There must be more than this?


Jan 12, 2007
Marital Status
Dear brothers and sisters.
I dont know if this is at all a good place to post this..
There is so much nonsense on the internet, also on these Christian pages of every sort. So many people who speak, who have a lot of pride.
What I need is some people with a good lenght of life experience, visdom and above all humility.
Those who truly have nothing to say, who havent experienced what I have, please hold back..

I've been a personal believer for some 10 years now. Especially during the first few years I was so on fire, I told everyone about the beauty of the Gospel and the Love of Jesus. I even experienced a healing during prayer and had a lot of expectation.. I spend a lot of time in prayer and in church because I wanted it and loved it.
But over time, the zeal got less, I spend less time with the Lord.. I dont know what came first, the loss of zeal or the abandon of disciplined prayerlife. I got disillusioned because I sensed that my prayer was mostly a monologue and I fell into the habit of seeking comfort with human beings who end up hurting me, because I really needed a tangible love.

Fast forward 7 years and I am barely hanging on.. I pray more out of obligation than anything else.. I am one of those lethargic stone faced people that I couldn't imagine I'd turn into. One of the people who look half asleep in church. I mean, I can keep doing this, going through the motions.. I am there intellectually, but my heart is not burning at all.

I have read much in the Bible and read, seen and heard so many great testimonies about miracles and salvation in every area of life. For a very long time I prayed fervently for the baptism in the Holy Spirit.. but it didn't happen.. I mean I know I have the Spirit in me, otherwise I couldnt believe in Jesus. But visions, hearing Gods voice, spoeaking in tongues, being led to give words of wisdom or knowlege, being led in terms of where to go and whom to marry.. these things I read about and I found so cool... but it didnt happen at all to me. And I end up just feeling disapoointed and left out.

I think there just must be more than this. I begged God to touch me, but he seems to not do it.
I was also recently so disappointed because he didnt heal my dearest family member and a family friend.. we truly believed he would, we called upon his name and confessed his Word of power and authority very much.. But death, empty hard death and suffering was the only result we saw on this side of eternity, much to our shock and sorrow.

Anyone been in this situation?
I cannot live without Jesus.. but this mediocre, boring, never experiencing really truly seeing or hearing him, or his supernatural power, its just wearing me out.

And please, dont give an answer unless you really have something meaningful to say. I am so tired of the superficiality .. its so easy to write something..



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May 20, 2015
Word of Faith
Thank you for your kind reply Turned Around. I am well aware that many people have these same questions to struggle with, as I have met quite a few.
The problems you described are very common.

There is a way out. I, and several people I'm close to, have come out.

Some of the keys to coming out of this type of wilderness experience are:

1. Don't misinterpret these events as the Lord not loving you or caring about you. You are EVERY BIT as loved as any of the LORD'S children.

2. The LORD CAN speak in an audible voice, but most often HE speaks to us:
a. with a still small inner voice, or impression, or knowing, or sense.
b. through scripture - HE makes scripture jump out at us when we read it WITH HIM. IOW, invite HIM to read scripture WITH us.
c. through other people, like friends, preachers, strangers, etc.
d. through dreams.
The LORD said HIS sheep hear HIS voice, so you have heard HIS voice many times, but probably didn't realize it was HIM. (John 10:27)

3. Avoid people who hinder your spiritual growth, or are unloving towards you. (1 Corinthians 15:33, Psalm 1:1)

4. Walk with believers who love the LORD, HIS word, and you. (Proverbs 13:20, John 13:35, Ephesians 4:32, 1 John 4:7)
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Well-Known Member
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May 20, 2015
Word of Faith
I've been a personal believer for some 10 years now. Especially during the first few years I was so on fire, I told everyone about the beauty of the Gospel and the Love of Jesus. I even experienced a healing during prayer and had a lot of expectation.. I spend a lot of time in prayer and in church because I wanted it and loved it.
But over time, the zeal got less, I spend less time with the Lord. I dont know what came first, the loss of zeal or the abandon of disciplined prayerlife.
Sometimes the zeal disappears when we're taught "works righteousness".

We start to feel we have to earn the LORD'S love and praise.

The LORD loved us while we were still sinners. (Romans 5:8)

Now that we're HIS, HE loves us even more. (Romans 5:9, Ephesians 1:6)

HIS love can't be earned. (Ephesians 2:8)

Faith works by love. (Galatians 5:6)

The more we understand how much we're UNCONDITIONALLY loved by the LORD, the easier faith works.

When we KNOW the perfect love of the LORD, fear and doubt is driven out, allowing faith to work unhindered. (1 John 4:18)

When we're first saved we KNOW the LORD loves us, but the teachings of men can start to convince us we have to "work" to stay in HIS good graces. This kills zeal, and turns EVERYTHING into a "work of obligation". The perfect atmosphere for the "wilderness blues".
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May 18, 2002
United States of America
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Sometimes the zeal disappears when we're taught "works righteousness".

We start to feel we have to earn the LORD'S love and praise.

The LORD loved us while we were still sinners. (Romans 5:8)

Now that we're HIS, HE loves us even more. (Romans 5:9, Ephesians 1:6)

HIS love can't be earned. (Ephesians 2:8)

Faith works by love. (Galatians 5:6)

The more we understand how much we're UNCONDITIONALLY loved by the LORD, the easier faith works.

When we KNOW the perfect love of the LORD, fear and doubt is driven out, allowing faith to work unhindered. (1 John 4:18)

When we're first saved we KNOW the LORD loves us, but the teachings of men can start to convince us we have to "work" to stay in HIS good graces. This kills zeal, and turns EVERYTHING into a "work of obligation". The perfect atmosphere for the "wilderness blues".

Amen and Amen.
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Jan 12, 2007
Marital Status
Dear Truthfrees.

Thanks so much for that response. Its indeed as you say.. And I have experienced it many times, the Lord's very clear guidance and healing.

I guess sometimes when walking through a dry season, or disspointment because of some circumstances, we forget all the wonders that the Lord has done. Oh I have very often experienced what you say, the Word of the Lord was alive, or I knew he placed me with that person at that time, or that person said something which spoke directly into my situation.
But of course I have to stay close to the Lord or He cannot guide me. I know that I am not always seeking Him as I should.
I have been reading some books by some preachers who live in a totally different dimension to most any Christian I ever met, and I admit, reading these testimonies can make me feel down.. I might ask, why Lord did you not point out to me who to marry, like you did for that person.. But then I remember my last relationship and the Lord did surely speak to me, giving me a very clear feeling that it was not the right thing for me. Oh the Lord has done wonders. I do wish to see more healing and and such, because I feel that many people speak about those things, but we dont really see them as much as we should.

In fact today I already feel much better.
I do wish that I could hear the Lord more clearly and that he had healed.. thats how this crisis started a few weeks ago when I didn't see the miraculous healing I was really expecting Jesus to do.

Thanks so much again for your kind reply. God bless you dear brother.
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Jan 12, 2007
Marital Status
Sometimes the zeal disappears when we're taught "works righteousness".

We start to feel we have to earn the LORD'S love and praise.

The LORD loved us while we were still sinners. (Romans 5:8)

Now that we're HIS, HE loves us even more. (Romans 5:9, Ephesians 1:6)

HIS love can't be earned. (Ephesians 2:8)

Faith works by love. (Galatians 5:6)

The more we understand how much we're UNCONDITIONALLY loved by the LORD, the easier faith works.

When we KNOW the perfect love of the LORD, fear and doubt is driven out, allowing faith to work unhindered. (1 John 4:18)

When we're first saved we KNOW the LORD loves us, but the teachings of men can start to convince us we have to "work" to stay in HIS good graces. This kills zeal, and turns EVERYTHING into a "work of obligation". The perfect atmosphere for the "wilderness blues".

Oh you wrote this post as well.

I think you have a good point. We must know Jesus is on our side.. otherwise we cannot have joy, and we cannot love and trust.

I think there will always be a mystery to the suffering in this world, so trust is the way to go.
I am not sure I follow all your "work of obligation" theory. I do not feel that I must earn God's love. Not at all.
But I can be afraid that I miss out greatly on the life and calling that he has for me, when I read about people who raise the dead or who live in absolute poverty among the poor and rely on Christ for every little thing, or people who die calmly for the faith.

Now I have grown up in a very liberal protestant atmosphere where people believe they dont have to do anything whatsoever to please God.. he is their pal and nobody has the right to tell them to repent, because he likes them precisely to live in their definition of freedom.. for many that includes drunkeness, adultery, divorce etc.
This is not a theology I follow. We cannot earn the love of Christ, surely, but he says "stay in me". We cannot stay in him if we never sit at table with him, if we never read his Word and throw our sorrows and praises on him.
A smart man once said: you can not stand still in the spiritual.. you either go forward or your are quietly drawn back.. often we dont even feel this slipping back.. we feel so safe. But there is really a battle going on.
In my experience, it was when I prayed most that I loved God most and trusted him most, and I woke up with a smile every day. In those days I got on my knees.
A faith life without discipline of prayer will become lukewarm.. Indeed when we sit with the Lord we can learn and we can get to know him and his will and his wisdom.. Problem is quite frankly that I havent sat with him on a regular basis for quite some years now.

You see, I know the medicine. Some people will say: you dont need to do anything. They are right: God will always love me. But if I do nothing I will never know what he has for me.

Peace and blessings to you. I want to thank you for your time and kindness.:)
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Apr 4, 2014
Marital Status
Dear brothers and sisters.
I dont know if this is at all a good place to post this..
There is so much nonsense on the internet, also on these Christian pages of every sort. So many people who speak, who have a lot of pride.
What I need is some people with a good lenght of life experience, visdom and above all humility.
Those who truly have nothing to say, who havent experienced what I have, please hold back..

I've been a personal believer for some 10 years now. Especially during the first few years I was so on fire, I told everyone about the beauty of the Gospel and the Love of Jesus. I even experienced a healing during prayer and had a lot of expectation.. I spend a lot of time in prayer and in church because I wanted it and loved it.
But over time, the zeal got less, I spend less time with the Lord.. I dont know what came first, the loss of zeal or the abandon of disciplined prayerlife. I got disillusioned because I sensed that my prayer was mostly a monologue and I fell into the habit of seeking comfort with human beings who end up hurting me, because I really needed a tangible love.

Fast forward 7 years and I am barely hanging on.. I pray more out of obligation than anything else.. I am one of those lethargic stone faced people that I couldn't imagine I'd turn into. One of the people who look half asleep in church. I mean, I can keep doing this, going through the motions.. I am there intellectually, but my heart is not burning at all.

I have read much in the Bible and read, seen and heard so many great testimonies about miracles and salvation in every area of life. For a very long time I prayed fervently for the baptism in the Holy Spirit.. but it didn't happen.. I mean I know I have the Spirit in me, otherwise I couldnt believe in Jesus. But visions, hearing Gods voice, spoeaking in tongues, being led to give words of wisdom or knowlege, being led in terms of where to go and whom to marry.. these things I read about and I found so cool... but it didnt happen at all to me. And I end up just feeling disapoointed and left out.

I think there just must be more than this. I begged God to touch me, but he seems to not do it.
I was also recently so disappointed because he didnt heal my dearest family member and a family friend.. we truly believed he would, we called upon his name and confessed his Word of power and authority very much.. But death, empty hard death and suffering was the only result we saw on this side of eternity, much to our shock and sorrow.

Anyone been in this situation?
I cannot live without Jesus.. but this mediocre, boring, never experiencing really truly seeing or hearing him, or his supernatural power, its just wearing me out.

And please, dont give an answer unless you really have something meaningful to say. I am so tired of the superficiality .. its so easy to write something..


I would venture to say that most individuals eventually feel this way. A feeling of spiritual zeal or even ecstasy is common in nearly (if not all) religions throughout history. I was on this arc from age 15 to about 24. Have you read Mother Theresa's letters that were released shortly after her death. Here are some quotes:

"Where is my faith?" "Even deep down… there is nothing but emptiness and darkness... If there be God — please forgive me."

"Such deep longing for God… Repulsed, empty, no faith, no love, no zeal,"

As her fame increased, her faith refused to return. Her smile, she said, was a mask.

"What do I labor for?" she asked in one letter. "If there be no God, there can be no soul. If there be no soul then, Jesus, You also are not true."

Mother Theresa could not sustain her faith in the face of the suffering she saw. God does not heal and does not speak to people except in the subjective way that multitudes of other faiths throughout time have claimed that their God spoke to them. Spiritual experiences can be extremely powerful, I know personally their power, but ultimately they are only as real as minds allow them to be. I am much happier, compassionate, and better citizen of the world than I could have ever been had I remained in the Christian faith. Please don't get me wrong I would never be as arrogant as to try to tell someone what to believe, but perhaps this is more than a crisis of faith. Good luck with everything.
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Mar 11, 2014
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Your spirit person is weak because it hasn't been getting fed well. Jesus always talked about eating, didn't He? Why is that?

For one reason, because it was a practical, simple metaphor that everyone could understand. Additionally, when God created you anew, born again of the Holy Spirit, He did something amazing, something never before seen on the earth.

You see, knowing how to take care of our natural body gives us a model for how to take care of our spirit body. Jesus showed us 5 ways to feed and build up our spirit person.

I cannot go into detail at the moment, but I will be back shortly to explain further.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2014
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Ok, so your spirit person has real needs. It needs to eat, drink, and work out. I'm serious.

Jesus wasn't joking when He used those metaphors for eating. Before we look at the scriptures, let's recognize to be healthy and strong we must eat and drink daily (though there are times to fast). If we look at the scriptures, we can see Jesus references 4 ways to feed your spirit person (emphasis mine):

#1) Daily study of His Word:

Matt 4:4
But he answered, “It is written, ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​“‘Man shall not live by bread alone, ​​​​​​​but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.’” ​​​

#2) Daily prayer intimacy in prayer with Him:

John 4:10
10 Jesus answered her, “If you knew the gift of God, and who it is that is saying to you, ‘Give me a drink,’ you would have asked him, and he would have given you living water.”

Notice the human body cannot go but 3 days without water. I believe the Lord is saying something when He created us in this manner, and then brought forth these spiritual truths.

And also:

John 6:48-51
48 I am the bread of life. 49 Your fathers ate the manna in the wilderness, and they died. 50 This is the bread that comes down from heaven, so that one may eat of it and not die. 51 I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever. And the bread that I will give for the life of the world is my flesh.”

Remember, the manna that came from heaven could not be saved. You could only gather what you needed for the day. It's the same way with Jesus.

#3) Fulfilling your ministry calling is food for your spirit person:

John 4:32-38
32 But he said to them, “I have food to eat that you do not know about.” 33 So the disciples said to one another, “Has anyone brought him something to eat?” 34 Jesus said to them, “My food is to do the will of him who sent me and to accomplish his work. 35 Do you not say, ‘There are yet four months, then comes the harvest’? Look, I tell you, lift up your eyes, and see that the fields are white for harvest. 36 Already the one who reaps is receiving wages and gathering fruit for eternal life, so that sower and reaper may rejoice together. 37 For here the saying holds true, ‘One sows and another reaps.’ 38 I sent you to reap that for which you did not labor. Others have labored, and you have entered into their labor.”

#4) Working out by praying in the Spirit:

Jude 1:20-21
20 But you, beloved, building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit, 21 keep yourselves in the love of God, waiting for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ that leads to eternal life.

The first year I was walking closely with the Lord, I was praying in the Spirit without praying in tongues yet. It was just beautiful, ecstatic, love-filled singing with my hands in the air. I met with the Lord every night in my living room. My coffee table was my altar. I would praise Him simply and sing hymns acapella while my wife was asleep in the other side of the house. It was beautiful, and I still can go there very quickly just the same when I am at home or when I'm in the midst of the congregation and we're worshiping corporately. It's how the Lord made me, I was made to worship Him. I mean, we all are, but I believe I have a special calling to worship Him. He put something in me.

After the first year, I learned how to pray in tongues. At first, I was just like, "Ok, Lord, I'm waiting. Go ahead and pray in tongues through me."

It was kinda silly, but I was outside of any real church that taught such things. Then, some dear sister in Christ, by the power of the Holy Spirit, sent me a teaching on how to pray in tongues. Always, God expects us to step out in the natural before He moves in the supernatural. When we pray, we step out in the natural. Then He answers with Spiritual power.

Before Peter stepped out onto the water, he had to gird up his robes, climb over the bow of the boat, and step down on the water. Then, the supernatural happened.

It's the same with tongues. Just get yourself in a quiet place, worship Him with praises, sing some songs to Him. Get all prayed up, then close your eyes and get your tongue flapping and your mouth moving. Start making some utterances and watch the Spirit take over!

It doesn't matter what it sounds like or even if you repeat the same thing over and over. You will see how God makes it pour forth.

Then, take praying in tongues seriously. This was a very big component to the first century church growth and maturity. It literally builds you up in the faith so you become very strong, confident, and walking in the power of the Holy Spirit for ministry. Praying in tongues an hour or more a day isn't hard or taxing. You can pray in tongues to edify yourself while you listen to the Bible, wash the dishes, clean the house, whatever. Some people can even read the Bible while they pray in tongues! I listen to an hour of the Bible daily while I pray in tongues for edification. It's wonderful.

So... My guess is that perhaps one of these components is lacking and I will say it's probably neglect of your ministry calling. So many people do the Sunday/Wednesday thing, but never walk out in faith with Jesus by their side the other days of the week to do their ministry.

What is your ministry? Evangelism is everyone's ministry, as far as I'm concerned. But there are other callings and giftings and He will show you what they are.

Then, you will have a balanced diet. Imagine leaving out 20% of your vitamins and nutrients out of your diet. You would become deficient.

One last note, get under preaching and teaching that feeds you! If you aren't getting built up and feeling stronger in your faith by the preaching and teaching at your church, go elsewhere! If you feel you need to stay to minister to others, fine, but go elsewhere and get fed regularly.

There are too many preachers/teachers out there who are not feeding the flock.

Consider what Jesus said to Peter about feeding His sheep. He told him to "feed" His sheep twice and to "tend" His flock once.

Why? Because if you "feed" the sheep well, you won't have to do much "tending." They will be healthy and strong and won't be in need of constant counseling, continual hand-holding, and there won't be so many problems to deal with.

I hope this blesses you and others...
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May 20, 2015
Word of Faith
I've been a personal believer for some 10 years now. Especially during the first few years I was so on fire, I told everyone about the beauty of the Gospel and the Love of Jesus. I even experienced a healing during prayer and had a lot of expectation.. I spend a lot of time in prayer and in church because I wanted it and loved it.

:wave:The truth is as you wrote in your OP: we don't HAVE to do anything but we WANT to do what pleases the LORD.

It's a part of the new nature we receive when we're born again. (Ezekiel 36:26, Jeremiah 31:33, Hebrews 8:10, 10:16)

PLUS, we can't SUCCESSFULLY do what pleases the LORD in our own ability anyway. (Matthew 26:41, Romans 7:24)

We NEED to use HIS indwelling ability to get anything done. (Galatians 3:3, John 15:5)

If we yield to and use the power of the LORD'S HOLY SPIRIT dwelling in us, the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY will do the work HIMSELF through us. We'll rise to supernatural heights of accomplishment and ability. (John 14:10, Galatians 2:20, Philippians 4:13, Romans 7:25)

People who use the grace of the LORD as a license to sin are fooling no one, especially the LORD who sees the hidden things of the heart. (Jude 1:4, 1 Samuel 16:7, Matthew 7:23)

People who use the grace of the LORD to rise to new heights of HOLY SPIRIT LED accomplishment will have boundless joy.

"Works" is using our human ability to obey the LORD.

"Grace" is using the LORD'S ability dwelling in us to obey the LORD.

If we can't seem to do what the LORD tells us to do, we need to ask HIM for HIS help (Hebrews 4:16, 2 Corinthians 1:4), because "disobedience" is not an option. (Matthew 7:23)

Here's a link to John Bevere's testimony on how much of a failure he was in his own human ability.

When he learned to consciously yield to the LORD'S plans and indwelling ability, the LORD JESUS CHRIST accomplished through John Bevere something he knew was a work of grace.

John Bevere | The Holy Spirit Is Your Best Friend! | It's Supernatural with Sid Roth - YouTube

The LORD bless you dear sister.
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Well-Known Member
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May 20, 2015
Word of Faith
Oh you wrote this post as well.

I think you have a good point. We must know Jesus is on our side.. otherwise we cannot have joy, and we cannot love and trust.

I think there will always be a mystery to the suffering in this world, so trust is the way to go.
I am not sure I follow all your "work of obligation" theory. I do not feel that I must earn God's love. Not at all.
But I can be afraid that I miss out greatly on the life and calling that he has for me, when I read about people who raise the dead or who live in absolute poverty among the poor and rely on Christ for every little thing, or people who die calmly for the faith.

Now I have grown up in a very liberal protestant atmosphere where people believe they dont have to do anything whatsoever to please God.. he is their pal and nobody has the right to tell them to repent, because he likes them precisely to live in their definition of freedom.. for many that includes drunkeness, adultery, divorce etc.
This is not a theology I follow. We cannot earn the love of Christ, surely, but he says "stay in me". We cannot stay in him if we never sit at table with him, if we never read his Word and throw our sorrows and praises on him.
A smart man once said: you can not stand still in the spiritual.. you either go forward or your are quietly drawn back.. often we dont even feel this slipping back.. we feel so safe. But there is really a battle going on.
In my experience, it was when I prayed most that I loved God most and trusted him most, and I woke up with a smile every day. In those days I got on my knees.
A faith life without discipline of prayer will become lukewarm.. Indeed when we sit with the Lord we can learn and we can get to know him and his will and his wisdom.. Problem is quite frankly that I havent sat with him on a regular basis for quite some years now.

You see, I know the medicine. Some people will say: you dont need to do anything. They are right: God will always love me. But if I do nothing I will never know what he has for me.

Peace and blessings to you. I want to thank you for your time and kindness.:)
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bind on pick up
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Apr 23, 2005
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There are several things that could be going on here. One of them is it could be a trial of your faith. Both James and Peter speak of this concept. God puts you through various hardships and trials for your benefit, for the purpose of testing your faith to be genuine or not. When one perseveres through these trials with their faith intact, they are told to rejoice because their faith is proven to be genuine, but if not, then we have the benefit of knowing our faith was never genuine, a false convert if you will. There are posts like this all over the forums for nonbelievers or struggles by christians of people claiming they were once christians, but lost their faith at some point, over this reason and that, when the truth is they failed the test and God revealed to them where they actually stand so they could truly be saved.

Another issue is that you appear to be seeking experiences over relationship. There is a lot on your post talking about things that you've done and are doing and you feel God isn't paying you back in the manner or frequency that you feel He should be doing, which really means you're attempting to dictate the terms of the interaction between the two of you, which is a sin of pride that he will readily forgive when confessed.

We don't have a quid pro quo relationship with God. It's not a relationship where we do our part, then God does His as if He's bound by obligation to behave as we want Him to. We seek Him and we wait because we have full confidence He will always do what is right, when it is right, even when the people we pray for end up dying. We are all given a time to die and no amount of prayer will keep us alive forever. At some point, we all end up as dust, leaving people we love behind to carry on.
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Come Lord Jesus
May 17, 2011
Manhattan, KS
United States
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There are several things that could be going on here. One of them is it could be a trial of your faith. Both James and Peter speak of this concept. God puts you through various hardships and trials for your benefit, for the purpose of testing your faith to be genuine or not. When one perseveres through these trials with their faith intact, they are told to rejoice because their faith is proven to be genuine, but if not, then we have the benefit of knowing our faith was never genuine, a false convert if you will. There are posts like this all over the forums for nonbelievers or struggles by christians of people claiming they were once christians, but lost their faith at some point, over this reason and that, when the truth is they failed the test and God revealed to them where they actually stand so they could truly be saved.

Another issue is that you appear to be seeking experiences over relationship. There is a lot on your post talking about things that you've done and are doing and you feel God isn't paying you back in the manner or frequency that you feel He should be doing, which really means you're attempting to dictate the terms of the interaction between the two of you, which is a sin of pride that he will readily forgive when confessed.

We don't have a quid pro quo relationship with God. It's not a relationship where we do our part, then God does His as if He's bound by obligation to behave as we want Him to. We seek Him and we wait because we have full confidence He will always do what is right, when it is right, even when the people we pray for end up dying. We are all given a time to die and no amount of prayer will keep us alive forever. At some point, we all end up as dust, leaving people we love behind to carry on.

Something that comes to mind on this:

If someone felt they were saved and failed the test. How then could they be saved afterward? Say they felt they genuinely repented or thought they had and even had a very fruitful season in the Lord then slipped up. How does such a person get saved if the way they did at first failed, especially if they had a minister lead them? Or even asked Jesus to forgive them...
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Simon Peter

14th Generation PROTESTant
Mar 4, 2004
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Dear brothers and sisters.
I dont know if this is at all a good place to post this..
There is so much nonsense on the internet, also on these Christian pages of every sort. So many people who speak, who have a lot of pride.
What I need is some people with a good lenght of life experience, visdom and above all humility.
Those who truly have nothing to say, who havent experienced what I have, please hold back..

I've been a personal believer for some 10 years now. Especially during the first few years I was so on fire, I told everyone about the beauty of the Gospel and the Love of Jesus. I even experienced a healing during prayer and had a lot of expectation.. I spend a lot of time in prayer and in church because I wanted it and loved it.
But over time, the zeal got less, I spend less time with the Lord.. I dont know what came first, the loss of zeal or the abandon of disciplined prayerlife. I got disillusioned because I sensed that my prayer was mostly a monologue and I fell into the habit of seeking comfort with human beings who end up hurting me, because I really needed a tangible love.

Fast forward 7 years and I am barely hanging on.. I pray more out of obligation than anything else.. I am one of those lethargic stone faced people that I couldn't imagine I'd turn into. One of the people who look half asleep in church. I mean, I can keep doing this, going through the motions.. I am there intellectually, but my heart is not burning at all.

I have read much in the Bible and read, seen and heard so many great testimonies about miracles and salvation in every area of life. For a very long time I prayed fervently for the baptism in the Holy Spirit.. but it didn't happen.. I mean I know I have the Spirit in me, otherwise I couldnt believe in Jesus. But visions, hearing Gods voice, spoeaking in tongues, being led to give words of wisdom or knowlege, being led in terms of where to go and whom to marry.. these things I read about and I found so cool... but it didnt happen at all to me. And I end up just feeling disapoointed and left out.

I think there just must be more than this. I begged God to touch me, but he seems to not do it.
I was also recently so disappointed because he didnt heal my dearest family member and a family friend.. we truly believed he would, we called upon his name and confessed his Word of power and authority very much.. But death, empty hard death and suffering was the only result we saw on this side of eternity, much to our shock and sorrow.

Anyone been in this situation?
I cannot live without Jesus.. but this mediocre, boring, never experiencing really truly seeing or hearing him, or his supernatural power, its just wearing me out.

And please, dont give an answer unless you really have something meaningful to say. I am so tired of the superficiality .. its so easy to write something..



There's a lot of feelings in your post:

  • Experiences
  • Zeal
  • Discipline
  • Expectation
  • Disillusionment
  • Lethargy
  • Disappointment
You don't need any of that. You don't need to focus on any of that.
Let it all go, and return to faith.

Faith is not based on feelings or experiences, faith trusts in God and His love for you regardless of the evidence. It doesn't matter what you think, it doesn't matter what you feel, it doesn’t matter what your circumstances are, God loves you and cares about you. Believe that. Let that be your foundation.

I don't know how far down you are going to have to dig (trust) to get to that bedrock, it may take a few weeks or perhaps years. But let God bring you to the place where you can rejoice in your trust in God and His love for you even when you're surrounded by disappointment, suffering, boredom, and sorrow.

Your circumstances may be hard, but that is what God uses to draw out what He is really after: YOUR FAITH, of more value than gold. That is what’s precious to God.

So what, if you’re not a prayer warrior, a joyful worshipper, a diligent reader of the word…let God bring about those things by His Spirits in His time. Be free to just trust in His love for you regardless of all those trappings.

(6) In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials.
(7) These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith--of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire--may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.
(8) Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy,
(9) for you are receiving the end result of your faith, the salvation of your souls.
1 Peter 1:6-9 NIV

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bind on pick up
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Apr 23, 2005
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Something that comes to mind on this:

If someone felt they were saved and failed the test. How then could they be saved afterward? Say they felt they genuinely repented or thought they had and even had a very fruitful season in the Lord then slipped up. How does such a person get saved if the way they did at first failed, especially if they had a minister lead them? Or even asked Jesus to forgive them...

They get saved the same way everyone else does.
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Come Lord Jesus
May 17, 2011
Manhattan, KS
United States
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They get saved the same way everyone else does.

I got that, I'm asking for your wisdom in the issue for my own "toolkit" in the future. If you encounter someone who says they had a time of genuine closeness with the Lord and then fell away sharply. How do you get a person converted in such a state? They surely had prayed the sinner's prayer and/or repented once already. Do they get "saved" again, or simply recommit themselves to Christ?
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Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2014
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:wave:The truth is as you wrote in your OP: we don't HAVE to do anything but we WANT to do what pleases the LORD.

It's a part of the new nature we receive when we're born again. (Ezekiel 36:26, Jeremiah 31:33, Hebrews 8:10, 10:16)

PLUS, we can't SUCCESSFULLY do what pleases the LORD in our own ability anyway. (Matthew 26:41, Romans 7:24)

We NEED to use HIS indwelling ability to get anything done. (Galatians 3:3, John 15:5)

If we yield to and use the power of the LORD'S HOLY SPIRIT dwelling in us, the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY will do the work HIMSELF through us. We'll rise to supernatural heights of accomplishment and ability. (John 14:10, Galatians 2:20, Philippians 4:13, Romans 7:25)

People who use the grace of the LORD as a license to sin are fooling no one, especially the LORD who sees the hidden things of the heart. (Jude 1:4, 1 Samuel 16:7, Matthew 7:23)

People who use the grace of the LORD to rise to new heights of HOLY SPIRIT LED accomplishment will have boundless joy.

"Works" is using our human ability to obey the LORD.

"Grace" is using the LORD'S ability dwelling in us to obey the LORD.

If we can't seem to do what the LORD tells us to do, we need to ask HIM for HIS help (Hebrews 4:16, 2 Corinthians 1:4), because "disobedience" is not an option. (Matthew 7:23)

Here's a link to John Bevere's testimony on how much of a failure he was in his own human ability.

When he learned to consciously yield to the LORD'S plans and indwelling ability, the LORD JESUS CHRIST accomplished through John Bevere something he knew was a work of grace.

John Bevere | The Holy Spirit Is Your Best Friend! | It's Supernatural with Sid Roth - YouTube

The LORD bless you dear sister.

This is all good advice, but let's not presume that to be diligent, even militant, in your devotion to God is works. We don't "work" for our justification, but sanctification definitely requires cooperation.

Additionally, if we're going to submit ourselves to the "works" Father God has laid down from the foundation of the world that we "should" walk in them (Eph. 2:10), it will require dedication and consecration unto the Lord.

This kind of dedication is borne out of a relationship of love. But since we're in a spiritual battle, let's face it, many Christians get discouraged and begin to let spiritual laziness set in.

In the end, it's all His work in and through us, as it's all His glory. But I fear too many people get scared into beating around the bush about what a consecrated life to Father God looks like because they're afraid they're spreading a "works" mentality.

The truth is, the more you press into to God's presence, the more it stirs the Spirit within you to continue to press in.

You'll notice many of Jesus' teachings were paradoxical. So was the teaching on feeding your spirit person. You know how we get hungry when our natural bodies don't eat? Well, it's the exact opposite for our spirit person. The more we feed our spirit person the more we get hungry for the things of God!
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Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2014
Marital Status
I got that, I'm asking for your wisdom in the issue for my own "toolkit" in the future. If you encounter someone who says they had a time of genuine closeness with the Lord and then fell away sharply. How do you get a person converted in such a state? They surely had prayed the sinner's prayer and/or repented once already. Do they get "saved" again, or simply recommit themselves to Christ?

Jesus said He would not quench a smoldering wick. All that person need to do is pick up where they left off. If they draw near to God, God will draw near to them.

This whole thing is about having a relationship with Father God through Jesus' sacrifice on the cross, and it's walked out by having faith and doing the simple things Jesus taught: Daily study of His Word, daily prayer communion, and surrendering to the Holy Spirit as He ministers to others through you.
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