Blog entries by lilmissmontana

3 min read
Father, thank You for this new day and new beginning. Please lead, guide, and direct me through this day. So, I've been in a strange place lately. So much understanding of where we're at in the times keeps coming ... and I'm thankful. But it's been wierd. I think I said it before ... but like...
3 min read
Father, thank You so much for Your guidance on the Truth. Jesus, bless You. Holy Spirit, thank You. Dear Lord, I love You with all my heart ... I know You will sustain me and preserve me and and pave the Way for me. Matthew 18:20 Jesus explains the obligation of brotherhood For where...
1 min read
Well ... if you look at what time I just posted the last blog entry, it'll clearly show the Lord didn't take much time in answering me ... :bow: He is so very, very good! :bow:Praise the Lord! well ... here's a real good start to dispelling the lie and letting the truth stand ... I'm one of...
3 min read
Father, I love you so much ... I wouldn't ... couldn't have a soul in the world that could understand how I feel right now. At this moment I appreciate the value of Your Comfort so much! You know how my heart is aching for the world and the earth ... I'm setting about this task in prayer that...
5 min read
well, the wow's just don't quit coming ... I want to talk this morning about 'in the spirit of ' ... that's a whole nether concept ... I guess I'll start with how my dad explained it to me since he was the first who explained ... he said, 'look at it this way ... you carry the spirit of...
4 min read
It sure seems like the ups and downs in my walk have gone from long stretches of despair intertwined with very short but sweet as can be times ... to intense pain and hurt of the heart to intense joy almost on a daily level ... I guess it reminds me of birthing ... but I know at this moment I...
4 min read
It's been a rugged couple days ... the enemy nailed me this time at the very core of my understandings. Through it my poor husband has dealt with me crying uncontrollably at times. I'm so incredibly sad for what the world has come to ... just all of it ... the world is a mess, the churches...
Let the glory of God be extolled, let His great name be hallowed in the world whose creation He willed. May His kingdom soon prevail, in our own day, our own lives, and the life of all Israel. Let His great name be blessed forever. Let the name of the Holy One, blessed is He, be glorified...
2 min read
I chose this picture because it's most how I feel lately. Things are so different than they were when I was last here. I thought that was the day I was to begin writing again. Not so, obviously. I'm still a little shy of putting myself out there again but it's just different now. Two years...
Dear Jesus, I don't know if I can even get this out ... feel like I have to try. I feel like it's important for others who are hurting to know they're not alone and that we all have moments of weakness ... Why, Lord! You say remind You of the promises we stand on and let's talk. I do and You...
in answer to my question 'should I continue work here at cf' 1 Chronicles 22:12,13,19 Only the Lord give thee wisdom and understanding, and give thee charge concerning Israel, that thou mayest keep the law of the Lord thy God. Then shalt thou prosper, if thou takest heed to fulfill the...
Dear Jesus, thank You for the encouragement You knew I would need and thank You for my seeing it first. Lord, You know I can't and never could pray against anyone ... so I'm asking You to justify me. What good would it do for someone as lowly as me to try to explain I'm just trying to do Your...
2 min read
wow! I had forgotten I wrote that ... oh well ... it stays ... it is what it is ... I'm here today because this is the day I start working on my blog again. I quit because I started coming here only in pain and it was too easy to write hurtful things ... I understand I'm to leave it exposed...
Dear Jesus There's nothing lonlier than being a Christian ... just don't know why I'm so awful ... :confused: :sigh: ... it seems the only thing worse than being me is dealing with me .. how can I not even deserve a hello :cry:I ask you why and what did I do and you remind me you said hearts...
6 min read
from old blog January 27, 2008 Dear Jesus, I know it's time to start this , but it is just so hard. I've known for a while now I'm supposed to do my testimony. I keep putting it off because everytime I try to think about it I just start crying. There is no way I can do this in one or two...
1 min read
from old blog January 27, 2008 Dear Jesus, You are so awesome! You always come through for me! Oh me of little faith! This was an awesome day! Thank you so much for being there for me. Father totally helped me see the bigger picture. I feel so good about things I can't believe a few hours ago...
from old blog January 25, 2008 Dear Jesus, I love you so much! I'm struggling really hard right now and I don't understand why. Why do I feel like this? I feel like crying all the time. I feel so incredibly sad ... like my heart is just breaking. I know the enemy is working hard on me right...
2 min read
from old blog January 21, 2008 Dear Jesus, I love you! Well, Jesus, you see what a mess I've made of everything. I'm sorry if I handled all this wrong. I just don't know how else I'm supposed to think or handle all this. I can't come to terms that a gift from the Holy Spirit is to be used...