Peanut Gallery thread -- Formal Debate on the Existence of the Historical Jesus

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Ana the Ist

Aggressively serene!
Feb 21, 2012
United States
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Well, anonymous has wasted a round. Nothing substantive, and the only question asked of Ana was already answered in Ana's post:

You'll find mention of Jesus from different historians like Tacitus, Suetonius, Josephus and others. What do these men have to say about the real Jesus? Nothing. None of these figures ever met Jesus, nor did they meet anyone who met Jesus, nor did they live when Jesus was alive. The passages where they mention Jesus are of this sort...

"There's a group of people called christians who follow a man named Jesus."

You can deny it, refute it, explain it away... but it doesn't do much good to ask your opponent to repeat it for you.
Well, anonymous has wasted a round. Nothing substantive, and the only question asked of Ana was already answered in Ana's post:

You'll find mention of Jesus from different historians like Tacitus, Suetonius, Josephus and others. What do these men have to say about the real Jesus? Nothing. None of these figures ever met Jesus, nor did they meet anyone who met Jesus, nor did they live when Jesus was alive. The passages where they mention Jesus are of this sort...

"There's a group of people called christians who follow a man named Jesus."

You can deny it, refute it, explain it away... but it doesn't do much good to ask your opponent to repeat it for you.

Honestly, I thought I was doing him a's a more interesting debate if we leave out everything suspected of interpolation. I have no problem explaining the big problems with these passages further.

I have serious doubts about his seriousness though. I think he just started challenging everyone to debates hoping no one would take him up on it.
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Stranger in a Strange Land
Oct 17, 2011
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Yeah, I'll agree with that. Very disappointing. It's not even worth following this now. Any chance you and Ana would agree to resurrect the topic in a new debate?

It's awkward, but I think AP has punted so much that I don't even feel bad saying that I am open to that prospect. Obviously if this current debate goes on, I have an advantage in seeing what Ana says in later rounds. I am open to the prospect of a subsequent debate, or even a concurrent debate, where I would take on the task of responding to Ana's initial post, before any subsequent posts take place.
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Resha Caner

Expert Fool
Sep 16, 2010
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It's awkward, but I think AP has punted so much that I don't even feel bad saying that I am open to that prospect. Obviously if this current debate goes on, I have an advantage in seeing what Ana says in later rounds. I am open to the prospect of a subsequent debate, or even a concurrent debate, where I would take on the task of responding to Ana's initial post, before any subsequent posts take place.

I say, "Go for it." But I guess it's up to Ana.
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Nov 4, 2015
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My opponent has said that historians like Tacitus and Josephus say nothing about Jesus.

Rather than attacking strawmen, I will let my opponent explain why he thinks this.

An appeal to the gospels is not even necessary for my position so I can simply disregard what my opponent has said about them.
One thing about Josephus is that he turned on his fellow Jewish community. He had a pension and a life of luxury as a citizen of Rome. He had no reason to mention Jesus whatsoever. He likely did not mention him in that he had to be careful with what he said in that his writings were scrutinized by those in high power in Rome. Josephus did not want to ruin his life of high esteem among those Romans in power. Romans hated Jesus and any mention of them by Josephus could have spelled doom for Josephus.

However, there was a controversy over a statement that Josephus may or may not have said concerning Jesus being more than a man and that Jesus was the messiah that the Jews rejected. Here is what he may have said:

"About this time lived Jesus, a man full of wisdom, if indeed one may call Him a man. For He was the doer of incredible things, and the teacher of such as gladly received the truth. He thus attracted to Himself many Jews and many of the Gentiles. He was the Christ. On the accusation of the leading men of our people, Pilate condemned Him to death upon the cross; nevertheless those who had previously loved Him still remained faithful to Him. For on the third day He again appeared to them living, just as, in addition to a thousand other marvelous things, prophets sent by God had foretold. And to the present day the race of those who call themselves Christians after Him has not ceased."

Flavius Josephus

Some New Testament scholars have taken a 2nd look with this passage, and may very consider that this was from Josephus and not made up by some Christians in order to have more proof of Jesus' as God's son. I suggest that you read the book titled "Searching For Jesus." The author is Robert J. Hutchinson. It is very new book that I picked up about a week ago. He presents all of the pro and con New Testament scholars throughout the book. In all, this book presents compelling evidence that Jesus was what who he said he was throughout the New Testament. Also, try reading books written by Lee Strobel called "The Evidence For Faith", "The Evidence For A Creator", and "The Evidence For Jesus." Lee was an avid Atheist. He received a Law Degree from Harvard, and was the Legal Editor for the Chicago Tribune. Lee did his homework and through his 2 year journey, he found that there was far too much evidence for God and Jesus of which moved Lee to become a Christian. I wish you the best and hope that the Lord will help you to find the information you are looking for my friend! If you seek the truth you will find God. My first cousin was a Marine during the Vietnam war, and saw far too many avid atheist soldiers that prayed for Gods help when their life was on the line. You may have heard that their are no atheist in a fox hole taking gun fire and mortar rounds. I find that a lot of atheists do not want to be held accountable for their deeds, and being an atheist gives them the delusion of non accountability. There is just far too much evidence if you look in the right places for the existence of Jesus and God. If I was in your shoes, I would be worried in that what if all of this is true and that you could very well spend eternity apart from God and your loved ones who are Christians. There is a wealth of near death experiences from Christians and non Christians that will make you lay in bed and fear of what is coming down the road for your life.
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Apr 26, 2013
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One thing about Josephus is that he turned on his fellow Jewish community. He had a pension and a life of luxury as a citizen of Rome. He had no reason to mention Jesus whatsoever. He likely did not mention him in that he had to be careful with what he said in that his writings were scrutinized by those in high power in Rome. Josephus did not want to ruin his life of high esteem among those Romans in power. Romans hated Jesus and any mention of them by Josephus could have spelled doom for Josephus.

However, there was a controversy over a statement that Josephus may or may not have said concerning Jesus being more than a man and that Jesus was the messiah that the Jews rejected. Here is what he may have said:

"About this time lived Jesus, a man full of wisdom, if indeed one may call Him a man. For He was the doer of incredible things, and the teacher of such as gladly received the truth. He thus attracted to Himself many Jews and many of the Gentiles. He was the Christ. On the accusation of the leading men of our people, Pilate condemned Him to death upon the cross; nevertheless those who had previously loved Him still remained faithful to Him. For on the third day He again appeared to them living, just as, in addition to a thousand other marvelous things, prophets sent by God had foretold. And to the present day the race of those who call themselves Christians after Him has not ceased."

Flavius Josephus

Some New Testament scholars have taken a 2nd look with this passage, and may very consider that this was from Josephus and not made up by some Christians in order to have more proof of Jesus' as God's son. I suggest that you read the book titled "Searching For Jesus." The author is Robert J. Hutchinson. It is very new book that I picked up about a week ago. He presents all of the pro and con New Testament scholars throughout the book. In all, this book presents compelling evidence that Jesus was what who he said he was throughout the New Testament. Also, try reading books written by Lee Strobel called "The Evidence For Faith", "The Evidence For A Creator", and "The Evidence For Jesus." Lee was an avid Atheist. He received a Law Degree from Harvard, and was the Legal Editor for the Chicago Tribune. Lee did his homework and through his 2 year journey, he found that there was far too much evidence for God and Jesus of which moved Lee to become a Christian. I wish you the best and hope that the Lord will help you to find the information you are looking for my friend! If you seek the truth you will find God. My first cousin was a Marine during the Vietnam war, and saw far too many avid atheist soldiers that prayed for Gods help when their life was on the line. You may have heard that their are no atheist in a fox hole taking gun fire and mortar rounds. I find that a lot of atheists do not want to be held accountable for their deeds, and being an atheist gives them the delusion of non accountability. There is just far too much evidence if you look in the right places for the existence of Jesus and God. If I was in your shoes, I would be worried in that what if all of this is true and that you could very well spend eternity apart from God and your loved ones who are Christians. There is a wealth of near death experiences from Christians and non Christians that will make you lay in bed and fear of what is coming down the road for your life.

Lee Strobel's work, has been destroyed with objective analysis of the same.
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Nov 4, 2015
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This is a debate on whether or not there is enough historical evidence to believe that a Jewish man called Jesus, who is regarded as the basis for the christian religion, ever existed in the flesh. That's all this debate is discussing. Its not a discussion about whether or not Jesus was god, it's not about your personal relationship with Jesus, it's not about whether or not the christian religion is of any value. I feel that it's important to start with this point...because a great many who read this will be christians, and the argument I'm about to make is about as popular as me coming to your house and using your dinner table as a toilet. Many of you reading this will take it personally....but you shouldn't. Although I'm arguing that there isn't enough historical evidence to believe Jesus existed...I'm not making a commentary about you or your personal beliefs. This is about facts...about evidence....about history. I'm debating this topic because I believe the truth is important. I'm making this argument because I know a great many of you never really looked into the historicity of Jesus.

Why should you look into the historicity of Jesus? It's basically considered a fact...right? Well, I was like you once...even though I was an atheist, I accepted that Jesus existed as a real man without any doubt at all. I even remember the argument I had with another atheist...calling him ridiculous for suggesting the possibility that Jesus never existed (the very same argument I am now about to make). The truth was, I hadn't seriously looked at the evidence...I hadn't seriously considered the possibility he never existed. Once I did though, I found myself in a group smaller than "atheists". I was, and still am, someone who doesn't believe Jesus existed. For you to understand how I reached this conclusion, you'll need to look at the same evidence I did....

So are you ready? Would you like to see all the evidence that points directly to the existence of a historical Jesus? I'm now going to list all of it, so pay close attention....

There isn't any.

What's that you say? There has to be something? Well, there definitely should be something....but there simply isn't. When we look for evidence of a real walking talking Jesus with an objective viewpoint, with intellectual honesty, there's nothing. He simply disappears from history. Allow me to explain...

History is a funny field of study. History isn't so much about proving facts or establishing certainties. It's about building a narrative. That narrative is a changing thing, based upon perspective, time, and evidence. Historians may find something tomorrow morning that dramatically changes the way we understand a particular event in history. That change may be hard to accept, but it's based upon evidence. So what exactly is "historical evidence"? Well...everything is. Anything is. It could be a pair of shoes that tells us about someone's job. It could be a picture that shows us someone's appearance. It could be documents, letters, books, shipping manifests. The question isn't "what is historical evidence?"...the question is "what does this piece of evidence show us?". So when I say "there isn't enough historical evidence to believe in a historical Jesus"...what I'm saying is that "no piece of evidence shows us that a historical Jesus existed."

When it comes to physical evidence, we have none. No pair of sandals that belonged to Jesus, no cups, no robes, no saddles...nothing. This is to be expected though...Jesus lived a long long time ago, and things decay. So what do we have? Documents. Now...anyone who ever looked up the "evidence for a historical Jesus" probably got inundated with any number of christian/biblical websites that all claim there's a ton of evidence for his existence. You'll find mention of Jesus from different historians like Tacitus, Suetonius, Josephus and others. What do these men have to say about the real Jesus? Nothing. None of these figures ever met Jesus, nor did they meet anyone who met Jesus, nor did they live when Jesus was alive. The passages where they mention Jesus are of this sort...

"There's a group of people called christians who follow a man named Jesus."

What is this evidence of? Well, quite obviously, it's evidence that there were christians at the time those men wrote those things. That's all. In order to make the leap from these documents being evidence of christians to being evidence of has to decide that the only reason there would be christians is if there was a guy named Jesus who they followed. No real historian will make that leap though, for obvious reasons. Does the existence of the cult of Osiris mean there must've been a real walking talking Osiris at one point? Of course not. Does the existence of followers of Hercules mean there must've been a real Hercules at some time? No...that would be silly. Make no one alive when Jesus "lived" thought him worth mentioning. Not his followers, not his enemies, not even a casual witness on the streets.

What about the gospels, you say? Well...even the earliest copies of those weren't written until decades after Jesus's "death"...and we don't really know who wrote them. The names ascribed to them are just guesses...their true authors are lost to time. More importantly though, they are religious documents. They aren't meant to stand apart from the bible, they aren't historical documents. They were written with a clear bias, a clear intent of convincing the reader that Jesus was the messiah and son of god. That bias must be considered whenever you read the gospels...and it makes them useless as historical documents.

So what else do we have? Most of those websites will stop after listing the few passages by historians who never met Jesus and the gospels. That isn't all we have though. In truth, we have a great many stories, letters, and other "documents" that most christian scholars will ignore or leave out of this discussion. Why? Because they're lies. These lies have several formal names..."pious falsehoods", "pious fiction", "non-canon stories"...but I prefer the informal term "lies". Early christians, early apologists, and early christian scholars all seem to have little ethical trouble creating outright lies about their savior. The motives behind these lies change depending on who is suspected of writing them and who their intended audience was...but make no mistake, even the Vatican acknowledges them as lies. I only mention them because I will likely need to reference them later should my opponent decide to try to turn the gospels into historical documents or try to validate the Josephus passage. We can tackle those things later though...

For now it is simply enough to realize that when we look for any credible historical evidence of Jesus Christ...we have nothing.

This concludes my first post.
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Jul 1, 2007
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If Jesus came down from heaven and slapped you silly in the face over and over again, you would still not believe in him or his existence. Can you prove beyond a shadow of doubt that Jesus never existed? Do you have any historical documentation that can prove 110% beyond a shadow of doubt that Jesus never existed? Being the atheist as you claim, can you prove to me and others beyond a shadow of doubt that God does not exist as well as Jesus not existing? I need cold hard facts that you should readily have access to my friend.
Burden of proof.
I am a highly educated and successful person as is my spouse who is a doctor. We do our homework when confronted with issues of faith. I have a few bits of information for you.
A tad supercilious.
Do you believe that Saul of Tarsus existed? Do you believe that Caiaphas existed? Do you believe that Cesar Augustus existed? I do have information that proves that Jesus existed and I will share this with you once you have answered my questions. I am sorry for being so brash with my opening sentence, but felt that this needed saying. I realize that it is your soul that is in grave condition of spending eternity apart from God and I will pray for you to find God and have peace for your soul my friend. I think that you have totally missed the boat on this one. Can you prove beyond any shadow of doubt that you are 110% certain that Tacitus had it wrong? You have no iron clad information to back up what you are saying. If Jesus never existed, we would not be having this conversation whatsoever. I suggest that you read the following book written by Robert Hutchison. It is titled: Searching For Jesus. I think this will help you to figure out for yourself whether Jesus existed or not.
I don't think Ana needs your help with research.
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Ana the Ist

Aggressively serene!
Feb 21, 2012
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I have some questions I would like to pose to Ana, but I don't think I should until it is decided whether a second debate will follow with essentialsaltes.

I'm not going to debate this again this soon...especially with how disappointing this is turning out.
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Stranger in a Strange Land
Oct 17, 2011
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I do have information that proves that Jesus existed and I will share this with you once you have answered my questions.

Given your fondness for the phrase, I certainly hope that your information can "prove 110% beyond a shadow of doubt" that Jesus existed. Can't you just share it for all our benefit?
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Devout believer in a theologically different God
Mar 9, 2002
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... I do have information that proves that Jesus existed and I will share this with you once you have answered my questions. ...
... I suggest that you read the following book written by Robert Hutchison. It is titled: Searching For Jesus. I think this will help you to figure out for yourself whether Jesus existed or not.
Perhaps instead of promoting (another) apologetic book, you might try to share this information that proves Jesus existed? It might help your credibility... <Staff Edit>
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May 30, 2011
West Coast of Canada
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If Jesus came down from heaven and slapped you silly in the face over and over again, you would still not believe in him or his existence.
I find this to be an intellectually vacuous statement. You are presuming what the reaction will be of others to compelling evidence, in the absence of such evidence.
Can you prove beyond a shadow of doubt that Jesus never existed? Do you have any historical documentation that can prove 110% beyond a shadow of doubt that Jesus never existed? Being the atheist as you claim, can you
Atheism is not a truth statement. "I am not convinced of your religious claims" requires no defence.
prove to me and others beyond a shadow of doubt that God does not exist as well as Jesus not existing?
Are you seriously expecting someone to prove a negative?
I need cold hard facts <snip>
For what then would you need "faith"?
<snip proselytizing>
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- Dan Doughty and Team Christian Forums
Nov 4, 2015
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Anyone following this "debate" may have noticed that my opponent has decided not to present any evidence for the belief in a historical Jesus even though that is his position. Although I don't typically speculate on why my debate opponent decides to write (or not write) what they do...I feel it bears mentioning in this situation. Perhaps my opponent hasn't looked into the subject, or has decided his position isn't tenable, or simply doesn't know enough to mount a defense of his position. Since he's so kindly asked me for more information...I feel I'd be doing him and anyone else following this "debate" a disservice if I didn't oblige.

Let's start with the more difficult of the two passages...the Tacitus passage. In short, nearly 90 years after the supposed death of Jesus, Tacitus (a Roman senator and historian) is describing how Nero blamed the burning of Rome on the christians. He mentions that the christians were a following of a man named Christ who was executed by Pilate. On the surface, this seems like solid evidence...but it has some problems. Most historians believe it's an authentic passage...meaning that Tacitus wrote it. Historians who want to believe in a historical Jesus want to believe that Tacitus got this information from Roman records which he would have had access to. However, Tacitus mistakenly gives Pilate the wrong official title and refers to Jesus as "Christ" (a religious title) instead of by his name...which no Roman record would do. This means the most likely explanation is that Tacitus is just repeating information that he heard from/about christians...not copying from an official record. Some historians have even suggested the entire passage is one of those "pious frauds". Regardless of that though...since its most likely source is merely's basically worthless as evidence of a real historical Jesus.

The Josephus passage is actually far simpler to's a fake. There is a lot of debate about the Josephus passage amongst scholars...but the one fact that is almost universally agreed upon is that it is at least partially fraudulent. Anyone can look up the Josephus passage and read the various debates about which words were those of Josephus and which words were inserted later by christians. Some arguments are more convincing than others...and I'm in the camp that says the entire passage is false. Why? I'll give what I feel are the most compelling reasons....
1. It's length. Josephus, as a jewish historian, wrote at length about minor characters of his time...people whose exploits have no significant impact on history whatsoever. He would go on about events and people who did things of little to no real significance. When it comes to Jesus though, a man who supposedly shook the foundations of Judaism so dramatically that he had to be executed for it...he writes but one tiny paragraph. It smacks of fraud.
2. The wording. This tiny passage speaks so highly of Jesus that it's hard to imagine a proud Jewish historian wrote reads as if a christian wrote it.
3. The fact that it's blatantly a falsehood. Think about it for a moment...early christians have no mention of Jesus from any sources outside the bible....why would you then alter the only outside mention of Jesus by a non-christian? Wouldn't it make far more sense to preserve it exactly as it is? Wouldn't it be infinitely more valuable even if it painted Jesus in an unfavorable light?

Ultimately, what good is a document where the only thing that can be ascertained for certain is the fact that it's at least partially (if not entirely) faked? Is such a document a reasonable piece of evidence for someone's entire existence? Of course not...

Hopefully now both my opponent and anyone following this debate has a clearer picture of just how bad the case for a historical Jesus is. These two documents are the best two non-biblical references of Jesus Christ...and both would be inadmissible in any modern day court as evidence of a person's existence. Rife with mistakes and blatant deceptions....the only thing that they're possible evidence of is the existence of early christians and their desperation to turn their mythical savior into a real person.

At this point, I'd usually be explaining just how poor my opponent's position is...but fortunately for me, his silence regarding the evidence for a historical Jesus is far more damaging than any argument I can offer. If he had any convincing evidence...he would've presented it.

This concludes my second post.

If Jesus came down from heaven and slapped you silly in the face over and over again, you would still not believe in him or his existence. Can you prove beyond a shadow of doubt that Jesus never existed? Do you have any historical documentation that can prove 110% beyond a shadow of doubt that Jesus never existed? Being the atheist as you claim, can you prove to me and others beyond a shadow of doubt that God does not exist as well as Jesus not existing? I need cold hard facts that you should readily have access to my friend.

You say that the entire Josephus paragraph is a fake. Can you prove this beyond a shadow of doubt? I will agree that there are parts of the paragraph that may have been tampered with, but there are sentences within this paragraph that follow extremely close to that of what Josephus wrote. These sentences have passed the truth test by Jewish and Christian scholars and are genuine. Every so often this pops up, but usually subsides when folks realize that this is a non issue. There are those that insist that this is a forgery regardless of it passing the scrutiny of those far more knowledgeable than you and me.

I am a highly educated and successful person as is my spouse who is a doctor. We do our homework when confronted with issues of faith. I have a few bits of information for you. Do you believe that Saul of Tarsus existed? Do you believe that Caiaphas existed? Do you believe that Cesar Augustus existed? I do have information that proves that Jesus existed and I will share this with you once you have answered my questions. I am sorry for being so brash with my opening sentence, but felt that this needed saying. I realize that it is your soul that is in grave condition of spending eternity apart from God and I will pray for you to find God and have peace for your soul my friend. I think that you have totally missed the boat on this one. Can you prove beyond any shadow of doubt that you are 110% certain that Tacitus had it wrong? You have no iron clad information to back up what you are saying. If Jesus never existed, we would not be having this conversation whatsoever. I suggest that you read the following book written by Robert Hutchison. It is titled: Searching For Jesus. I think this will help you to figure out for yourself whether Jesus existed or not.
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Jul 1, 2007
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anonymous person quotes Richard Carrier without providing a source. The text in fact comes from the appendix of Carrier's review of a book by Earl Doherty, which is available on The Secular Web (1). Note the text that anonymous person omitted (emphasis added):
Richard Carrier said:
It seems evident from all the source material available that the post was always a prefecture, and also a procuratorship. Pilate was almost certainly holding both posts simultaneously, a practice that was likely established from the start when Judaea was annexed in 6 A.D. And since it is more insulting (to an elitist like Tacitus and his readers) to be a procurator, and even more insulting to be executed by one, it is likely Tacitus chose that office out of his well-known sense of malicious wit. Tacitus was also a routine employer of variatio, deliberately seeking nonstandard ways of saying things (it is one of several markers of Tacitean style). So there is nothing unusual about his choice here. But despite being wrong about this, Doherty's conclusion is still correct: it is inconceivable that there were any records of Jesus for Tacitus to consult in Rome (for many reasons, not the least of which being that Rome's capitol had burned to the ground more than once in the interim), and even less conceivable that he would have dug through them even if they existed (just imagine an aristocrat rifling through literally tens of thousands of barely legible documents on a wild goose chase for a mere digression).
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