First Blog Post Here, Possibly My Last.

Hello Church.

First let me say I do not consider myself a "Good" person, as only God is Good. I have many failings. For one, I cannot keep a regular schedule with almost anything, including sleep. Though my sins are not blasphemous in nature, this does not mean they are any less bad than anyone else.

I have some words, perhaps people will read them.

I believe there is a virus within the Church today. I do not speak of the current pandemic, but something far more severe. I will cut to the chase. People are Christians for all the wrong reasons now days. The "Spirit filled Church" are no better off than then strictest of Churches in today's Christian landscape. I see many many Christians who say they are Christians but are Christians in name only. We haven't counted the cost of our salvation. How many Christians would be willing to die for their faith? If this question sounds absurd to you, then you are exactly the type of person I am talking to. So long we in the states have preached from the rooftops about salvation, yet few find the way. I say this because the Spirit is not in them. It does sound like strong language, doesn't it? But here me: When was the last time you literally got on your knees in repentance? When was the last time you felt sorrow over your sin? Paul Washer, a bold preacher has said, "Christians are sensitive to sin." How sensitive are you to your sin? Do you find yourself letting things slide from time to time? Frequently telling yourself, "This isn't THAT bad" as if it is an action God "tolerates" because you are a Christian? Brothers and sisters, I identify with this even though I am preaching against it. I find myself saying, "Yes, I sinned, but it was not as bad as it could have been." Does that somehow justify that I have in no small sense instantiated God's wrath against me? That is, unless I am forgiven. Christians are sensitive to sin. We find ourselves tearing ourselves to pieces over things like this. "Why, God, why? I'm so sorry for going against your commands." That is what I believe is needed as a wake up call for those who believe they are saved, but are simply acting in accord with what they were raised with, or what is popular, or what their friends say they believe. We don't deserve salvation. Anyone telling you different than this does not see the sin in their own life. People like Todd White who claim they have not sinned in 10+ years are so deceiving you that you would believe anything he would say without testing for yourselves what is actually the Truth.

We are all sinners. Paul spoke of his own sin in Romans 7. If someone who said he worked harder than all the other Apostles is willing to say how utterly dead in sin he is, what on earth makes us think we have any hope of salvation at all? We must seek repentance. That is what is stopping the growth of Christianity right now in my humble opinion. There is no Christianity without repentance. It is in the proposed earliest Gospel, in Mark, how those who believed were marked by repentance. If Christ was baptised, why not Peter? Why not James? Why not John? Cry out to Jesus. Let him renew you. Renew your conscience. Repent and do the work of God who commanded us to love one another.

I pray this finds you well.
Peace be with you.
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Jesse Dornfeld
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