18 y/o son into Wicca...tell him to move out?


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Jun 17, 2004
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It's really an awful thing to consider throwing someone out because they're seeking God, even if we disagree with how they're doing it. You should be ashamed that the thought crossed your mind, imo.

Thats the thing....the son is not following God like the rest of the family is. If its house rules that they follow God, then the son isnt....that would be breaking the rules they set.
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Feb 4, 2004
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Thats the thing....the son is not following God like the rest of the family is. If its house rules that they follow God, then the son isnt....that would be breaking the rules they set.

Sounds to me like he's seeking God the best he can. Just because he's not doing it the correct way doesn't mean a thing except that he's confused.

You shouldn't try to force anyone to worship God in a way that doesn't suit them at that moment. No one can learn anything until God has prepared them to.

The best thing to do in this situation is to pray for him and allow God to guide him while still supporting him and helping him in your family as you had always planned to, IMO. You shouldn't encourage any religious practices that seem innapropriate to you, but you shouldn't kick him out of the house because he's spiritually confused either.

Trial and error is just as good a method to finding the right path as it is in every other situation. It's one of the biggest ways that we as humans learn and grow in spirituality. I'm a Christian, but I did experiment with Wicca in the past. All I can say is that I was on my spiritual journey and seeking God the best way I knew how at that particular moment in time. In the end I'm really very glad that my parents didn't demand that I moved out just because I was confused about my spirituality.
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Feb 4, 2009
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I hope the OP will update us on his son's life now, nearly a year later. Wicca is a very seductive religion. Please do educate yourself. Wicca is not witchcraft, though some practitioners of Witchcraft also practice Wicca.

"Christian Wicca" is an attempt to blend the two religions. I find it rather like trying to blend oil and water. Either you are fully surrendered to God and accepting the Gift of Christ's blood, or you're not, it's that simple. We cannot rely on our own power to "live a good life" or to control ... anything, really. Wicca attempts to tap into the natural power which flows through every aspect of Creation, and control or direct it. Wiccans claim to control "with the cooperation of the Diety(s)", but in truth, we must bow to God's will, not the other way around.

Dad, educate yourself so you can speak intelligently to your son. Demonstrate that, out of your love for him, you are willing to learn about another religion. Gently point out specifically why Wicca is contrary to your family's faith, and why you will not allow the knife, herbs, books and other Wiccan paraphenalia into your home. You may need to release your son to God for a time of testing through this journey.

Absolutely most important is your attitude. Love him. Say it often and with conviction. Express disappointment in his choice, but not in him. He is your son. Releasing him to God, and educating yourself will allow you to love him, even when his choices are scaring you to death.

You will be in my prayers.

Rejoicing in the day,
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Oct 30, 2006
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Good day everyone

This is my 1st post, and it's a diffrent one. OK, in a nut shell one of our twin sons is into Wicca. We were hoping it was just some kind of teen rebellion but it seems he really likes it and will go out in the woods and do his "nature rituals" and such.

So my wife and I are faced with a choice, ask him to leave to house and find his own place as soon as he's done with High School or stick to our life-time plan and let him stay home while he goes to college?

Our background is S. Baptist born again and have lived our faith. Kids went to Church 3 times a week plus Awana (both making it to pioneers) since birth so they are not ignorent of the Lord, one just chooses to turn away.

I'm currently on a year tour in Korea so wife has to deal with this until I return home in May

Any suggestions?


Kicking him out would probably alter your relationship with him for the rest of your lives. You will never be quite as close or feel quite right around each other. Take it from me, my parents kicked me out when I was 17 for being gay and wiccan and I've never felt as close to my mother ever since.

It saddens me to think that things that are so trivial can destroy relationships. Above all else you should desire happiness for your son, a little soul searching probably only helps.
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I hope the OP will update us on his son's life now, nearly a year later. Wicca is a very seductive religion. Please do educate yourself. Wicca is not witchcraft, though some practitioners of Witchcraft also practice Wicca.

Correcton: wicca is a form of witchcraft; like a denominaton of christianity
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Dec 25, 2006
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I hope the OP will update us on his son's life now, nearly a year later. Wicca is a very seductive religion. Please do educate yourself. Wicca is not witchcraft, though some practitioners of Witchcraft also practice Wicca....

Hello everyone

Well it has been a while but I felt led to give an update on how things went. In short no one was "thrown out" and the Wicca thing seemed to just be a phase and is gone. Of course, things weren't easy, the three months after my return home were very turbulent as I reintergrated into the family. After the kids graduated high school my one troublsome son threatened to "move out" becuase of how unfair I was being. I shared with him I'd miss him deeply but the door was always open and it's best for him to leave on a good note and maintain a relationship then get in a big fight down the road...well that called his bluff and he changed his tune rapidly faced with life on his own.

So where are we at now? The good news is he and his brother conformed to the rules of the house and they're both going to college locally. They both have part-time jobs and are reasonably responsible. Both will remain home with us till school is over and we all get along well. The bad news is the cost of maintaining our relationship is our spirtual life is dead. My wife and I go to church on occasion but to be honest we're defeated Chiristians. My one Ex-wicca son is a good kid but with no intrest in the Lord or anyting spirtual. My other son, in the spirtual vacuum that followed, discovered he doesn't believe in God/Christ either and is a Homosexual to boot. We all get along now but the kids do their thing and my wife and I do ours.

How did this happen? Well, in an attempt to spend time with the kids and maintain a family relationship we engaged in activities that "would not offend anyone" meaning away from church and christian fellowship. We went camping and watched T.V. and other family stuff but we turned our backs on Christ and after a while we got used to it.

The intent of this post is to simply share with other parents there is a cost for every decision and every course of action. Did I/we make the right decision in all this...to be honest I don't know.
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I don't mean for this to sound snide or disrespectful, but is it standard for baptists to attend church 3 days a week every week? That is a lot of time and I'm wondering if your son resents being forced to worship so much and maybe is in fact rebelling to a certain degree. Although the drastic change to Wicca might be a coping mechanism through which he finds some solace because it is so vastly different than his upbringing. I mean it could be he really is angry that he attended church so much. We often find the one's who move the furthest away are the one's who felt smothered and chained. This is often seen in the reverse where a lifelong drug addict or alcoholic one day finds God, and they end up the most religious people you could find. In other words, balance is not in play; it's a matter of the pendulum swinging drastically to one side or another.

I think your son is worn out of religion, as it sounds you are as well. Three days a week to church is a lot.
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Mar 10, 2009
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Do you have a life group that you can join? DW and I have been through many stressful things throughout our marriage. The last few years have been one crisis after another with out children and we would have gone down in defeat without the brothers and sisters in our life group. I will be praying for you folks.
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Nov 13, 2009
Southern Arizona
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That's what Satan wants you to think but it is a deception. Dabbling in Magic, witchcraft, etc is clearly against God's Word. The result is opening doors to things you don't even realize are there and the ultimate end will be destruction of the individual, both physically and then spiritually. I urge you to read God's Word, the Bible, asking that the Holy Spirit would guide you.
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Nov 13, 2009
Southern Arizona
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Hello everyone

Well it has been a while but I felt led to give an update on how things went. In short no one was "thrown out" and the Wicca thing seemed to just be a phase and is gone. Of course, things weren't easy, the three months after my return home were very turbulent as I reintergrated into the family. After the kids graduated high school my one troublsome son threatened to "move out" becuase of how unfair I was being. I shared with him I'd miss him deeply but the door was always open and it's best for him to leave on a good note and maintain a relationship then get in a big fight down the road...well that called his bluff and he changed his tune rapidly faced with life on his own.

So where are we at now? The good news is he and his brother conformed to the rules of the house and they're both going to college locally. They both have part-time jobs and are reasonably responsible. Both will remain home with us till school is over and we all get along well. The bad news is the cost of maintaining our relationship is our spirtual life is dead. My wife and I go to church on occasion but to be honest we're defeated Chiristians. My one Ex-wicca son is a good kid but with no intrest in the Lord or anyting spirtual. My other son, in the spirtual vacuum that followed, discovered he doesn't believe in God/Christ either and is a Homosexual to boot. We all get along now but the kids do their thing and my wife and I do ours.

How did this happen? Well, in an attempt to spend time with the kids and maintain a family relationship we engaged in activities that "would not offend anyone" meaning away from church and christian fellowship. We went camping and watched T.V. and other family stuff but we turned our backs on Christ and after a while we got used to it.

The intent of this post is to simply share with other parents there is a cost for every decision and every course of action. Did I/we make the right decision in all this...to be honest I don't know.

You are right, our decisions make a huge impact. So many things I'd do differently given the choice as I've raised my kids. If I'd only known. I pray that now you are returning to Christ. You need not be defeated. Turn back to God and pray for your sons, God wants to intervene, but you are in a position to be a huge part of that.
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May 5, 2006
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That's what Satan wants you to think but it is a deception. Dabbling in Magic, witchcraft, etc is clearly against God's Word. The result is opening doors to things you don't even realize are there and the ultimate end will be destruction of the individual, both physically and then spiritually. I urge you to read God's Word, the Bible, asking that the Holy Spirit would guide you.

I would really like to see someone unleash these so called magical forces/energy that is either controllable or uncontrollable.

I personally think all they are doing is waving their arms, chanting, and looking a bit silly.
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Nov 13, 2009
Southern Arizona
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I would really like to see someone unleash these so called magical forces/energy that is either controllable or uncontrollable.

I personally think all they are doing is waving their arms, chanting, and looking a bit silly.

Be very careful of what you'd like to see. That, in itself, is an open invitation to Satan. Much of what is 'released' is in the spirit realm and we don't see it with our eyes, but the effects are all around us. Have you noticed the increase in drug abuse, cutting, promiscuity? All of these are a result of Satan's destructive work in the spirit realm which most Christians simply bury their head about. The bible tells us to be on the alert because the Devil prowls around like a roaring lion, waiting for someone to devous. It also tell us that we are not fighting against the flesh. Read Ephesians 6 12For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

there is a battle going on, whether you recognize it or not, a battle for the eternal souls of people.
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~MOD HAT ON!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

This thread has gone through a clean up.
It's possible other posts will be removed as staff continues to review this thread. If your post is missing it's been deleted in the clean up. Any posts that put Wicca in a positive light was removed for the following rule:

Promotion and Proselytizing
You will not promote or proselytize beliefs or religions other than Christianity. For the purpose of these rules, Christianity is defined by Christian Forums' Statement of Faith.

The Christian areas of the site (i.e. Edification, Theology, and Christian Ministries) are meant to facilitate discussion among Christian members. Only those members who have selected a Christian icon may post in these forums. Challenging the existence of God or the validity of Christianity in these forums is prohibited.

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May 5, 2006
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Be very careful of what you'd like to see. That, in itself, is an open invitation to Satan. Much of what is 'released' is in the spirit realm and we don't see it with our eyes, but the effects are all around us. Have you noticed the increase in drug abuse, cutting, promiscuity? All of these are a result of Satan's destructive work in the spirit realm which most Christians simply bury their head about. The bible tells us to be on the alert because the Devil prowls around like a roaring lion, waiting for someone to devous. It also tell us that we are not fighting against the flesh. Read Ephesians 6 12For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

there is a battle going on, whether you recognize it or not, a battle for the eternal souls of people.

Humans have been messed up for a very long time. The world was never, ever this nice sweet place were everyone got a long, had enough food, and noone ever abused each other, drugs or anything else. People have always had sex both in and outside of marriage, and humans have always had some sort of additicon to drugs or liquor. At one time, not to long ago, it was 100% perfectly legal to beat the snot out of you wife. And only about 150 years was 100% ok to beat the snot out of your salve. And that is in America. There are still many places were these are still OK.

So no, I have not noticed a rise in such things when you compare it to the rest of known human history.
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Nov 13, 2009
Southern Arizona
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Humans have been messed up for a very long time. The world was never, ever this nice sweet place were everyone got a long, had enough food, and noone ever abused each other, drugs or anything else. People have always had sex both in and outside of marriage, and humans have always had some sort of additicon to drugs or liquor. At one time, not to long ago, it was 100% perfectly legal to beat the snot out of you wife. And only about 150 years was 100% ok to beat the snot out of your salve. And that is in America. There are still many places were these are still OK.

So no, I have not noticed a rise in such things when you compare it to the rest of known human history.

I was referring to the increases in recent centuries. There have certainly been increases in the things I mentioned and a decrease in a general sense of morality as compared to, say, 100 years ago. Of course, there have been other times in history where things we similarly bad. The world goes through cycles of morality it would seem.

And no, it wasn't 100% ok to beat the snot out of your slave or abolition would not have begun. There were certainly some who thought this was okay, but that is not accurately representative of everyone during that time. Exageration does not help.
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Sharp as a razor, soft as a prayer
Jul 17, 2009
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Want to discuss morality 100+ years ago? Public hangings, drawn and quartered in public, slavery, child labor, burning people at the stake. I think we are a more humane society today...we are getting progressively better. We have more humane forms of justice throughout the world. More social systems in place. As a woman, I can't think of a better time to be alive. You can vote, own property, and travel without escort in most places in the world.
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May 5, 2006
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I was referring to the increases in recent centuries. There have certainly been increases in the things I mentioned and a decrease in a general sense of morality as compared to, say, 100 years ago. Of course, there have been other times in history where things we similarly bad. The world goes through cycles of morality it would seem.

And no, it wasn't 100% ok to beat the snot out of your slave or abolition would not have begun. There were certainly some who thought this was okay, but that is not accurately representative of everyone during that time. Exageration does not help.

The increase in recent centuries? I'm saying there never was an increase in recent centuries, I'm saying that it has always pretty much sucked--unless you were well off. But for the masses of humanity through out known history has pretty much been full of violence, hunger and injustice. I seriously doubt a group of pagans doing what ever pagans do, have been the cause of it.
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