals have largely failed in this regard whereas you have a sizeable number of Catholics involved in the Tridentine scene that are having 5, 6 or even 7 children these days. I'm not saying that women have to be perpetually pregnant either, because we have this amazing thing now called "adoption" that a lot of Catholics refuse to even consider... which is odd when these same Catholics moan and tear their garments over abortion all day long. Want to stop abortion? Be willing to adopt the child of the woman considering one. Want to stop child trafficking? Adopt a nine or ten year old who has been "in the system" their whole life. There is nothing wrong with these kids and you're doing God's work in the same way that Christ adopted you as his child.

I personally do not have any children. I am not married & it's probably not my vocation (I likely do not have a vocation), and generally do not like babies at all, so if I ever were to get married, I would adopt children as I'd like to skip the whole being woken up in the middle of the night, listening to crying constantly, and having to deal with that whole hellish experience of infants and toddlers. I'd rather have a few ten year olds that I could take fishing, go on bike rides with, play video games with, etc. I also do not have the money for children because I work a soul-crushing job for poverty wages wherein I see the absolute lowest common denominator that my community has to offer on a daily basis. Oh well, thems the breaks! Maybe if I could do my life over again, I'd have taken it more seriously instead of partying and not caring about tomorrow, but that's not the choice I made & it's too late now.


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Christians in the US could be a minority group by 2070, study finds

The Guardian is only publishing this because they are communists and are completely excited by the idea of Christianity largely disappearing from America by 2070. Notice how Christianity is the ONLY religion that it is politically correct to hate; if you printed a story wherein you could barely hide your excitement at the shrinking of Judaism or Islam, you'd have CAIR or the ADL tearing their garments because of your "Nazi propaganda".

The only solution for this, is for Christians to start having large families again like my great-grandparents generation did.

There is the "other option" instead of just a focus on making new humans to raise as Christians - we could focus on the Matt 28:17-19 idea of gospel evangelism to the lost.

however I think that the problem of Christians having kids who do not then grow up to remain in the church is another form of the problem.
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These rags can barely predict what's going to happen in the next few months with any sense of accuracy, which makes me seriously doubt their ability to predict religious trends in the next 50 years. I'd suggest it's best to ignore the propaganda and continue focusing on the most important thing: sharing God's love with others regardless of how many "Christians" the newspapers claim have turned away.
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Jun 1, 2020
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These rags can barely predict what's going to happen in the next few months with any sense of accuracy, which makes me seriously doubt their ability to predict religious trends in the next 50 years.

I think that it's mostly wishful thinking on their part. The country, at least half of it, seems to be taking religion more seriously now in the wake of the neo-Marxist catastrophe that has taken over this country.

On that note, sometimes I wonder if the entire country is going the way of the antichrist or whether it's just the two coasts that are as bad as the media makes them seem. I can't imagine that in somewhere like Kansas, N. Dakota, or Tennessee, that there is CRT & "queer"/gender ideology being pushed in public schools (although I know that the left would love to do this nationwide).

Sometimes I think that these rags run these pieces not to tell you what's going on, but to try and get you to accept the agenda that these lisping, simpering, low-testosterone bugmen have for the nation.
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To be fair Christians have been doing our best to alienate a lot of people. We have done many things in the name of Christ but not of the Spirit of Christ.

Yes I notice that Western leftists in general have a great distain for Christianity more so than any other religions. My personal theory is because they hate the West in its totality which of course includes Christianity that shaped much of its development.
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My personal theory is because they hate the West in its totality which of course includes Christianity that shaped much of its development.

This is true, but the deranged pathology of the leftist goes much deeper than simply hating the West. I'll let you in on a little secret: they hate themselves.

They hate the West because they hate themselves and they blame the West for all of their personal failings and character flaws. They are eternal teenagers-- unable to take responsibility for their own actions; and it's very painful to hate oneself, so in order to cope with the anger and self-loathing that they feel, they simply point it outwards at others until it gets to the point where they hate the very system that allows them to engage in these weird thought experiments that get them to hate themselves to begin with. These are people who, compared to the rest of the world, live lives of unimaginable privilege and prosperity and instead of thinking "I am blessed" they find something to complain about-- whether it's that their particular sexual perversion (all leftists are sexual deviants at heart, as leftism is such a deep pathology that their hatred and anger usually comes back to their particular deviant behavior not being "accepted" and "included". We can see this in action with the LGBT+/"queer" movement)

Think about it: do you see people from Africa or South America with the kind of self-loathing and guilt that your average leftist has? Of course not. These are people who are willing to risk life and limb, to leave everything they know behind just to get to the West-- which oddly enough, the leftist will tell you is "systemically racist" and "patriarchal" (as if patriarchy was a bad thing). These minorities if you will, despite all of the leftist nonsense about "Racism in America and Europe", are still clamoring to just be able to get here.
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They are eternal teenagers-- unable to take responsibility for their own actions

In fact I have that exact though, from all the examples I read and saw mostly all of them exhibit this angsty method of communication. That perpetual self-righteous indignation in their speech as though everything around them is wrong besides themselves (naturally).

Reminded me too much of myself when I'm a teenager (of course reality struck when I entered the working world).
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Reminded me too much of myself when I'm a teenager (of course reality struck when I entered the working world).

I was an idiot when I was a teenager. Like a severe idiot who handicapped my future by not taking life or school seriously. I just wanted to get a job so I would have money to do stupid things like buy clothes and drugs, I had no plans to go to college or the army or anything and I wasted most of my life up until about a year ago & am now in a job that I dislike with no real prospects to do anything else at 36.

If I could go back and warn my idiot teenage self that "You'll be approaching 40 and have absolutely zero accomplishments in life, so take school seriously and try to at least do something. Better yet? Forget about girls and join the priesthood" that's what I'd do.
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May 23, 2005
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FEATURE: Street poet weaponizing words to cure ills of religious upbringing

But iidabii, a rapper and slam poet who is the son of a Jehovah's Witnesses follower, has bravely recounted his painful childhood experiences through spoken word performances and songs that outline in graphic detail the abuse he withstood from his devoutly evangelical Christian mother.

One of the main issue with Christianity as a whole is how the world knows or cares little about the distinctions between denominations.

If a particular denomination did horrid things it reflects poorly on all. Is it fair? No. Is it all together incorrect? Not really either. This is where the flaws of the minority become the standard for the majority, at least in the eyes of others.

This hate can't be easily cured especially when it comes from the same perceived group of people (Christians). How can I say "God is all good and loves you" when in this example his very own mother treated him and his siblings so wrongly.

Even in this article alone, to the author, Jehovah's Witnesses & Unification Church are being identified as Christians. While all mainstream denominations agree that they are more on the fringes of Christian cult. This is not to say such behavior is non-existence in mainstream denominations.

This is where the leftists cease the opportunity to dogpile on the whole. There is little we can do besides being Christ like and live life as close to His teachings as possible. Hope that the Christ reflected in us will outshine the vileness labeled by them. People who wants to hate will take all opportunity to hate (sadly we Christians sometimes do the same).
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