Blog entries by Beautyinsteadofashes

I have come to a point where I don’t know if I could be convinced that my prayers matter. Mark 11:24 says “Therefore believe whatever you ask for in prayer and you shall receive it.” Those are Jesus’s words (though I may not have quoted exactly, I’m working on memory here.) But if I’m to have...
Worry really doesn’t fit with faith. When we are trusting God to handle something we aren’t worried over how things will play out. We can relax and be at peace about it. And that’s where I am over a situation right now. He’s got this. But not too long ago, I started to feel guilty for not being...
It really pains me to think about how few people I have trust for. There’s really only one person I have complete trust with. And I feel blessed to have that while also sad that I do not have that with others in my life. I think there are sort of different levels of trust. For instance, you...
This post really belongs in a forum but rather honestly I didn’t feel like searching for the proper category. So, trust.... Trust has to be earned. And it’s not done overnight, or like the flick of a switch. Earning trust is a continual process. We build trust when our actions align with our...
I didn’t feel like searching for the appropriate forum for my question. Does anyone know if any scripture that warns about speaking ill of someone else’s faith? An example would be like when someone says “oh your faith just isn’t big enough”.
Recently I was on Facebook responding to a friend and I mentioned to them that I was about to take a hot soak to try and ease my back pain. I said to them “make sure I don’t drown”. (I fall asleep in the tub sometimes). Later on, someone on their friends list, who also knows (but doesn’t like)...
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I really didn’t know where to put this as a thread, so I just put it as a blog. But I am looking for responses. I’ll try to be brief. Two weeks ago I made contact with my father through email after 23 years of nothing at all. Long story short, my dad had tried unsuccessfully to find me. See, my...
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Its been a long time since I’ve blogged. I decided to this morning because there is a lot on my mind. Gather round everyone whilst I tell you a story...(lol) Recently I made contact with my father. It’s been twenty three years since we have seen each other or had any contact whatsoever. I know...
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I began reading Romans this morning (managing to get through chapter one, every victory counts). The first verse that really struck me was verse 5. Well, 5-6, which in the NIV translation says: “Through him and for His name’ssake, we received Grace and apostleship to call people from among the...
Quite honestly I got tired of searching for the appropriate forum so I just made this a blog. But please leave comments. For those of you reading who enjoy cooking I need some recipe ideas to use up some items from my pantry. My son and I worked on cleaning out the cabinets today. We have an...
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I'm quite the fan of early television, particularly "I Love Lucy". (Don't ask me why, I'm not even sure) Recently my mom brought me season one and two of "Bewitched" which I admittingly binged watched on my day off. In my defense, I do have a cold. (I can't seem to stay healthy this year). If...
Its 4 am where I am. And I'm up because I just had a dream unlike any other I've ever had. It left an impression on me. So the blog "processing" seemed a good place to make this entry. Anyway... the dream starts in this grand department store. Its dark, for some reason, which dream-me even made...
I've said to God so many times, "use me", "Im ready, use me." Yet as I read a message this morning, I broke. I cried and I thought "God I don't know what to say or do". Later on I listened to "God help me" by plum. I played it maybe three times. On the last go the verse, "Help me to do...
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I was driving along this morning and the sun was getting in my eyes so I put my visor down. For whatever reason I then began contemplating how cars in the distant future would be. I joked to myself that instead of using a sun visor, perhaps cars would have high-tech windshields. Maybe they would...
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Here we go this should probably be a forum or a thread somewhere but and stead of searching for the right place to put it I'm just going to make it a blog. But feel free to respond as if it was a thread. I have a friend in need. He doesn't have very much to eat. Neither do I. But I have a...
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I'm sitting up in bed, in the dimness of my room, watching it rain out my window. Its making quite the patter, sounds a bit like mini galopping horses. Anyway, I remember my mother telling me when I was little, during storms, that thunder was God and the angels bowling and rain was the angels...
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It seems all the best stuff comes to me when I am either exhausted, depressed, or both. Guess Ill just roll with it. Here is what came to me tonight. Pronto? Andiamo! "Ready? Lets go!" I just love learning languages! *clears throat* anyway... One Sunday afternoon I was driving home, thinking on...
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I titled this the way I did...because it coincides with my entry "my story". But to save time, here is a synopsis: basically I endured horrific abuse of every kind, especially emotional/ psychological and sexual, for five years. There you go. Now there's no need to read "my story". I mean unless...
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I have developed an increasing fascination with sign language. Its so fun to learn! I first became interested in ASL back in high school. I learned a few things.... which I don't remember now...then again in college- I wanted to learn sign. I never took the class but I got the book from the...
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Wulp, here I go again. (Autocorrect tries to make "Wulp" pulp. Just a fun tidbit for ya) Anyways...I'm not really sure how well I will be able to articulate the thoughts and feelings I've been having lately, but I'll give it the old college try. My life is selfish. Its absolutely selfish. And by...